
Interface of interfaces

Is it considered good practice or bad practice to write an interface that exists solely to concentrate other interfaces? interface InterfaceA : InterfaceB, InterfaceC { } In doing this, a concrete implementation only needs to implement InterfaceA, which seems like a good thing, but it doesn't add any value by extending, which seems wa...

How do I declare a variable that contains a subclass of a class which implements an interface?

I want to declare a variable which holds a class which implements a specific interface. Specifically, I'm trying to store a SocketChannel and a DatagramChannel in the same property so I can use them interchangeably. Both of these classes extend SelectableChannel and also implement ByteChannel, and I wish to call methods from both. I d...

Java: Set interface and Collection interface differences

I just looked up the Set interface and found that it mostly (or completely) only redeclares functions which are already in the Collection interface. Set itself extends Collection, so doesn't that mean that the Set interface automatically has all the functions from Collection? So why are they redeclared then? For example, Set redeclares ...

C# Ensuring the GUI is as smooth as possible

Hi guys I'm being overly simplistic here, but say I have a WinForm with several controls on it (for example: a textbox, a treeview and a listview). To ensure the smoothest possible experience for the future (for instance, that listview may one day hold a lot of data), what should be done at the start? My knowledge of this kind of thin...

Interface implementation and inheritance in C#

I have some code to implement interface in C# public interface Intfc { void xyz();} public class BaseClass : Intfc { public virtual void xyz() { Console.WriteLine("In Base Class"); } } public class Derived : BaseClass { public override void xyz() { Console.WriteLine("In Derived Class"); } } st...

F# class definition with and without interface

Why is this acceptable: type SomeClass<'T> = val mutable id : int val mutable result : 'T But this is not: type SomeIface = abstract id : int type SomeClass<'T> = interface SomeIface with val mutable id : int val mutable result : 'T The compiler complains about my use of 'val' telling me to use 'm...

Doubt with the implementation of interfaces

Hello All, Firstly, this is just an Object Oriented Programming question and does not apply to any Language in particular. This is quite embarassing for me. This incident happened @ work and I was too shy to clarify this with my colleagues as it would indicate a poor understanding of Object Oriented Programming on my part. So here is t...

Can multiple inheritance be achieved in C# using interfaces?

I often encounter in articles which describe abstract class and interface, that C# does not support multiple inheritance but can be achieved using interfaces. I don't agree to that for the following reasons We always inherit the state and behavior from any class. Interface does not define the state or behavior. We cannot inherit anythi...

How to map composite-id with fluent nhibernate using an interface?

Hello, i'm trying to switch out .hbm mappings to fluent mappings an have a problem with the mapping of composite-ids and the usage of Interfaces the Class looks at follows: public class ClassWithCompositeId { public virtual IKeyOne KeyOne { get; set; } public virtual IKeyTwo KeyTwo { get; set; } } our hbm mapping looks like this...

Slightly confused over particulars of explicitly declaring interface with member.

I started with this: interface IFoo { string X { get; set; } } class C : IFoo { public void F() { } string IFoo.X { get; set; } } It compiled as I was expecting. No surprise. Then I go to this: interface IFoo { string X { get; set; } } class C : IFoo { public void F() { X = ""; } st...

Java: generic interfaces and functions in such

I am still experimenting with how Java handles generics. I stumbled upon the fact/issue/thing that if you have a generic interface like A<T>, you cannot really check afterwards if some object is actually implementing A<B> or A<C>. I wondered if that could cause actual problems. Now I have tried this code: static interface A<T> { void ...

Implementing Java generic interface in Clojure

I'm trying to get the hang of clojure in a selenium2/webdriver project using the webdriver-clj wrapper for webdriver. However, since the webinterface is heavily scripted, I need to have an option to wait until certain elements are created by the script, instead of on page load. So I was trying to create a wait-for function in clojure, ...

C# explicit declare member interface

How to declare explicit a member of a interface?.i.e: public interface IPerfil { int IDPerfil { get; set; } int IDMarca { get; set; } int IDRegional { get; set; } int IDFilial ...

can we create an object of an interface?

interface TestA { String toString(); } public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(new TestA() { public String toString() { return “test”; }}); } } What is the result? A. test B. null C. An exception is thrown at runtime . D. Compilation fails because of an error in line 1. E. Co...

.Net Build Error in Final Builder

My project is using an Interface to connect some optional code to my main application. It builds and runs fine during development but when I build it on my build machine I get Errors like the one below. ERROR BC30456 in C:\calc{list} Build{Pro}\Trunk\plugin Constant Contact\InfusionLogic.CC\calcListCCListColSWB.vb(94,0) : 'IconCol' is ...

Java - what is the use of interface? how dynamic method resolution works at runtime?

One more question, what is the difference between abstract class and interface? Thanks for your help ...

Is the signedness of char an interface issue?

Suppose I have a function void foo(char *) which, internally, needs to treat its input as a block of NUL-terminated bytes (say, it's a hash function on strings). I could cast the argument to unsigned char* in the function. I could also change the declaration to void foo(unsigned char *) Now, given that char, signed char and unsigne...

How to define interface method with diffferent arguments in AS3?

Hi! I'm trying to define interface in which one method (initPage) needs to have different arguments in every implementation. How can I do this? Using ...args for me is not good, because I'm loosing strong type checking. public interface IPage { function initPage(...args):void; function showPage():void; function hidePage():vo...

With JDO, is it possible to query for all objects that implement a particular interface?

I tried using the following query: Query q = getPersistenceManager().newQuery( getPersistenceManager().getExtent(ICommentItem.class, false) ); but got: org.datanucleus.exceptions.NoPersistenceInformationException: The class "" is required to be persistable yet no Meta -Data/Annotations c...

Java: Can interfaces contain constant variables defined in them?

Hi, I am new to java, hence again another probably silly doubt. I just want to know whether I can create public static final variables in an interface file. I know interfaces are abstract classes which contain methods that must be implemented by any class which implements the interfcae. But my question is whether I can keep some common...