
Cocoa Core Data: Using a value transformer on an array controller's arrangedObjects to provide a filtered count.

As per the title really. I have an entity which has a property "idNumber". Just as I can bind a text box to the array controller's arrangedObjects with Model Key Path "@count" to provide a count of all the objects in the array, I would like to be able to bind a text field to the array controller's arrangedObjects with a value transformer...

Stored Block Closure as IBAction

I am trying to reduce ceremony and out of academic curiosity I want to know how to do the following without the IBAction method defined in the .m file to use a closure whenever an Interface Builder wired action occurs such as a button press. You could say that I want to imply the cancelButtonPress method below instead of having to defin...

How do I change the color of TableView and Button controls in iOS?

I designed a web app for iPhone and am now trying my hands at a native Objective-C version, and I'd like to retain some continuity with my original design. Since my web version uses CSS, I was able to customize the color palette, even though the UI was designed to imitate a native iPhone UI. I'd like to use a similar color scheme for my...

Loading NSView subclass from a XIB

I need to use a custom view into a NSMenuItem. I've created a new view XIB and customized the view in it. How can I load that view and set it in the NSMenuItem using the setView: method? UPDATE: I've found a solution but now the menu item with the custom view doesn't highlight on mouse over. Ho can I solve this problem? ...

Why does Apple recommends to create modal navigation controllers programmatically?

"When presenting a navigation controller modally, it is often simpler to create and configure your navigation controller object programmatically. Although you could also use Interface Builder to do so, doing so is generally not recommended." If fact, because my navigation controller is simple, I would rather customise the view in IB! ...

Importance of Direction of Control-Drag Operation while Setting Actions in Interface Builder

I have a question regarding the importance of choosing the correct starting and ending points of a control-drag operation while setting actions using Interface Builder (3.2.3). This issue came up while working through an example in an introductory text. In the example project there is a very simple graphical window with a three NSTextF...

Grouped UITableView Interface Builder Examples/Tutorial

Hi, I'm having an immense amount of trouble figuring out how to populate a Grouped UITableView with custom UITableViewCells. Could anyone point me towards a tutorial on how one might do this? Or does anyone have an example of what a cellForRowAtIndexPath method would look like when creating a Grouped UITableView with custom UITableViewC...

How to add a navigation bar to a UITableView

I added a subview to my application. The view controller is a UITableViewController. When I open the .xib file I see the table, but I can't drag a navigation bar onto it. So once the user enters the view, they have no way of getting back to the previous screen. What can be done? ...

How to make a tab bar application from scratch

How do you make a tab bar application from scratch, using Interface Builder? Is there a tutorial that shows how to do this? So far I've figured out that you need to start with a Windows-based application. Then do you open MainWindow.xib and add the tab bar controller there? ...

Interface Builder Tab Order Typing

Hi I have noticed, in one of my views in an iPad app I am building the next button on the keyboard goes through all the UITextFields from left to right down the screen. Is it possible somehow to make it go top to bottom then right, top to bottom? So say I have to two long columns of text fields, I wan to go top to bottom not left to r...

UIView build in Interface Builder connected to my custom UIViewController

Hi I was trying to use IB in a slightly different way that I am use to and I can't get it working extending the normal approach I use, when dealing with IB. Instead of making a new UIViewController and have the view XIB generated for me and everything linked together by Xcode, I would like to just build a small (320x40px) View XIB and ...

iPhone xcode code vs interface builder

I've been using Xcode for a while and had a brief look at the interface builder when I first started but then went straight on to coding everything. So far it's working OK but I just wondered if I'm missing something by not using the IB. Is there any advantage to using the IB at all? I've even coded subviews and stuff without using th...

How to make a view appear translucent

I'm using this to bring up a new view [self presentModalViewController:secondViewController animated:YES]; This completely covers the original view. Is there a way to make the second view translucent so that parts of the original view can still be seen? Can it be done in Interface Builder? ...

Interface Builder Plugin Custom NSView Dragging

I have created a simple custom NSView (plugin item) When i do resize my NSView in interface builder - everything displays normally (black rect) But when i drag NSView to reposition it, nothing is displayed. What method should be implemented to fix this issue? -(void)drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect { [super drawRect:dirtyRect]; [NS...

Convert Interface Builder code to XCode

Is it true that everything you do in Interface Builder can be done programmatically? If your project uses Interface Builder to make the GUI, can that code be converted to native XCode and inserted into the project? ...

Why not use Interface Builder

I have seen some people who refuse to use Interface Builder and prefer to make everything using code. Isn't this a bit tedious and doesn't it take longer? Why would people do that? ...

how are decomposed xib / nib files tied and linked together

Hello, When you decompose a nib file, xcode creates multiple nib files, but I can't see where the "children" nib files are tied or attached to the hierarchy. ...

My NIB subview throws NSUnkwownKeyException when connecting IBOutlets

I have used IB to create a NIB that will be loaded as a subview into my apps main view. That main view is a UIImagePickerController (its called visorViewController) and does not have a nib of it's own - it is complex it and was coded by hand. My subview is its own class - newSuperBlob.m/.h/.xib, and it is a subclass of UIView. Using a v...

Creating a large scrolling view in Interface Builder

I want to create a large view that will contain about 10-20 fields (slides, datepicker, textfields), all aligned one under the other. I'm on Interface Builder and I've placed a UIScrollView and on top of that added some fields. But I can't add any more fields that are not visible in the current window. So, how do I go about to add more...

How do I create a Cocoa GUI to edit an array of NSDate objects?

In one app I am working on I need to let the user edit a list of dates. I have those NSDate objects in an array and bound that to a NSArrayController. I bound a NSTableColumn (the only column in a table view) to that array controller using the key path arrangedObjects.self. This works fine - I get all the dates displayed in the table jus...