
Calling Web Service from C# Application

Hello everyone. I have a question. How can i invoke a web service and get the result from a C# desktop application. I am making a desktop app and I want it to be able to connect to my online web services. How is this possible? ...

Best Way to Invoke Any Cross-Threaded Code?

I know that this question has been asked before, but I'm looking for a way to: streamline the creation of safe cross-threaded code. reuse this code in any situation (no Windows Forms references). Here's what I have so far, but I want to remove the Windows Forms references. Any ideas? public delegate void SafeInvokeDelegate(System.Ac...

Is it appropriate to extend Control to provide consistently safe Invoke/BeginInvoke functionality?

In the course of my maintenance for an older application that badly violated the cross-thread update rules in winforms, I created the following extension method as a way to quickly fix illegal calls when I've discovered them: /// <summary> /// Execute a method on the control's owning thread. /// </summary> /// <param name="uiElement">Th...

Accessing Class members with Invoke from a different thread in C#

Note: Part of a series: C#: Accessing form members from another class and How to access form objects from another cs file in C#. Hello, The Idea is to notify the user using the memo when a packet is received/sent in a TCP Client. After couple of fixes,the most suitable solution seemed to be this one public string TextValue ...

Problem with Z-Order involving TopMost and Invoke

I am showing Dialogs with Form.ShowDialog(). Forms are set to TopMost. Some image processing calculations are performed asynchronly in the background. Their results are rendered in the main form by Invoke. So far so good. Strange thing is that every now and then the modal dialog is moved behind the main form. I guess that happens when th...

Richtextbox.invoke, C#, Form Still hanging

I've written a c# application to run an external program and i've redirectet it's output to a richtextbox in my form. I've created the process using the following settings p1.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; p1.OutputDataReceived += new DataReceivedEventHandler(outputreceived); and in the outputreceived event void outputrecei...

C# How to invoke with more than one parameter

Hello, I use the code below to access the properties on my form,but today I'd like to write stuff to a ListView,which requires more parameters. public string TextValue { set { if (this.Memo.InvokeRequired) { this.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { ...

How do I access form properties with Invoke, but with object parameter in C#?

Hello, I couldn't describe the title of my question the best,I'm sorry. Currently,I use Invoke to access the properties on my form,It works perfect,but I have a function for each property,which is quite not comfortable. public static void EnableLogin(int enabled) { var form = Form.ActiveForm as FormMain; if (for...

How can I stop processing of further events.

Similar to the KeyPress events, I want whoever is subscribed to the event to be able to set e.Handled in my EventArgs class. If they return true, I no longer want to continue firing events. Any ideas how to implement this? Right now, here is my method: protected void OnDataReceived(SocketAsyncEventArgs e) { if (DataReceived != null)...

How to get the Handle of the form with get{set?

Hello, I'd like to get the handle of my form from a different class(probably thread). I want to do it the way I do invoke public int GetHandle { get { if (this.InvokeRequired) { this.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { return this.Handle.To...

Using C# MethodInvoker.Invoke() for a GUI app... is this good?

Hi, Using C# 2.0 and the MethodInvoker delegate, I have a GUI application receiving some event from either the GUI thread or from a worker thread. I use the following pattern for handling the event in the form: private void SomeEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e) { MethodInvoker method = delegate { uiSomeT...

Invoke from different thread

I can't believe it,this works in my other application,but in this one,which has similiar structure - it doesn't! public string ListAdd { set { if (listView1.InvokeRequired) { this.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { listView1.Items.Add(value...

How to invoke with action?

Hello, I always set the modifiers on my form to private,I don't like internal nor public. Till now I used to Invoke like this: public string Addtext { if(InvokeRequired) { Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { textbox.text = value; }); } else textbox.text = value; } But addi...

GetConstructor.invoke error

This is a study project. I have three database classes A,B,C. There is a factory class that receives thru its constructor which class's object to create. Each of the three classes[A,B,C] has a constructor with a parameter to supply the database connection object. This is the code I'm using in the factory class's createObject method: Typ...

Update UI from different process fails

I'm trying to put standard output from nmap into WPF window application (textbox exactly). I'm trying to use Dispatcher.Invoke but when nmap process starts everything just freezes. When I tried this in a console application (w/o Invoke), everything worked just fine, I think it's a problem with the Invoke method. Nmap itself is working, a...

Is an 'invoke'-style callback possible in PHP5?

PHP functions such as 'array_map' take a callback, which can be a simple function or a class or object method: $array2 = array_map('myFunc', $array); or $array2 = array_map(array($object, 'myMethod'), $array); But is there a syntax to pass a method which is bound within the iteration to the current object (like 'invoke' in Prototype.j...

InteropServices COMException when executing a .net app from a web CGI script on Windows Server 2003

Disclaimer: I'm completely clueless about .net and COM. I have a vendor's application that appears to be written in .net and I'm trying to wrap it with a web form (a cgi-bin Perl script) so I can eventually launch this vendor's app from a separate computer. I'm on a Windows Server 2003 R2 SE SP1 system and I'm using Apache 2.2 for the...

Invoke method by MethodInfo

I want to invoke methods with a certain attribute. So I'm cycling through all the assemblies and all methods to find the methods with my attribute. Works fine, but how do I invoke a certain method when I only got it's MethodInfo. AppDomain app = AppDomain.CurrentDomain; Assembly[] ass = app.GetAssemblies(); Type[] types; foreach (Assemb...

Using NSProxy and forwardInvocation:

Hi, I would like to code a proxy that forwards method invocations to another object over TCP without NSConnection and NSDistanceObject stuff. What I want is my own protocol. The problem is that subclassing NSProxy and overriding forwardInvocation: is not sufficient. I have also to override methodSignatureForSelector Here is my questio...

How to click a Javascript button that doesn't exist

I am trying to use WebBrowser control to click a button that doesn't have any anchor text or anything I looked at the source and saw this. var _tm7 = new TabMenu( 'TempoTabMenuControl', 'TempoTabMenuControlRow', ['Add Edit'], 0); _tm7.Add(new TabMenuItem('View Menu', '/Edit/NewUI.html?tstudio=45', 'main'), true); _tm7.Ad...