
Is there any sql interpreter for objects?

Is there any interpreter that takes a string or even a custom object as input and execute it on my datasource? I cannot use linq to object because query always changes and the report i'm working on, has about 6000 queries which i can reduce to 9 if i find some tool doing that for me. Opensource is very applicable. thanks in advance. ...

Web-based code interpreter

I remember coming across a website where I could type in some code and it would compile and run it (or error out), displaying any console output. It accepted a variety of interpreted and non-interpreted languages — I specifically remember that I could use C (maybe Python too... I'm not completely sure). Does anyone know what site I'm ta...

Game Development: Should I program my levels or interpret them from a file?

The title says it all... The game will be written in C++ Programming: enemies.puch_back(new DefaultEnemy(200, 300, 3, 5)); enemies.puch_back(new DefaultEnemy(500, 400, 4, 5)); enemies.puch_back(new DefaultEnemy(300, 420, 3, 15)); Key(4), "pling.wav"); Or Interpret them from a file like this: DefaultEnem...

C# interpreter add-in for visual studio

I come from a lisp background where I could type in snippets to the command line while coding, to make sure I get a small chunk of code correct the first time. Its great for testing string formatting, simple math calls, etc without having to recompile a whole project to test small changes. Is there a feature or add-in in visual studio ...

How do you write and execute Ruby tests in a Ruby interpreter?

I was working with the lotrepls Ruby interpreter, and I want like to write tests in the interpreter that I can then write Ruby code to pass. In Python, I can write doctests and then write code to pass the doctests. For example: >>> b 1 This tests that b=1, and entering b=1 will get this doctest to pass. Is there a similar way to...

How do clojure programs/compilers/interpreters actually "work"?

It seems that to install Clojure in every new IDE, I have to completely re-install it and create a copy of it. And running the REPL seems like it's running a Java program. I'm coming from a Ruby background, where Ruby programs are run by ruby program.rb, and the ruby being a program executed from one place, onto the file (I am aware th...

Shortcut to testing PHP code

Having a python interpreter is really useful as it lets you quickly type in few commands and verify output; making it easier to understand syntax. However, in PHP, every time I want to try something out I have to - create a PHP script, save it, run it in my browser. Is there a shortcut that I am missing out on for PHP that would make ...

Are there any tutorials on building a simple interpreter using Alex + Happy?

I'm working on a school project where I have to build an interpreter for a simple language using Alex + Happy in Haskell. After looking through the documentation I understand most of it, but would like to see a full blown example on using the tools. ...

Interpreter in Python: Making your own programming language?

Remember, this is using python. Well, I was fiddling around with an app I made called Pyline, today. It is a command line-like interface, with some cool features. However, I had an idea while making it: Since its like a "OS", wont it have its own language? Well, I have seen some articles online on how to make a interpreter, and parser, ...

Better practice to strcpy() or point to another data structure?

Because it's always easier to see code... My parser fills this object: typedef struct pair { char* elementName; char* elementValue; } pair; My interpreter wants to read that object and fill this one: typedef struct thing { char* label; } thing; Should I do this: thing.label = pair.elementName; or this: thing.label = (char*)...

PHP error logging not comprehensive?

Hi, I'm working with PHP and have got the error logging turned on and turned up with: error_reporting = E_ALL | E_STRICT log_errors = On error_log = /path/to/file display_errors = Off Now this log files catches most PHP errors but occasionally I will make a change and have the page fail to display with no logging to the file. A s...

Picking a front-end/interpreter for a scientific code.

The simulation tool I have developed over the past couple of years, is written in C++ and currently has a tcl interpreted front-end. It was written such that it can be run either in an interactive shell, or by passing an input file. Either way, the input file is written in tcl (with many additional simulation-specific commands I have a...

Overhead of call-by-need / call-by-name Lisp interpreter strategy

I've a partially finished interpreter for a lexically scoped 'pure Lisp' (no set!) that uses a call-by-need evaluation model which comes down to call-by-name with simple caching, the interpreter naturally uses an environment-based evaluation model. The standard way of evaluating lambda abstractions, as in, constructing a new environment...

Is the primary implementation of *any* popular programming language interpreter written in C++?

At the moment I am considering whether or not to rewrite a programming language interpreter that I maintain in C++. The interpreter is currently implemented in C. But I was wondering, is the primary implementationbecause, certainly, people have made versions of many interpreters using a language other than the one used by the original a...

Compiled interpreted language

Is there a programming language, having usable interactive interpreter, even as it can be compiled to machine code? ...

Fast Standard ML compiler or bytecode interpreter, with read-eval-print loop, for Linux?

For use with a class I'll be teaching, I'm looking for a fast compiler or bytecode interpreter for Standard ML. I'm looking for fast compile times; any reasonable run time will do. Bonus if the compilation model is simple and clear. Students in the class will also be using MLton to generate good binaries, but MLton is slow to compile...

C/C++ Dynamic loading of functions with unknown prototype

Hi, I'm in the process of writing a kind of runtime system/interpreter, and one of things that I need to be able to do is call c/c++ functions located in external libraries. On linux I'm using the dlfcn.h functions to open a library, and call a function located within. The problem is that, when using dlsysm() the function pointer retur...

Wrote a quick and dirty Brainfuck - interpreter... what could I do better?

So, here is my attempt to write a quick and dirty Brainfuck - interpreter: /// <summary> /// This the brainfuck interpreter /// </summary> internal sealed class BrainfuckInterpreter { /// <summary> /// The "call stack" /// </summary> private readonly Stack<int> m_CallStack = new Stack<int>(); /// <summary> /// T...

Haskell: How to write interactive interpreter on top of a State monad?

We're working on a model filesystem that uses a state monad internally. We have a type class with operations like these: class Monad m => FS m where isDirectory :: Path -> m Bool children :: Path -> m [Path] ... We're working on a little interactive interpreter that will offer commands like cd, ls, cat, and so on. An oper...

AIML interpreter - objective c - gui

I want to create an objective c application that interprets a list of .aiml files then make a GUI for it. I want to do this so I can chat with the aiml files within the application. Any ideas on how to do this?? Sample code? has anyone done this before? Thanks! Elijah ...