
How to prevent InvalidOperationException when using System.Drawing.Graphics?

I am using the System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawLines(Pen pen, PointF[] points) method in a multithreaded application, but the System.Drawing.Graphics isn't shared between threads. Why it keeps throwing the System.InvalidOperationException: The object is currently in use elsewhere ? ...

C# InvalidOperationException

Hello, i have this code: Nodo N; foreach (string S in listBox_nodos.Items) { N = graph.getNodoName(S); string comp = (string) listBox_nodos.SelectedItem; if (comp == S) System.Console.WriteLine(N.NAME); } I get InvalidOperationException and the ...

c# smartdevice - HTTPWEBREQUEST GET vs POST InvalidOperationException

In the code below, DoGet is working very stable. But DoPost throws an uncatcheable InvalidOperationException randomly. I am lost. Any pointers will be of immense help. /* Environment ------------- * NET CF 2.0 * WM 5.0(USA Mobile Pocket PC Emulator) * Windows XP Professional SP2 * VS 2008 */ /* The exception...

Enumerating a collection, then modifying it, what is the precedent for throwing an exception?

When enumerating a .NET collection, MSDN states that: An enumerator remains valid as long as the collection remains unchanged. If changes are made to the collection, such as adding, modifying, or deleting elements, the enumerator is irrecoverably invalidated and its behavior is undefined. What exactly does "irrecoverably invalidate...

MVC2: Can't convert String to ExtensionDataObject (without knowing I wanted to)

I'm getting the following InvalidOperationException: The parameter conversion from type 'System.String' to type 'System.Runtime.Serialization.ExtensionDataObject' failed because no type converter can convert between these types. In a Post action on my ASP.Net MVC2 page, but I'm really not sure what it's referring to. I'm using data an...

System.InvalidOperationException with SQlBulkCopy

I got the following error when executing bulkcopy. System.InvalidOperationException The given value of type String from the data source cannot be converted to type decimal of the specified target column. I use the following code. DataTable empTable = DataTemplate.GetEmployees(); DataRow row; for (int i = 0; i < gv.Rows.Count...

.NET xsd importer creates unserializable class

I am using the .NET XSD.EXE importer to generate C# classes from a collection of XSD files. When I tried to serialize one of the classes to XML it failed (InvalidOperationException), and when I dug into it I discovered it one of the created classes appears to be wrong. Here is the pertinent XSD code: <xsd:complexType name="SuccessTyp...

ASP.NET Web Method that accepts a List<CustomObject> is failing with "Web Service method name is not valid."

I want to create a web method that accepts a List of custom objects (passed in via jQuery/JSON). When I run the website locally everything seems to work. jQuery and ASP.NET and everyone is happy. But when I put it on one of our servers it blows up. jQuery gets a 500 error after the ajax request with the response being: System.In...

"InvalidOperationException: Object currently in use" depending on control type

If I have the below code, everything will work - no exceptions. _imgOutput.Bitmap = _irViewAreaBitmap; ibxOutput.Image = _imgOutput; If instead of the above I did this (with everything else the same): pictureBox1.Image = _irViewAreaBitmap; I get an "InvalidOperationException: Object currently ...". I am confused because I would t...

Why is XmlSerializer throwing an InvalidOperationException?

public void Save() { XmlSerializer Serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(DatabaseInformation)); /* A first chance exception of type 'System.IO.FileNotFoundException' occurred in mscorlib.dll A first chance exception of type 'System.IO.FileNotFoundException' occurred in mscorlib.dll A ...

What is the analog for .Net InvalidOperationException in Python?

What is the analog for .Net InvalidOperationException in Python? ...

LINQ to SQl updating primary key field?

I have a linq to sql table/class that uses a GUID as both a primary key and as foreign key. This problem came up when factoring some code that previously worked. The exception generated is "Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object." The process I use is as such: aspnet_User user() = new aspnet_User(); aspnet_use...

InvalidOperationException sequence contains more than one element even when only one element

I have three tables, tblCompany table, tblParts table and a link table between them tblLinkCompanyParts. Since tblLinkCompanyParts is a link table so the columns that it has are LinkCompanyPartID(primary key), CompanyID from tblCompany table and PartID from tblParts as foreign keys. I have tied them up in the dbml file. In code if I wri...

WCF Exception: Cannot add to list of known types

Good Day Everyone... I’m getting an unexpected WCF error complaining of “Known Types” which are similarly named, but in different name-spaces (see error below). ...please keep in mind I'm still experimenting with all this. Also… I already understand the nature of regular web-services FORCES you to flatten your object hierarchy, but e...

C# Find out what column caused the Sql Exception

Hi. I'm getting an exception from SQL Data Reader (MS SQL as datastore) and I'd like to know which column name causes this Exception to be thrown. But I cannot find it in the InnerException.. nowhere. ((System.InvalidOperationException)ex.InnerException).StackTrace: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.ReadColumnHeader(Int32 i) System.D...

"Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute." on form disposal.

"Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute." appears to be a common error with foreach loops, but I can't figure mine out. I have two classes of forms. One is begun on startup, and a button creates new instances of the second form, and displays them. When I close the secondary forms, I get an InvalidOperationExceptio...

When using SendKeys()-InvalidOperationException: Undo Operation encountered...

Here is my code public void KeyPress() { //Finds the target window and sends a key command to the application Process[] processes = Process.GetProcessesByName("calc"); IntPtr calculatorHandle; foreach (Process proc in processes) { calculatorHandle = proc.MainWindowHandle; ...

"The specified type was not recognized" exception when trying to invoke a webservice call

I'm trying to call a third party webservice using WSE 3.0 as a client in Visual Studio 2005. The call works fine and I can see that I get a good response (I have tracing enabled), but apparently the xml parser chokes over it. I always get an InvalidOperationException: There is en error in the XML document. with an InnerException: ...

Sys.InvalidOperationException: Could not find UpdatePanel

Hi, Since i migrated my website into a web application, the UpdatePanel's does not work ... Message : Sys.InvalidOperationException: Could not find UpdatePanel with ID 'ctl01_CPHColonneGauche_Moteur1_UpdatePanel1'. If it is being updated dynamically then it must be inside another UpdatePanel. I tried to set the UpdateMode to Conditio...

Is there a Java equivalent of C#'s InvalidOperationException?

I'm converting some C# code to Java and I need to include an exception that is similar to C#'s InvalidOperationException. Does such a thing exist? Also is there a list of equivalent exception types in the two languages? Thanks. I think in my particular case IllegalStateException is most appropriate. Thanks for all the responses. ...