
Open Source sound engine

When I started using SoundEngine (from CrashLanding and TouchFighter), I had read about a few people recommending not to use it, for it was, according to them, not stable enough. Still it was the only solution I knew of to play sounds with pitch and position control without learning C++ and OpenAL, so I ignored the warnings and went on w...

Getting raw HTTP request from CFHTTPMessageRef

I am working with a wrapper class for CFHTTPMessage, which contains a CFHTTPMessageRef object to which is added the method (GET), the URL of the web application server, and a few custom headers containing the date and an authentication nonce. I'm having some problems getting the method and URL to return certain data. I think I've worked...

Do you use a different app id for your iPhone beta apps?

Those of us with iPhone apps (released or unreleased) are able to send out limited beta builds using ad-hoc distribution. While the Apple docs for this have a few holes in them, there are a number of blogs, postings and other articles out there on "the net" that fill the gaps. However, one thing I haven't seen anyone mention, and I was ...

Fitting a UIDatePicker into a UIActionSheet

I'm trying to get a UIDatePicker with a UIButton to show up in a UIActionSheet. Unfortunately it gets cropped off and the entire Date Picker is not visible. I have not even attempted to add the UIButton yet. Can anyone suggest on getting the entire view to fit properly? I'm not sure how to add the proper dimensions as UIActionSheet seems...

How can I run an app at a specified time on the iPhone?

I'm developing a todo list application. I'm looking for any way to alert the user when a task becomes due, even if the app is not running. Is there any way to set the program to run at a specified time w/out user interaction? Or a way to bring up an alert anyway? Edit: How can I add an item to the calendar? ...

Is the iPhone "cron-able"?

Note - I have not delved very deeply into Apple's iPhone SDK yet. However, based on another question asked recently, I'm wondering if, since the iPhone is running some stripped-down edition of Mac OS X if it doesn't have a crontab feature. If so, how would you access it? Thanks. ...

Child controller updating a label for a cell in parent table view

I have a navigation view with a cell that has something as simple as a Date of Birth. When that particular row is clicked, a new controller get pushed into view with a UIDatePicker. Once a new date is selected, I'd imagine I need to do something in viewWillDisappear: for that particular cell's UITextField value. What's the best way for m...

One Date Picker UIViewController for all Parent Controllers

Couldn't think of an intuitive way to paraphrase the topic for this question, and I apologize for that. My question is the following: I have several UIViewController's which need to call in a UIDatePicker. I didn't want to subclass the Date Picker several times as it's the same interface. The problem I'm having is figuring out what tool...

Possible to save an integer array using NSUserDefaults on iPhone?

Is it possible to save an integer array using NSUserDefaults on the iPhone? I have an array declared in my .h file as: int playfield[9][11] that gets filled with integers from a file and determines the layout of a game playfield. I want to be able to have several save slots where users can save their games. If I do: NSUserDefaults *p...

Clicking on UITextField in a UITableViewCell

I have an issue where when a textField is clicked on in a UITableView cell, the method tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath: does not get invoked. The problem is, I need to scroll my tableView into proper position, otherwise the keyboard goes right over the first responder. I have to then move code like this: [[self tableView] scrollToRow...

Creating a "chat bubble" on the iPhone, like Tweetie.

Just curious, did I overlook somewhere in the API to display a chat bubble type image as found in the iPhone's SMS application? There's a few applications out there that use bubbles that look verbatim to the iPhone's and I'm wondering if they're using a native widget or their own image. This is also seen in the Tweetie application where...

What is the best way to extend restful_authentication/AuthLogic to support lazy logins by an anonymous iPhone?

I'm building an iPhone application that talks to a Ruby on Rails backend. The Ruby on Rails application will also service web users. The restful_authentication plugin is an excellent way to provide quick and customizable user authentication. However, I would like users of the iPhone application to have an account created automatically by...

Accessing iPhone WiFi Information via SDK

Is there a way using the iPhone SDK to get WiFi information? Things like Signal Strength, WiFi Channel and SSID are the main things I'm looking for. Only interested in Wifi info, not cellular. ...

Accessing calendar entries on the iPhone/iPod touch

Hello, is it possible to access calendar entries on the iPhone/iPod touch, i.e. reading, creating, changing, deleting appointments? I searched the iPhone SDK documentation but didn't find anything. Perhaps I missed something. Thanks. Best regards, Thomas ...

Websites for the iPhone - but what about other platforms?

I recently did the Chris Coyier tutorial from the css-tricks.com weblog #38: Basics & Tips on Designing for the iPhone. Needless to say I got very excited and suggested to a guy that I do some code monkey work for that we could now offer iPhone websites to his clients. He said cool, but what about other mobile devices? good question. So ...

How can I connect iPhone and web service and get XML data?

Hi, I know how to connect to web server using an iPhone but now I have to connect the iPhone to a web service. I don't know how to do it and there is no demo or class available online. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks ...

Double UIView Navigation Bars

I made a UIView using Interface Builder with a top bar that has Cancel and Save buttons. But when the view is displayed in the simulator it has an extra Navigation bar below the one that I've designed on purpose. The extra bar has no buttons on it. Anyone has a clue where I can look to get rid of the extra nav bar? Update: While experim...

How secure are the app settings on the iPhone?

It appears that each app has access to its own config settings, which could be kept after app be shutdown. I am wondering whether one app's config setting could be accessed from other app. Should I save sensitive data like password to the app config? Is there some better way? ...

Transitions and setting up Layers/Scenes in cocos2d iPhone

I am looking to setup a transition between two levels(after one level is complete, use one of cocos2d's slick transition to transition into the next level). In my GameLayer implementation, I have methods setup to do things like [self buildLevel: 3] to build the playfield. What do I need to do to instantiate a new GameLayer or Layer nod...

How to check a value type?

How do I check the type of a value on runtime? I'd like to find out where I'm creating doubles. ...