
What is __AVAILABILITY_INTERNAL__IPHONE_2, NS_AVAILABLE ? Trying to use NSNumberFormatter, returns (null)

I've been having some trouble getting NSNumberFormatter to work properly. I'm compiling in iOS4 with the Three20 Framework. All of the NSNumberFormatter selectors require something called NS_AVAILABLE as a second parameter on the selector: [numberFormatter setCurrencyGroupingSeparator:(NSString *)string __AVAILABILITY_INTERNAL__IPHONE...

NSTimer or NSThread in iOs 4 background mode

I have to keep a NSThread or NSTimer when my iPhone application goes into background mode. Is it possible ? I have enabled the background modes in info.plist and opened readstream and writestream as follows ...(I am using UDP) CFReadStreamSetProperty(readStream, kCFStreamNetworkServiceType,kCFStreamNetworkServiceTypeVoIP); CFWrite...

Convert caf file to m4r programatically on ios4

Is there a way to convert a .caf file to a .m4r (ringtone) file programatically on the iphone? I've tried a bunch of stuff and nothing seems to work. Importing into garageband and then sharing as ringtone works but I want to do it in my app. Much appreciated. ...

NSMutableArray Not Being Set

I'm trying to do some simple assignment, but coming up with different results and I can't figure out why. Why does the first assignment below work and the second one not? NSMutableArray *mutableFetchResults = something approrpriate here; [self setLocationsArray:mutableFetchResults]; [switchViewController setLocationsArray:mutableFetch...

Does anyone know if ios4 supports unix domain sockets?

The following works without error on OSX 10.6, but fails in the iphone simulator using SDK 4.1 #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <netinet/tcp.h> #include <sys/un.h> #include <string.h> int main(void) { int sock = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); struct sockaddr_un ...

how can i set wallpaper from my nativa application thru iOS 4.0 using Photo Library?

Hi! I have made one application in iOS 4.0.In that application using Photo Library i am getting image in ImageView and from the Button Click I want to set that image as a iPhone Background so how can I do this using iOS 4.0? ...

location problem in IOS4

i am using location in my app and tested it with IOS 3 simulatior it works fine also on device it works fie. but when tested it on IOS4 simulator it crashes..and unable to find location I know that the location on simulator is of infinite loop cupertino california. but it is not working in IOS4... and i don't have Iphone4...So can't tes...

Implementation of Quick Look API's in iphone

Hi, I want to implement Quick Look API's in my iPhone application for the document preview but don't know how to do this ? Please help me by referring sample code or application. Thanks ...

iOS YouTube and Safari-like movie player

This is probably a dumb post but I've Googled it for about an hour now and can't find anything about it anywhere... I'd like to know how I can have a little movie "square" similar to the ones presented in Safari to play Quicktime Movies or YouTube movies. I'm talking about that :). Is that an Apple private API or can we use the API? ...

Title Bar( Network coverage, Time and Battery sign bar) not visible??

At first i created a window based application for my project and kept on working for it but now due to some important changes i had to change it to a navigation based app.. i did it by making changes in my MainWindow.nib file by adding NavigationController to it and making the necessary connections...everything went fine i started my app...

Is it possible to have a timer running in background?

I need to have a timer running in the background that is called by the application did enter background method. I am having some trouble. When I enter background, it doesnt do anything. Here is my code. - (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application { bcheckingTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:5 ta...

iOS 4.x bring app from background to foreground using private api

Hi All, In my app, I am placing a phone call due to which my app goes in background and suspended. After disconnecting the call instead of my app coming in foreground, native phone app comes into foreground. Is there any way by which my app comes into foreground (instead of native phone app) after disconnecting the call. If there is ...

Common LISP on iPhone/iOS

Is it possible to call a Common Lisp function in iOS? (e.g. create it in a dynamic library?) ...

How Can I Iterate an ARGB Bitmap?

Hi to all. I am a bit confused. I have an ARGB bitmap into an unsigned char* array and I just want to iterate the array to check if pixels are black or white. Can anyone post me a sample code for this? To get the array I am using this methods. CGContextRef CreateARGBBitmapContext (CGSize size) { CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace = CGCol...