
How do I know if Quirks mode was triggered within IE6?

Hi folks, I read that if the DOCTYPE is not corectly set IE6 will enter Quirks mode. I have given a document HTML 4.01 Transitional, but how do I know if IE6 triggers Quirks mode or not? ...

Is there a way to dynamically insert an absolutely positioned HTML element in a way that is compatible with IE?

Here's my JavaScript code: function BuildObject(container, index, imgFile, left, top, width, height) { var newImg = document.createElement('img'); newImg.setAttribute("id","d" + index); newImg.setAttribute("src", imgFile); newImg.setAttribute("style", "position:absolute; left:" + left + "px; top:" + top + "px"); newImg.setAttr...

IE 8 Built in Export to Excel feature from an ASP.NET GridView

Hi, Using IE 8 there's an option to "Export to Excel" when you right click on a grid view. Within ASP.NET I'm filtering on varions columns and returning a smaller view of the data. If right click and "Export to Excel" I get the unfiltered results, not the results displayed on my web page! Anyone know what I'm doing wrong / how to res...

jQuery .attr('type', 'submit') on a button element giving me a strange error in IE7

I'm parsing a JSON response via $.ajax() and building a form from this object's values. The script I've written is long, but here's what it's doing: Dynamically creating: ~ a form element, ~ a fieldset element, ~ a button element, ~ 20 or so text inputs and label elements Appending the inputs and labels to the fieldset Appending the b...

jQuery Gallery won't work in any version of Internet Explorer

I wrote my original jQuery code and saw that it wasn't working in any version of IE. I used JSLint to figure out why it wasn't working in any version of internet explorer. Here is my new code that I cleaned up using JSLint This still refuses to work on any version of IE. AND to top it off it...

How do I get IE to properly reposition an element after a sibling resizes vertically?

I have the following markup: <nav id='tab_links'> <a href='#view1'>One</a> <a href='#view2'>Two</a> </nav> <div id='container'> <div id='view1'>Short Content</div> <div id='view2'>Much longer content</div> </div> <footer> <input type='submit' /> </footer> and the following styles: #view2 { display: none; } #footer { display:...

set links visited color to transparent works in firefox but not IE

i used this Code, works fine in Firefox, but in IE unvisited links are default blue and visited links are purple? please help,not whats the deal a:link { text-decoration:none; color:transparent; } a:visited { text-decoration: none; color:transparent; } ...

What IE version should you install to check CSS compatibility on IE with a Mac?

I'm trying to fix my css on IE, and I want to check to see if it's working. What version should I install and from where? ...

How do i provide chunked data Transfer in IE(Internet Explorer)

Hi all, I am Running a rails application and uploading some large file (more than 2 GB) am able to do it from google chorme but when i try to do it from IE or mozia am gettind page does not exit and some times IE restart .Someone advised me to enable chunked transfer support in IE... I would like to ...

jquery .html() not displaying in ie works fine in firefox

Hi again! I have a what i would call a stange problem, though its to do with internet explorer (7 8 in both normal and compatability modes) so is not that strange to have a problem!! I have created a page break system. there are buttons on the page [previous] [next] [show all] / [show as pages] when the buttons are clicked it uses an ...

Should we as developers charge extra for making code work with ie?

I ask this question because so many times i build a website then i have to spend sometimes as much time i took building the website, modifying code so it works in ie. it takes a long time because at present debugging tools for ie are appalling. definatley not up to the standard of firebug. in a few years gone, if i was to create a flash...

Debugging Javascript using IE Developer Tools

I've been using the above tool for some time now but recently I've had an issue when trying to debug javascript. I get the following message: Unable to attach to process. Another debugger might be attached to the process Visual studio seems to be debugging the javascript for me, which I don't want it to do. Any idea how I stop this? ...

Nivo Slider - IE issue loading Image Dynamically w/ JS

I am having issue with IE when i dynamically inject image tag into Nivo Slider. I forced the images to show up by styling the width to a fixed px, but the images seems to overflow-x. It only happens in IE! Help please. ...

ie shows things backwards? how to fix

i have an ie problem for some reason my tabbed menu shows the opposite way in ie than it should it should have tabs on the top right and tabs on the left side of the container but only in ie the tabs appear on the right hand side i cant seem to figure it out here is my html lists , some script and the css applied to them <ul> <li...

z-index problem when printing from Internet Explorer

When you print in IE it prints content in the layer below the top one. Any way around this. I'd rather do it via css than a setting in the browser. Many thanks, Jools ...

I can't add html elements dynamically in IE

I have this javascript code to add html elements dynamically. It works perfectly in chrome but it doesn´t work in IE, nothing happens, just seems to add spaces that are maybe divs. Please Help Me!! <script type="text/javascript"> var numero = 0; evento = function (evt) { return (!evt) ? event : evt; } addCampo = function () { ...

Moving divs + array with text in jquery, problem in IE

Hello, Please see the following website ( in Firefox, chrome, safari, .. It works fine. Then, open it in IE (7 or 8, doesn't matter). It doesn't really work :-). You can view the source of whatever you want, but here are the important things. I think the array with text that is being replaced is causin...

jQuery append() issue in IE

Hi All, I have the following script which I am running. It loops through each table in the page and appends "Table n [Table Title]" below each table. This script works fine in Chrome, Mozilla but not IE 6 or 7. No errors are captured. Can anyone help with explaining if I have missed something here in my script or is this a bug in jQu...

IE's execCommand not working when inserting image

I am using nicedit WYWIWYG editor and all is well in the land of the good web browser but once again MS has cause me frustration through its IE incarnation! For some reason this command document.execCommand(cmd,false,args); is returning false unlike all other browsers, therefore not executing properly These are my params: cmd "...

My website keeps crashing IE, can't debug.

I have a website that suddenly started to crash internet explorer. The website loads and starts executing javascript but somewhere in there the machinery explodes. I don't even get a script error, it just crashes. I've tried to manually step through every single line of js with the built in debugger but then of course the problem doesn'...