
How do you sketch out your iPhone App designs and ideas?

How do you sketch out your iPhone App designs and ideas? I am currently about to start my next project and want to find a way to get my ideas on screen instead of good old fashioned paper. ...

Is there an easy way to drag and drop a UITableViewCell between two UITableViews?

As the title says. Reordering within a single UITableView is trivial, but the screen of the iPad is large enough to display multiple UITableViews at the same time. So it seems like there should be a way to drag and drop a UITableViewCell between two UITableViews. Any thoughts on the best approach? ...

Set title of SplitViewController

I am using the SplitViewController template. How do I set the title on the topbar in the detailview? Been trying to work this out for hours. Tried simple: detailViewController.title = @"String"; but no luck. Any help appreciated. Thanks. ...

Navigation based application template in ipad sdk

is Navigation based application template in ipad sdk is include at release time ...

UITableView on iPad/iPhone like Mail.app

Hello, how can i made an UITableView looks like the Mail.app from iPhone/iPad? With an heading, the time/date in the right top and 3-5 Lines of text as subtitle? I cant't find anything about this. Thank's! ...

iPad Icon names?

Hey Guys, Do I have to put 2 icon images in my build for iPad? and what are the names of those 2 build, one is Icon.png and what is the other one? Thanks for all your help ...

Problem getting textfield.text from other view controller

Hey guys, I'm trying to add a textfield.text entry to an array. I want to pull the textfield.text from a text field in another view. Here's my code. - (void)addBookmark{ MultiViewViewController *mainView = [[MultiViewViewController alloc] init]; if (mainView.addressTextField.text.length>1) { NSString *addedString = [[NSString alloc] ...

Sources for iPad web programming?

Anyone got some good references for targeting web content to the iPad web browser? i know its still very early days but I havent got any good indicator on how to setup CSS to fix iphone/ipod touch versus the larger screen of the iPad? or do I just consider it to be like safari on the bigger Macs ...

Changing only the size of a UIFont on a UIButton

What is the fastest/simplest way to change only the size of the existing font on a UIButton? (pointSize is read-only) Thanks in advance. ...

didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation does not fire entering PortraitUpsideDown on iPad Simulator

Our application starts in landscape mode ... in the plist Initial Interface Orientation is set to "Landscape (left home button)". When debugging with the iPad simulator, after the application starts, we rotate the simulated iPad using either the menu option Hardware > Rotate Left or using the keyboard command-LeftArrow. By placing a br...

access shared folder or files in iPad

Hello, how to access shared folder or files located on a LAN or Ad-Hoc from iPad over Wi-Fi Connection is this possible ? if this possible, please share your idea with me. can anyone help me out? Thank you, ...

Is there a way to set the amount of memory available in the iPhone Simulator?

Does anyone know if its possible to set the amount of memory available in the simulator? I'm assuming the simulator will use as much memory as possible from the system but this makes it more difficult to recreate certain low memory crashes/bugs. ...

MPMoviePlayerController problems on iPad

Hello guys! I'm trying to use the MPMoviePlayerController class on the iPad. here's my code: multimediaPlayer = [[MPMoviePlayerController alloc] initWithContentURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:path]]; multimediaPlayer.movieControlMode = MPMovieControlModeDefault; [multimediaPlayer play]; ...

Force iPhone Orientation

I'm making an iPad app and I need to force the orientation to portrait to several parts of the app. I used the undocumented "setOrientation" API and the app was rejected. Is there a documented way to do this? ...

What are the Build Settings for a Universal iPhone and iPad Application

What would be the settings to build and have accepted an universal app for both the iPad and iPhone? That is, what would be the settings in Project X Info > Build for Architectures [ARCHS] ("Standard(armv6)" or "Optimized(armv6 armv7)" or other) Valid Architectures [VALID_ARCHS] ("armv6 armv7" or other) Build Active Architecture Only ...

Why does my UIWebView not Allow User Interaction?

Hi, I'm new to these forums so I apologize for my noobieness. I did as thorough a search as I could, but I couldn't find anyone else with this issue, applogise if this has been covered elsewhere. I've created a very simple example of my problem. I'm sure I'm missing something but I can't for the life of me figure out what. I'm creating...

Confused about UIView frame property

I'm building a prototype iPad app that draws diagrams. I have the following view hierarchy: UIView UIScrollView DiagramView : UIView TabBar NavigationBar And a UIViewController subclass holding all that together. Before drawing the diagram the first time I calculate the dimensions of the diagram, and set the DiagramView frame to t...

iPhone app not working properly in iPad

Anybody have problem with their existing app not working in the iPad simulator? I have a iPhone app which is a navigation-based app with tab bar and multiple tableviews -- and none of the table is showing up. Basically, what is expected -- a long rows of table. In iPad, nothing. Any ideas? ...

How to customize / style a UIPopoverController

I'm working on an iPad application and I'm using UIPopoverControllers. I'm at the part where the app needs to be branded and styled and i'm wondering how to change the color / tint of the UIPopoverController? Standard is dark blue but it needs to be another color.. is this possible? Greets, Thomas ...

iPad UISPlitViewController question

Hi, It is mentioned in the Apple's documentation that if we use UISPlitViewController in our app, then that should be the root view controller. In our iPone app we are showing splash screen for some seconds till the loading of the app finishes. Once it is loaded the home screen needs to be displayed in a SplitViewController. If we use ...