
Access the camera with iPhone SDK

It seems obvious that some people have been able to figure out how to access the iPhone camera through the SDK (Spore Origins, for example), but I haven't been able to find any helpful information. I don't want anyone to violate their NDA, but does anyone know of any existing (official) resources that show how this can be done? Thanks. ...

Xcode: Using a custom framework

The error I'm getting: in /Users/robert/Documents/funWithFrameworks/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/funWithFrameworks.framework/funWithFrameworks, can't link with a main executable Cliff notes: trying to include framework doesn't want to link More detail: I'm developing for a mobile device... hint, hint using Xcode and I'm trying to m...

Verified channel to server from app on iPhone

I'm working on a game for the iPhone and would like it to be able to submit scores back to the server. Simple enough, but I want the scores to be verified to actually come from a game-play. With the (defacto) prohibition on real crypto with the export conditions, what would be the best way to get information back in a secure/verified c...

What are the best remoting technologies for mobile applications ?

I have a java back-end that needs to expose services to clients running in the following environments : J2ME Windows Mobile iPhone I am looking for the best tool for each platform. I do not search a technology that works everywhere. I need something "light" adapted to low speed internet access. Right now I am using SOAP. It is verbo...

How do I display a substitute password character in a UILabel?

I have a need to display a UITableView containing a user's account credentials. For this, I'm using UILabels in UITableViewCells. When I display their password, I'd obviously like to just display a placeholder password character instead of their actual password, similar to a UITextField when it's set to secure text entry mode. In fact, I...

How do you submit a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) to the Apple Developer Portal?

According to this link on Apple's Developer site (login required): you use the Certificate Assistant in the Keychain Access utility to create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR), which you submit for approval using the Program Portal of the iPhone Developer Program Well I've created the certificate but I've had no luck finding out ...

How to embed audio/video on HTML page that plays on iPhone browser over GPRS

Although I don't have an iPhone to test this out, my colleague told me that embedded media files such as the one in the snippet below, only works when the iphone is connected over the WLAN connection or 3G, and does not work when connecting via GPRS. <html><body> <object data="http://joliclic.free.fr/html/object-tag/en/data/test.mp3" ty...

CPAN/gem-like repository for Objective-C and Cocoa?

Is there any centralized repository of useful Objective-C / Cocoa libraries as there is for Perl, Ruby, Python, etc.? In building my first iPhone app, I'm finding myself implementing some very basic functions that would be just a quick "gem install" away in Ruby. ...

Newbie wants to create a PDF reader for ipod touch - what's the best approach?

I want to make a small app that displays a PDF, presenting zoom-able single pages with a previous-next page function. ...

chapters in videos for the iPhone

Is it possible to use chapters in videos for the iPhone in an application? For example: I have a 3 minutes video to play. I have chapter 1 starting at 0s, chapter 2 at 50s, chapter 3 at 95s. Can I start plating the video at 50s (chapter 2) until the end? Can I make it play just the chapter 2 from 50s to 95s? My question is not about h...

What is a better way to create a game loop on the iPhone other than using NSTimer?

I am programming a game on the iPhone. I am currently using NSTimer to trigger my game update/render. The problem with this is that (after profiling) I appear to lose a lot of time between updates/renders and this seems to be mostly to do with the time interval that I plug into NSTimer. So my question is what is the best alternative...

Is there any way to get access to the DOM from Objective-C when using UIWebView?

UIWebView is fine for displaying HTML, but I'd like to modify the loaded DOM from my Objective-C program. Does anybody know how to do that? This is a third party page, so I can't really include any custom JS to do so...unless I can modify the DOM somehow. ...

How do I flip a sprite/texture in OpenGLES?

I have a sprite loaded as a texture and I need to animate it, allowing it to "face" left or right -- essentially sometimes I need to "flip" it. I know that OpenGL has a gltranslate which repositions an object, and glrotate which rotates it. Is there a method that simply flips it across one axis? If not, how would you accomplish this...

iPhone programming - impressions, opinions?

I've been programming in C,C++,C# and a few other languages for many years, mainly for Windows and Linux but also embedded platforms. Recently started to do some iPhone programming as a side project so I'm using Apple platforms for the first time since my Apple II days. I'm wondering what other developers that are coming to Mac OSX, Xcod...

How do I create a zoom effect in OpenGLES on the iPhone?

I have an OpenGL ES game that I am hacking together. One part of it involves looking at a large "map-like" area and then double-tapping on one part to "zoom into" it. How would you use OpenGL ES to provide this effect (given that it may need to zoom in on different parts of the map). I've heard of glScale and glOrtho, but I'm uncl...

Does the iPhone SDK allow hardware access to the dock connector?

I haven't been able to find any documentation on hardware access via the iPhone SDK so far. I'd like to be able to send signals via the dock connector to an external hardware device but haven't seen any evidence that this is accessible via the SDK (not interested in possibilities on jailbroken iPhones). Anyone have any pointers to docs ...

Memory Management in Objective-C

I come from a C/C++ background and the dynamic nature of ObjectiveC is somewhat foreign to me, is there a good resource anyone can point me to for some basic memory management techniques in ObjectiveC? ex. retaining, releasing, autoreleasing For instance, is it completely illegal to use a pointer to an Objective C object and treat it as...

How to make a simple site render correctly on multiple mobile browsers?

We have a rather simple site (minimal JS) with plain html and CSS. It is a simple mobile interface for our main application. We are running into trouble because we have more than one column and several browsers seem to force single columns. Through some searching I ran into 2 meta tags. <meta name="MobileOptimized" content="220" /> <...

What's the best way to do a mapping application for the iPhone.

So I'm looking at writing an iPhone application that shows things on a map. What frameworks/methodologies are out there for doing this? Searching around on Google, I could only find this one: http://code.google.com/p/iphone-google-maps-component/ Which according to the issues list is slow, and stops working after a while. Does anyone k...

What is the easiest way for a non-programmer to learn the basics of iPhone App creation?

I'm primarily a designer, with a fairly high level of understanding of CSS and HTML. I have an idea for a very simple iPhone app, largely involving a timer, an animated graphic, and some sound. If I get more advanced there could be some simple customization settings I have no understanding of Objective C, or C of any kind for that matt...