
Website not working well on IE 7

I have this website, Now I tried many times to make it work on IE 7 (possibly IE6 too didn't check) but for some reason the middle frame on the right doesn't show content. If you compare it to Firefox or Chrome (or even IE8) it works ok. I need to fix this but I'm not sure what's causing the problem.. Note I ...

IE7 cuts-off input fields in a form

All other browsers, including IE8, render the form correctly, except IE7; I assume IE6 exibits same problem. IE7 cuts-off, shrinks the form, and shows about 5% of the input fields; I removed all css formatting but not change; I have applied several related fixes without success; help or direction as to where to find related information...

Can IE7/8 display position:relative elements in front of position:absolute ones?

I have a layout based on absolute positioning and a CSS-based menu in the header area. Everything works fine in Firefox, but in Internet Explorer 7 and 8, the menu dropdowns are covered by the content area. IE simply does not honour the z-index property in this case. I read about stacking contexts and the z-index bug, but still could no...

Problem with dojo Dialog in IE7

Hi, I'm trying to use dojo's dialog box in a page in my application but having some problems with the page in IE7 (or in IE 8 in some cases, when the page is viewed in compatibility mode). Following is a rough skeleton structure of the page i'm trying to write. <head> <style type="text/css"> body, html { font-family:helvet...

Why can I append to an empty table but not set its html via jQuery in IE7?

This problem only occurs using IE (only tested in IE 7, works fine in firefox/chrome). I've got an empty table element on my page with id='settings'. After an ajax call executes I place the results of said ajax call into my empty table element like so: $("#settings").html(msg); Well that just isn't working... if I alert(msg); I see t...

IE7 Duplicating text in tumblr blog posts

Alright, I thought I had seen every bug out there for IE7, but I've never seen this. This is my first Tumblr blog, so I have limited experience with that. I hope someone can help! In IE7 the main text for a post is duplicated just underneath of the original text. So basically each line of text appears twice. I have no idea what's happen...

IE7 body width increases with floated element

In IE7 standards mode rendering, a strange thing happens with the following body: <body> <div style="border: 1px solid black;"> <span style="float: right; font-style: italic;">some text to the right</span> other text to the left </div> </body> The body width doubles, even though the <div> width looks correct. There is just...

How does browser choose media type to filter CSS links?

A page on my site has a link to a stylesheet for media="print". <link rel="stylesheet" href=".../print.css" type="text/css" media="print" /> Most browsers correctly ignore this link when rendering for a screen, but IE7 includes the file and processes the style rules, rendering the page inappropriately for a screen display. How doe...

CSS trouble with IE7

I am designing a website and it looks good in basically all browsers except IE7, where I have a problem I haven't been able to correct. I have a menu in HTML like this: <div id="nav"> <ul> <li id="cMenu"><a id="cart" href="#">Home</a></li> <li id="pMenu"><a id="promos" href="#">Promos</a></li> ...

My website nav menu renders badly in IE7 and below - Need your advice

I'm working on a site currently which has a simple css nav menu with css that looks like so: #nav { background: #ffffff; list-style: none; width:300px; height:100px; float:right; border-color: #600; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; border-style: solid; } #nav a { color: #bf511e; text-decorat...

[IE7 jQuery] link click(): jQuery function body not reached .

I'm trying to align the height of a sidebar div by the height of another div, accessed (show/hide) by clicking on a link. The solution I've implemented so far is to attach a function to each click, and set $('').height(height) for the sidebar div. 'Course, it doesn't work in IE7, although it's great in IE8 and firefox. JS code: fu...

Possible IE7 Background Bug?

Hey everyone. I'm encountering something I've never really come across before in IE7. I have a wrapper div with a background image applied to it. This image is supposed to repeat all the way until the end of the wrapper div. In IE7 there seems to be a scrolling issue where if I use the scroll bar to see parts of the page that aren't ...

IE 7 jQuery .append functionality not working

I have the following snippet of code: $("#QnAList").append("<div id=qdiv" + i + " class=divBase> <span id='" + i + "'>" + msg.d[i].QuestionText + "</span> <span id='display'" + i + "'>" + answerDisplay + "<span class='triage'> </span></div>"); msg.d[i].QuestionText is the problem that I'm having. In FF it is displaying the text perf...

jQuery and weird links in IE7

I'm working on a website and part of it's code (jQuery related) was written by another programmer. Now in IE7 some links look like this (at least that's what Developer Tools shows me): <a href="#" id="id1" jQuery1284452043889="13">some link</a> <a href="#" id="id2" jQuery1284452043889="14">some link</a> I'm not good at JS, so could yo...

Javascript performance in Sharepoint with IE7

I am using Javascript to display an 8*8 grid in a Sharepoint page. The code basically fetches the data from an array, creates a table with the data and adds it to the page when it first loads. It also adds onmouseout and onmouseover attributes to each cell of the table, which call 2 different Javascript functions: to add a description...

jquery script only works in IE 7 but I need cross compatibility...

Any reason as to why this script won't work in any other browser. HERE'S the JsFiddle The effect in IE 7, which is that the menu scrolls down and as you hover over the menu items and they animate by shifting to the right for the "on hover" of an <li> object. The effect in FF 3.5 is incorrect. The menu dropdowns, will scro...

IE7/IE8 Compatible rendering floated layout wrong

I have a site with a right sidebar and a left main content area. Code looks like this: <div class="leftside">leftsidecontent</div> <div class="leftside">leftsidecontent</div> <div class="leftside">leftsidecontent</div> <div class="leftside">leftsidecontent</div> <div class="rightside">rightsidecontent</div> <div class="rightside">rights...

Need CSS Guru set of eyes for IE7 issue

I have a CSS drop down menu (with a small footprint of javascript to accommodate IE). This menu works absolutely perfectly, as designed, in every browser except (you guessed it) IE7. What is perplexing and frustrating to me is that when I switch my IE8 browser to mode-IE7 in the developers tools of IE I cannot create this issue. The men...

Jquery scrollTo issues in IE7

Hello, I have a page that uses jQuery's scrollTo plugin to manage some functionality. When you want to reset your password from the login page, it scrolls to a new form rather than taking the user to a new page. It all works fine everywhere but IE7, of course. Here's my HTML: <div id="blocksWrapper"> <div id="blocks"> <div...

wordpress twentyten navigation ie7 bug

Here's the problem I'm having. When you rollover the navigation the first time everything seems to work fine, if you rollover the nav and go a couple of levels deep everything still works fine. However if you roll out of the nav after going a couple of levels deep and then hover back over that same item all the levels of navigation th...