Proper way to exit iPhone application?
I am programming an iPhone app, and I need to force it to exit due to certain user actions. After cleaning up memory the app allocated, what's the appropriate method to call to terminate the application? ...
I am programming an iPhone app, and I need to force it to exit due to certain user actions. After cleaning up memory the app allocated, what's the appropriate method to call to terminate the application? ...
Hi, I had the following questions related to downloading the file from the server. a) Is it possible to download directly the GZIP (Compressed)file to the iphone device using IPHONE SDK. b) If the compressed file can be downloaded , then how to uncompress it(using ZLIB or else...). Thank u. ...
Hey folks - I'm writing a pretty simple iPhone application. The data comes from a plist file (NSDictionary basically), that I'm trying to load into a singleton class and use across my various view controllers to access the data. Here's the implementation for my singleton (heavily modeled after this thread) @implementation SearchData ...
Is there some standard way or has anyone written something that allows you to log a message and have it be displayed either in a small scrolling section on the iphone screen or in a separate window in the iphone simulator? Update: For noobs like me and don't know, use the NSLog methods as decribed below and make sure you select Run->Con...
I have found the "Getting Started" documents for developing apps on iPhone. I wanted the community's opinion on what I should know/learn (in terms of languages or concepts)? How long would it take for a moderate programmer to learn and build an app that manages a list, connects to certain websites, etc? How to get an app I made onto th...
Anyone know of some tutorial material for how to use Interface Builder for iPhone development? I can find sample projects and stuff and that's extremely helpful, but they do not reveal how things where setup in Interface Builder. ...
I've looked at every question so far and none seem to actually answer this question. I created a UITabBarController and added several view controllers to it. Most of the views are viewed in portrait, but one should be viewed in landscape. I don't want to use the accelerometer or detect when the user rotates the device, I just want to ...
I've been creating CSS/Javascript to style an upcoming site differently on iPhone - mostly to enhance usability. On the desktop app, I use slimbox in combination with mootools for an image gallery. This doesn't work on iPhone because it won't show the image fullscreen (safari chrome gets in the way). The solution I have at the moment is ...
I would like to verify that an app I am writing is running on an iPhone. What would be perfect is this: Apple baked an SSL client certificate into each iphone which can be authenticated by a receiving server. I this the case? I have not started researching this yet, I will update with anything I find. UPDATE: Here is some Apple docum...
It's common to see a UISearchBar in an application, that upon a click, will enlarge and animate into view with a keyboard. I'm curious, is this something the iPhone SDK provides for free, or is the Animation code more than likely written by the developer? I use a UISearchBar in several controllers, however by default a keyboard just pops...
This may be a silly question to a graphics guru (which I am not), but what's the difference between affine transformations and keyframing? I'm reading about the former in the iPhone cookbook, and she states that 'Affine transforms enable you to change an object's geometry by mapping that object from one view coordinate system into anothe...
I'm pretty new to the iPhone platform, so I'm wondering what the best way to switch between OpenGL rendering and a UIView might be? Any comments much appreciated! ...
What is the best way to get the current system time milliseconds? ...
Hi I have a UINavigationController containing an UIViewController initialized with a UIView. The UINavigationController also has a UINavigationBar as usual. Previously when I positioned a new element in the UIView at 0,0 using CGRectMake(0,0,height,width); It would position it directly beneath the UINavigationController. However si...
I'm curious if it's possible to intercept the default methods of 'Edit' mode on a UITableView. Typically you get a free 'delete' button if you side swipe a UITableViewCell that has delegate methods associated with it. I'd like to change the delete to some other, arbitrary selector. Instead of deleting the cell, I'd just like to run a hel...
Hi, Currently I am saving a UIImage to the photos album using UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum, which works fine. Is there a way to then open the Photos app showing the just-saved photo? (I assume my app must close before opening Photos, which is fine.) Simply opening the Photos app to the Saved Photos Album would be a not-quite-as-good...
I need to be able to use https to connect to a server and I'm wondering if there's recommended way of doing this on the iPhone that's NOT: - an undocumented api call - does not require manually storing certificates in the app bundle Thanks all. ...
I would like to have an app include a custom font for rendering text, load it, and then use it with standard UIKit elements like UILabel. Is this possible? I found these links: but these would require me to render each glyp...
Hi everyone. I have been working for a while to create an iPhone app. Today when my battery was low, I was working and constantly saving my source files then the power went out... Now when I plugged my computer back in and it is getting good power I try to open my project file and I get an error: "Unable to Open Project Project .....
In my application there have two Outlet,one is UItextfield and another is UIWebview,textfield used to get the url request by the user and shown it in webview,but i met a problem is when finish the typing in my textfield, and click GO button(return) in the keyboard, that is nothing happen in my webview, my source code as shown in below: ...