
C# to VB6 COM events ("object or class does not support the set of events")

Really pulling my hair out with this one... I have a C# project with an interface defined as: /* Externally Accessible API */ [InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIDispatch)] public interface ISerial { [DispId(1)] bool Startup(); [DispId(2)] bool Shutdown(); [DispId(3)] bool UserInput_FloorButton(int flo...

Git interoperability with a Mercurial Repository

I use GIT on a Mac. Enough said. I have the tools, I have the experience. And I want to continue to use it. No wars here... The problem is always with interoperability. Most people use SVN, which is great for me. Git SVN works out of the box, and is a no frills solution. People can continue happily use SVN and I don't loose my workflow ...

.NET Properties in COM Interop?

Is it true that you cannot use COM Interop to expose COM properties? Everything has to be a method? If this is not true, how do you do it? ...

Mail Merge (Excel to Word) using C#

Hey all I was wondering if anybody knew how to do a mail merge using an Excel file as a datasource, to fill in fields on a Word template? I wish to use the interop for Word if i could...but am having a few difficulties finding code for this. Does anybody have any syntax for this? Thank you in advance. ...

Interop between C++ and C#

I have this struct in C++: struct TEXTMSGSTR { HWND Sender; wchar_t Text[255]; //wchar_t *Text; }; and in C#: public struct TEXTMSGSTR { public IntPtr Sender; public ? Text; } which I am sending as part of a COPYDATASTRUCT message from unmanaged to managed code. What would be the correct construction of the stru...

How to best convert VARIANT_BOOL to C++ bool?

When using COM boolean values are to be passed as VARIANT_BOOL which is declared in wtypes.h as short. There are also predefined values for true and false: #define VARIANT_TRUE ((VARIANT_BOOL)-1) #define VARIANT_FALSE ((VARIANT_BOOL)0) Which is the best way to convert from VARIANT_BOOL to C++ bool type? Obvious variants are: compare...

Apache Sandesha whit WSE 3.0 Reliable Messaging (WseRM)

I have a Apache axis1.4 web services system and I'm looking for to add WS-ReliableMessaging whit Apache Sandesha. As any one have some experience off interoperability whit .NET WSE 3.0 Reliable Messaging (WseRM). It just works? Any kown problems? Does it solve problems? ...

Problems consuming a Java/AXIS web service in a .Net Application

Hi, I have to consume a Web Service that is written in Java by a 3rd party, generated with Axis I guess. I'm using .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 and VS 2008. I've made a Web Reference, as we used to make in .net 2.0, and pointed it to the wsdl of the service. It worked perfectly with some methods of the service, but when I try to call a Met...

DLL interop / interesting error

char ARRAY[1024]; // <-- global Code below works myFunctionInDll("some string"); // everything ok Code below doesn't work myFunctionInDll(ARRAY); // after compilation the entry point of DLL cannot be found So, to sum up, if I pass a "static string" to my function inside my dll the dll compiles and loads perfectly. However, i...

Windows.Forms and gtk# interoperability?

Can I combine code that uses System.Drawing.Bitmap together with other code in a program that uses GTK#? I would like to be able to display the Bitmap image processed in a GTK# window/widget. More generally, is there any interoperability between the two toolkits? For example is there any classes, like Rectangle, that would work on both,...

COM Exceptions in C#

I am consuming a cpp COM object from c# code. My c# code looks like this: try { var res = myComServer.GetSomething(); } catch (Exception e) { } However the exception never contains any of the details I set in cpp, in particular my error message. In my cpp side I have followed several examples I have found on the web: ... ICreateE...

Marshaling arrays from VB.NET to COM object

Hi, I have a VB6 program which calls a COM method, passing 2 arrays as parameters and expecting 2 arrays to be populated in response. The code is this, where ItemIDs and ItemClientHandles are the input array parameters and MyItemServerHandles and Errors are populated by the COM object. Dim ItemIDs(2) As String Dim ItemClientHandles(2)...

How can an out-proc COM server detect client failure?

Say we have an out-proc COM server and a client. The client calls a method in the server and unexpectedly terminates. Is there a way for the server to detect this and interrupt the method? ...

.tlh generated on 2 machines is different

I have a .NET dll which has some interfaces\classes which are exposed to com. during the build procedure a .tlb file is generated and this tlb is referenced by some c++ code. As a result the compiler generates a .tlh file for the tlb. When I run the build locally one of the properties in one of the interfaces ends up with a correspond...

Does .net interop do cross-thread marshalling for COM or do I need to use CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream or similar?

Can anyone give me a definitive answer as to whether I need to use something like CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream, CoGetInterfaceAndReleaseStream or GlobalInterfaceTable to marshall a COM interface between threads? In this thread some say interop does it for you, some say you need to use these calls. Which is it? Specifically I'm ...

MSBuild ASP.NET VB6 DLL Interop

We have a C# ASP.NET 3.5 project with VS 2008. We also have a VB6 DLL that we call via Interop (yuck...I know). We use a Web Deployment project with MsBuild and run a batch file to build the project on a build machine. My question is: Is there a way to modify the MSBuild project to have the VB6 DLL and interop files created and moved...

Can I use RSACryptoServiceProvider public/private keys to interop with Crypto++?

I've created a public/private key using RSACryptoServiceProvider and saved it as XML. I can use this to encrypt/decrypt/sign and verify data in .NET. I have another application which is intended to run on a Linux server. I'm developing it in C++ and I'm using Crypto++ for my cryptography needs. I want to share data between these two a...

Threads shutdown during mixed managed/unmanaged c++/CLI process shutdown

I'm working on a mixed managed/native application using c++/CLI. I know that the CLR will suspend all managed threads on (a clean) shutdown, but what about the unmanaged ones? Is it possible for the unmanaged threads to still be running, while the CLR runtime is shutting down/freeing memory/running finalizers? ...

How to programatically tell if a word document is corrupt?

I've got a little C# application that interops with word converting a bunch of word .doc files into textfiles and for the most part this works fine. However, if the document is currupt then word cannot open the file and a dialog box pops up, which means that I cannot fully automate this conversion process - someone has to watch for the ...

Using F1 Help (CHM format) With WPF

I've been working on a WPF application for a while, and the time has come to attach the CHM format help document to it. But alas! HelpProvider, the standard way to show CHM files in Winforms, has magically vanished and has no counterpart in WPF. I've been trying to use WindowsFormsHost to spawn a new control so I can actually display th...