
Checking to see if a DOM element has focus.

I've got a lightbox textbox that is displayed using an AJAX call from an ASP.NET UpdatePanel. When the lightbox is displayed, I use the focus() method of a textbox that is in the lightbox to bring focus to the textbox right away. When in Firefox, the text box gains focus with no problem. In IE, the text box does not gain focus unless I ...

Does IE 7 have any memory limitations when recieving a dynamically generated PDF? If so, does anyone have a workaround?

Our system dynamically generates a large report by converting many HTML pages into a single PDF. The resulting PDF is sent back (via the HTTP request) to the calling browser. When the report is sufficiently large (200+ pages) IE 7 intermittently chokes. The result issue is the calling PC locks up and must be rebooted. When using an al...

Problem selecting HTML elements with xpath in Internet Explorer

I'm trying to select a specific HTML element in a document, for firefox i just use: xpathobj = document.evaluate(xpath, document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null); which works fine. However when i try the IE equivilent: xmlDoc=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); xmlDoc.async=false; xmlDoc.load(document); xmlDoc.set...

Why am I getting this Javascript runtime error?

I've got the following JavaScript on my web page... 64 var description = new Array(); 65 description[0] = "..." 66 description[1] = "..." ... 78 function init() { 79 document.getElementById('somedivid').innerHTML = description[0]; 80 } 81 82 window.onload = init(); In Microsoft Internet Explorer it causes the ...

Is there any good or reliable way to figure out where a JavaScript error is using only an Internet Explorer error message?

I'm writing an app which for various reasons involves Internet Explorer (IE7, for the record), ActiveX controls, and a heroic amount of JavaScript, which is spread across multiple .js includes. One of our remote testers is experiencing an error message and IE's error message says something to the effect of: Line: 719 Char: 5 Error: Un...

How can I delete (not disable) ActiveX add-ons in Internet Explorer (7 and 8 Beta 2)?

I'm developing a solution which uses an ActiveX control (a commercial one which we bought and that I did not develop). I need to develop the proper installation pages to simulate what happens when a user who has never visited the site and does not have the add-on installed comes to the page. I've found the "Manage Add-Ons" bit in Intern...

Is there a way to enhance by CSS an HTML <select> and its <option> on IE 6 ?

Internet explorer 6 seems totally ignore CSS classes or rules on select, option or optgroup tags. Is there a way to bypass that limitation (except install a recent version of IE) ? Edit : to be more precise, I'm trying to build a hierarchy between options like that example: Here's the HTML snippet : <select name="hierarchicalList" mu...

How can I upload more than one file from a single HTML form in IE?

Internet Explorer (from versions 4 to 7, at least) limits the number of files uploaded using a single 'input type="file"' form field to one. What is the best approach to take if I want to upload more than one file in a single HTTP POST request? ...

Can I speed up the YUI layout manager, when I have a large table on the page?

I am using the YUI layout manager which seems to work at an OK speed. However if the page contains a large <Table> with about 500 rows, the YUI render() function takes about a minute longer to run. When I open the same page without the layout manager it opens in less than a second. My only concern is with IE 7. I tried it on firefox an...

How to launch multiple Internet Explorer windows/tabs from batch file?

I would like a batch file to launch two separate programs then have the command line window close. Actually, to clarify, I am launching Internet Explorer with two different URLs. So far I have something like this: start "~\iexplore.exe" "url1" start "~\iexplore.exe" "url2" What I get is one instance of Internet Explorer with only the...

IE6 generated strange worksheet name when doing export from java application

I am encountering error like test(10)[1].csv file cannot be found at C:\Documents and Settings\Ron\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\PQ0STUVW When trying to do export of CSV file using the following codes. Anyone have any idea what could be wrong? This issue does not occur in IE7 / Firefox and is only specific to ...

CSS: Two 50% fluid columns not respecting min width

I'm trying to use this layout with two 50% column width instead. But it seems that when the right columns reaches its 'min-width', it goes under the left column. Is there any way to use the 'shim' technique to set a min-width to the wrapper so both columns stop resizing. Thus, eliminating the problem of the right column finding itself un...

How can you get the terminal service client machine name from javascript?

Is it possible to get the machine name, or IP, or MAC address (basically client network information) from javascript running Internet Explorer? I found the following code that seems to accomplish this: function Button1_onclick() { var locator = new ActiveXObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator"); var service = locator.ConnectServer("."...

.hide(), .show(), tables, and IE

I have some nested tables that I want to hide/show upon a click on one of the top-level rows. The markup is, in a nutshell, this: <table> <tr> <td>stuff</td> .... more tds here </tr> <tr> <td colspan=some_number> <table> </table> </td> </tr> </table> Now, I'm using some jQu...

CSS for a pre-like element in IE

I want to define a CSS class that will provide the same style as HTML's <pre> element. I tried this: .mystyle { display: block; font-family: monospace; white-space: pre; } which works fine on FF but not on IE (white-spaces are not kept). Does anyone have a clue? ...

Internet Explorer Debug Mode - Is there a quick way to enable/disable it?

I do web site debugging with IE (as well as other browsers) but my problem is with IE, as it is the browser i usually use for regular browsing. In order to debug you need to turn on debug mode in the advanced options. Ok, fine. Its turned on. But the issue I have that is quite annoying is that it seems 30% of websites have JS errors, an...

Inserting a newline into a pre tag (IE, Javascript)

In IE when I insert text into a <pre> tag the newlines are ignored: <pre id="putItHere"></pre> <script> function putText() { document.getElementById("putItHere").innerHTML = "first line\nsecond line"; } </script> Using \r\n instead of a plain \n does not work. <br/> does work but inserts an extra blank line in FF, which is not a...

History data from IE

Where does Internet Explorer store the history data, i.e. the list of URL that have been visited? I am using Windows XP SP3 and IE7. Basically I would like to read the list of URL and make some statistics on how often what pages are visited. ...

Internet explorer hanging issue

I'm currently experiencing an intermediate problem with some inherited client side javascript. Every so often the users' experience a browser hang with the cursor becoming an egg timer and then the browser failing to respond. I'm having real difficulty in determining where the issue is arising from. Short of disabling large chunks of j...

img onload doesn't work well in IE7

I have an img tag in my webapp that uses the onload handler to resize the image: <img onLoad="SizeImage(this);" src="foo" > This works fine in Firefox 3, but fails in IE7 because the image object being passed to the SizeImage() function has a width and height of 0 for some reason -- maybe IE calls the function before it finishes loadi...