
iPhone OS 3.2 (iPad) Modal View question

I am presenting a UIViewController as a modal viewcontroller with modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationFormSheet. I have few UITextFields on its view. My issue is that when I try to dismiss the keyboard ([textfieldname resignFirstResponder]), it doesn't do anything. However when I change the modalPresentationStyle to UIModalPrese...

How to extend iWork's Number'09 formulas?

I have specific formulas that I'd like to write (in Objective-C perhaps) and integrate with Numbers'09 of Apple's iWork suite in iPad and wonder if there is such a way to do so? ...

Is there iPhone simulator on iPhone SDK 3.2?

I'm considering upgrade SDK 3.1.3 to 3.2 because 3.1.3 disappeared on Apple's website. I used 3.2 SDK beta once, and any project launched iPad simulator only. (even iPhone project) Is there iPhone simulator on SDK 3.2? Or how to test iPhone app on SDK 3.2? PS. I have to check this before install because this is my main workstation, so ...

monotouch iPad - Convert exisiting iPhone project?

I have an existing iPhone project in MonoTouch 1.9 running on MonoDevelop 2.2.1. How do I get it to open in the iPad simulator and how do I convert the project so that it only runs on iPad? ...

Is there an API to tap to Apple's Bonjour service?

Is there an API to tap to Apple's Bonjour service (I'm planning to share my non iTunes library with iPad)? ...

Could SqueakNOS or PharoNOS made to run an iPhone or iPad to Form a DynaBook?

Not considering legal issues I would be very interested if it would be possible to run one of those on the bare metal of the iPad/Phone ARM-Architecture. ...

How does one get UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() to work with iPhone OS SDK < 3.2

Apple advises using the following code to detect whether running on an iPad or iPhone/iPod Touch: if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad) { // The device is an iPad running iPhone 3.2 or later. // [for example, load appropriate iPad nib file] } else { // The device is an iPhone or iPod touch. // [for example, l...

Create Audio file on iPhone/iPad from many other audio files (mixer)

I am trying to create something similar like Piano app on the iPhone. When people tap a key, it play a piano note. Basically, there will have only 7 notes (C) at the moment. Each note is a .caf file and its length is 5 seconds. I do not know if there is any way to save the song user played and export to mp3/caf format? The AVAudioRecord...

Should I consider any other tools outside the Apple development tools for iPad development?

The Apple dev site makes it look as tho it has all the tools you want for developing iPad apps. Should I consider any other tools outside the Apple development tools for iPad development? Thanks so much in advance for your help! ...

AdMob SDK for iPad?

Trying to get my Universal app released and I rely on AdMob ads for revenue in this particular app. I'm having an issue getting AdMob support working, though I keep finding references to people actually running AdMob on their iPad Simulators. Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'AdMobInvalidLibaryVersionException', reaso...

iPad:Study basics for iPad development?

Hello friends, sorry if this question is being repeated. May i know from where i can learn entire iPad development practice? Thank you. ...

Why does only youtube embeds work on iPad?

I am trying to find out as to why youtube embeds works just fine on iPad, and not the embeds of any other video site. Example of youtube embed: <object width="640" height="385"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/DlIU5TgwEFg&amp;color1=0xb1b1b1&amp;color2=0xcfcfcf&amp;hl=en_US&amp;feature=player_embedded&amp;fs...

Safari-style UIPopoverController from Toolbar

I'm creating an iPad application which needs a UIPopoverController like this one (I mean, with buttons): I tried using a UIViewController but it gives me an enormous popup with a white background. Can anyone explain me how to make one? I cannot find any documentation or example code. Thanks. ...

UINavigationController as detail view of a UISplitViewController

Hi. I set up a navigation controller as detail view of a split view controller (NewFeedsNavigationController is inherited from UINavigationController). - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions { masterViewController = [[MasterViewController alloc] initWithStyl...

Ipad simulator for Windows or Ubuntu

Hi, i'm looking for an iPad simulator that runs on Windows or Ubuntu. ...

Editable table view cell

I am creating an application. I have to implement a bookmark feature, and adding one should be similar to this: I want editable UITableViewCells for text input. I was wondering if there is an easier way then embedding a UITextField into a UITableViewCell. And if not, can someone explain how I can use the UITextField inside it? Thanks ...

Split view controller must be root view controller

Whenever I try to present a UISplitViewController modally the application crashes. Thus it must allways be the root view controller. Can anyone confirm that? ...

looking for help with Flash sound to play on an iPad

I hope you might be willing to help me. Years ago, when I was designing a game site, it was recommended to me to do what you pretty much suggested in your answer to a question about Flash sound: put my sound effects as Flash elements. This works great on every platform except the iPad. Do you have any idea what I should do? I'd reall...

Turning Separate iPad/iPhone Targets into Universal App

I, when I got my hands on the iPad SDK Beta, thought the universal binary would be to much work, so i opted for the separate targets. I realized halfway through making the iPad portion of my app, that making a universal application would be easy as pie. The issue is, I can't use Apple's option to convert my iPhone Target to Universal. Th...

No "Distribution" setting in latest Xcode??

For some reason, a choice for "Distribution" configuration is not showing up for building an app in the latest Xcode 3.2.2 with iPhone SDK 3.2 when I'm trying to build an app for the iPad Any one else seeing this? I can set it to "Debug" or "Release" but there isn't even an option for Distribution. ...