
Scripting inside a Python application

I'd like to include Python scripting in one of my applications, that is written in Python itself. My application must be able to call external Python functions (written by the user) as callbacks. There must be some control on code execution; for example, if the user provided code with syntax errors, the application must signal that. ...

How do I get a scheme interpreter working inside Emacs?

I'm going through SICP and I'd like to have an interpreter analogous to the interactive Python interpreter to play around in while I'm watching the lectures and reading the book. Furthermore, I'd like this interpreter to run inside Emacs so I can jump back and forth between files of scheme code and the interactive interpreter and so fort...

What are the primitive Forth operators?

I'm interested in implementing a Forth system, just so I can get some experience building a simple VM and runtime. When starting in Forth, one typically learns about the stack and its operators (DROP, DUP, SWAP, etc.) first, so it's natural to think of these as being among the primitive operators. But they're not. Each of them can be br...

Running/Interpreting C on top of the JVM?

Is there a way to run plain c code on top of the JVM? Not connect via JNI, running, like you can run ruby code via JRuby, or javascript via Rhino. If there is no current solution, what would you recommend I should do? Obviously I want to use as many partials solutions as I can to make it happen. ANTLR seems like a good place to start, ...

Restarting a Python Interpreter Quietly

Hi, I have a python interpreter embedded inside an application. The application takes a long time to start up and I have no ability to restart the interpreter without restarting the whole application. What I would like to do is to essentially save the state of the interpreter and return to that state easily. I started by storing the na...

Is there a good resource for data on Ruby Enterprise Edition usage in the wild?

We're having great results with the Phusion stack (Passenger and Ruby Enterprise Edition) in house, but I haven't been able to find much in the way of data on their use in the wild, particularly REE. I'd love something akin to WWR's High Profile Organizations Using Rails or Ben Forta's Who's Using ColdFusion? list. There's some google g...

Interpreting assembly code

Any assembly interpreters out there? What I'm looking for: I have some assembly firmware code I want to run, but not on the actual hardware. I would like to run the code and see what it is doing. So, is there some sort of free and easy to use assembly simulator out there? Any other pointers you can think of? ...

Suggestions for writing a programming language?

What tips can you give a person who is looking to write a programming or script language? I am not worried about how to program nor design a compiler but how to develop one quickly using tools and code generators. Last time i tried i coded it in c++ and the states and syntax took almost as long as writing the actual logic :(. I know the...

What is the difference between implementing a compiler and an interpreter?

I've read the whole Dragon Book recently (just for fun, I'm not really planning to implement an actual compiler), and I was left with this big question dangling in my head. What is different between implementing a compiler and an interpreter? To me a compiler is made up of: Lexer Parser (which builds the syntax tree) Generate Interme...

Why does the Interpreter Pattern suck?

In Steve Yegge's review of Design Patterns, he calls the Interpreter Pattern an "in-joke". He goes on to talk about how the perception of compilers have changed, yet how interpreted languages are still s*** on, although I can't see how this ties into the pattern. Anyone want to enlighten this ignorant student? ...

What opcode dispatch strategies are used in efficient interpreters?

What techniques promote efficient opcode dispatch to make a fast interpreter? Are there some techniques that only work well on modern hardware and others that don't work well anymore due to hardware advances? What trade offs must be made between ease of implementation, speed, and portability? I'm pleased that Python's C implementation i...

Continuation passing style vs aggressively trimmed call stack?

I'm considering something like CPS for use in an interpreter for an actor based language. The function arguments are passed in an array of variants, and the continuation returned in the same array, so an simple function def add (x,y) => x + y so a call from the read/eval/loop would be print( add(7, 5) ) would on entry be [&add, x...

How do I unroll (compile) an interpreter loop?

I heard that some languages go from interpreted to compiled by "unrolling the interpreter loop". Let's say I have the following pseudo-c-code interpreter for an ast tree. int interpret(node) { switch(node) { case PLUS: return interpret(child(0))+interpret(child(1)); case MINUS: return inter...

GPL, javascript and online gaming

I am working on a game interpreter in javascript for sierra adventure games of the 80s. I ported bits of the existing reverse-engineered C interpreter called Sarien, which is GPL licensed. Making my work GPL too. So far so good. However, my aim is creating a website where people can play these games online, with added multiplayer suppor...

Bytecode Vs. Interpreted

I remember a professor once saying that interpreted code was about 10 times slower than compiled. What's the speed difference between interpreted and bytecode? (assuming that the bytecode isn't JIT compiled) I ask because some folks have been kicking around the idea of compiling vim script into bytecode and I just wonder what kind of pe...

Is there an interpreter for C?

Duplicate: I was wondering if there is something like an interpreter for C. That is, in a Linux terminal I can type in "python" and then code in that interpreter. (I'm not sure interpreter the right word). This is really helpful for testin...

Turning off JIT, and controlling codeflow in MSIL (own VM)

Hi, I'm writing my own scripting language in C#, with some features I like, and I chose to use MSIL as output's bytecode (Reflection.Emit is quite useful, and I dont have to think up another bytecode). It works, emits executable, which can be run ( even decompiled with Reflector :) )and is quite fast. But - I want to run multiple 'proce...

I have been trying to wrap my head around the PyPy project. So, fast-foward 5-10 years in the future what will PyPy have to offer over CPython, Jython, and IronPython?

From what I have seen and read on the blogs PyPy is a very ambitious project. What are some advantages it will bring to the table over its siblings (CPython, Jython, and IronPython)? Is it speed, cross-platform compatibility (including mobile platforms), the ability to use c-extensions without the GIL, or is this more of a technical exer...

Do interpreters actually pre compile in memory?

Ok guys I thought I'd take my old CS notes and look through compiler theory a little more. I have to say I can't for the life in me remember how all this stuff works but I do have a nice sample application from my college days that helps me understand a few things. This sample application takes the made up language and compiles it down...

Method to Interpret User input in TextBox Live - Similar to WMD preview here on SO

Hello, I am looking to find a way to interpret user input as they type it (and eventually perform some types of actions as it happens based on their input) This is intended for a web based application. So far I have a way that I can update a Label whenever the user hits enter, but I would like it so that the text updates on any keypre...