
i am getting Connection timed out exception in IE 7 but not in IE 8

Hi, If i use IE7 to access my application & do some save or delete operations i am getting "" but if i use IE 8, application is going smoothly. using of IE 7 is mandatory for the users i have no other go now. Please guide me to solve the problem. Quick answers would be deeply appreciated. Thank You, Pruthvi ...

What Internet Explorer settings could cause IE7/IE8 to not load css?

We have received isolated reports of IE7 & IE8 not loading/parsing the css from our website built on 4 and hosted on iis 6. One user recently sent us screen shots to confirm the problem. They tried upgrading from IE7 to IE8 which did not fix the problem. Firefox installed on the same computer would load the website/css no...

Invalid argument in IE7: jQuery and prepend

The below code renders an invalid argument error when the the prepend method tries to execute // close button closers = overlay.find(conf.close || ".close"); if (!closers.length && !conf.close) { closers = $('<div class="close"></div>'); overlay.prepend(closers); } This is part of the jquery.overlay.js and the error is only...

IE7 not showing my Tooltips

Hi, the problem is that the tooltips shows and error in the script (don't know what could it be) in IE7 Can you take a look?? If you need any of the code or something else please ask... ...

JQuery - It fails on IE7. Crossbrowser compatibility?

Hi. I tried to open a post time ago about this problem (here), thinking i was wrong making the code. Now more or less i've understood that some version of Jquery with my code doesnt work on IE7. What's Happening? I also tried to open a post on JQuery official forum (link) but no one reply. Anyway, in my old website i used to work with jq...

DWR call fixes CSS problem in IE7???

Hi, I am facing a very strange issue in IE7. In our project I use DWR for getting data from server and then to transform them into table rows. This HTML result I insert into DOM. And here is the problem - after inserting the rows. I have table that has only one row and one column and the background of the only one cell is let's say red....

Which MIME type should I use to serve XHTML5 to IE7 and IE8?

I want to use XHTML5 but apparently they two browsers don't accept the application/xhtml+xml MIME type. I read that they will accept text/xml (or application/xml not sure) but it is kind of hackish. So I was wondering if I should just serve HTML5 to IE7 and IE8? Please don't go on talking about XHTML vs HTML advantages. I know. ...

IE7 / IE8 Non Background Image Flickering

I am currently developing a site that users the jQuery superfish plugin to construct a 3 level deep drop down menu with rounded corners, drop shadows and all of that other head banging, screen smashing, anger inciting stuff us web developers love. The client is using IE8, and IE7 as well. At the end of each menu, I am placing a 24bit ro...

How do I get IE7 to emulate IE8 ?

I am wondering if I can get an IE7 browser to render as IE8. I know this is backwards compatible by adding a META tag <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" /> Does anybody have any ideas? ...

IE6 and IE7 onMouseout event toElement problem for dropdown

I have a div#dropdownCont with onmouseout and onmouseover listeners attached via: domTarget.attachEvent('onmouseout', function(e){hideDropDown(e);}); domTarget.attachEvent('onmouseover', function(e){showDropDown(e);}); The dropdown works like this -- when mouseover event happens, the div#dropdownCont expands downwards as its childnode...

switched DNS pointer today and site renders in compaibility mode

We have been developing a corporate intranet site on an IIS7 server. Today we changed the DNS to point to a domain name - and I don't know much about that end of things - and the site is rendering in IE7 mode. The DNS is just a pointer like thing, right? It translates an IP address to a domain name? Why would things show up differently? ...

jQuery Navigation not working in IE7

Hello, I have the following code in a project for the main navigation. It is essentially a css-sprite that is overlayed once the user hovers over the menu. This is working perfectly in every browser except IE7 (ie6 not tested). I have tried debugging my css and feel this is coming from jQuery / JS code specifically. Is there some jQ...

IE ajax interrupting issue

I am experiencing this issue with IE7 but not in Chrome or firefox: I have several page elements that are loaded via ajax. This elements are dynamically displayed on the page as hyperlinks to another page. As I have many such elements loading, I can sometimes see the progress of the page load (i.e. I can see the elements getting popula...

Jquery ajax doesn't work as it should in IE

Hi All We're building a web app, and it's using jquery ajax and jsp on the 'select' tags. Ajax request works in all browsers except, of course, the notorious IE family. Normally, if I click on a 'select' tag, it supposed to dynamically populate the other 'select' tags depending on the option chosen. But in IE, this functionality works f...

IE7 shows links improperly

This site doesn't work properly in IE7: It worked fine in Chrome and IE8 supposedly. This isn't my site. HTML consists of standard relative links: <a href="/contact">Contact</a> In IE 7's status bar, the above link appears as: http://./contact Why is IE7 the only browser affected, and how ...

TextBox.TextChanged event not firing on IE7

In my web form I have a Textbox control. The TextChanged event of the Textbox is not triggering. AutoPostBack is set to true What could be the reason for this? Here is the code: protected void Textr_TextChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { } <asp:TextBox ID="Textr" TabIndex="10" Style="z-index: 117; left: 500px; ...

IE7 / IE8 Compatibility View: Element on page shifts to correct position when ANY css changes

Hi all, I have an extremely strange problem in IE that I can't seem to track down. I have two boxes, both floated left, with a margin-left on the right box to give some spacing between the two. In Firefox (of course), it all displays correctly, but in IE when the page is first loaded, the boxes have no separation (no margin). Here's th...

IE7 (IE8 Compatability Mode) bug: crazy amound of width applied to a floated element that is parent to another float.

Here's my problem. It looks perfect in Firefox, Safari, IE8, but in IE7 and IE8 comparability mode, it adds about 4000px of width to the elements nested within the list item. the problem goes away if i remove the span.score elements. The image attached shows the score in the first box in white number text. The top image is th...

How to force a pop-up to open in a new window while (Always open pop-ups in new tab) is checked?

Currently, under IE8 and in IE7, using javascript and target param is set to _blank, and while (Always open pop-ups in new tab) is checked, the pop up will open in new tab. Is there a way to force the new pop up to open in a new window from javascript? Is there a solution other than javascript? Thanks ...

jQuery & $.fn undefined in IE7

$(window).load(function(){ alert(typeof $.fn.init_deps); }); $(document).ready(function(){ /* Departments switcher */ $.fn.init_deps = function(s){ var o = { deps:false, cats:false } $.extend(o,s); if(!s.deps || !s.cats) {return;} return this.each...