
Mono on the iPhone?

Has Mono been ported to the iPhone yet? I'd love to write .NET apps for the iPhone, and learning Objective C isn't an option for me. ...

ipod touch / iphone development on Windows?

Possible Duplicate: iPhone development on Windows Is there any way to develop for the iPod touch or iPhone on a Windows system? Months later: does anyone else think it's funny that this question has 4,500 views but only 2 upvotes? :D I vote to close as duplicate of http://stackoverflow.com/questions/113547/iphone-develop...

Problem with cocos2D for iPhone and touch detection

I just don't get it. I use cocos2d for development of a small game on the iPhone/Pod. The framework is just great, but I fail at touch detection. I read that you just need to overwrite the proper functions (e.g. "touchesBegan" ) in the implementation of a class wich subclasses CocosNode. But it doesn't work. What could I do wrong? the f...

How to jump to certain time with the MPMoviePlayer of iPhoneSDK?

I am developing a iPhone based course video system, in which I need to associate slides with certain time position of the video. I have found no such function to jump to certain time position when playing a video. (Or like the custom control of that in the Joost app) It would be a great favor for me if anyone can help me with it. Thanks ...

Key-Value Coding with Objective-C

I had a straight forward approach of turning Key/Value pairs of an XML excerpt into an NSDictionary when I started a simple iPhone application. The problem is, I need to turn those NSDictionary's instances that once populated my UITableView's into custom classes because they require behavior and additional complexity. The problem here is...

When I press "DONE" while playing movie using MPMoviePlayerController which view will get displayed

I am playing movie using MPMoviePlayerController, I am using TableView,what happening with my application is when I press accessory button it will display detailed view and when I press cell area it will play movie that I wanted,(the way youtube application does) but when I press "DONE" while playin movie it'll navigate to a view whic...

Javascript iPhone Scroll Effect in an iFrame / Javascript Mouse Acceleration

Hey Stackoverflow, I'm trying to recreate the iPhone flick / scroll event in a window using JavaScript. Starting with JQuery, I'm measuring the mouse's acceleration and offset during click - drag - release events using a timer: var MouseY = { init: function(context) { var self = this; self._context = context || wi...

Does Instruments (ObjectAlloc/Leaks) require the simulator?

This may be a very stupid question so I apologize in advance. It seems that Instruments only works for me when using the iPhone Simulator. Is there something special to getting it working when tethering the application to the iPhone? Or is that even possible? I launch the application the normal way through the Run->Start with performace ...

Assignment Makes Pointer from Integer Without a Cast

I have an Obj-C method similar to this: -(void)getUserDefaults:(BOOL *)refreshDefaults { PostAppDelegate *appDelegate = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate]; if (refreshDefaults) { [appDelegate retrieveDefaults]; } } When I call it like this I get no warning: [self getUserDefaults:NO]; When I call it like ...

iPhone device vs. iPhone simulator

I have heard of apps not working properly on the simulator but working properly on the actual iPhone device. Has anyone experienced an app that runs perfectly in the simulator but not on the actual iPhone device? ...

Which iPhone "Active SDK" version should I use?

The current (as of Dec 2008) iPhone SDK allows me to pick between 3 versions when I want to build an app: 2.0, 2.1, 2.2. -- I'll ignore 2.1 below. My assumptions: 2.2 has more API functions available than 2.0, 2.2 has fixed bugs since 2.0, 2.2 is backward-compatible with 2.0 (both for building and running), If I build with SDK 2.0, my...

Cocoa, Stomp, ActiveMQ, iPhone, SSL, & AsyncSocket Help Needed

Well, maybe not with all 4 things, but here's my situation: I have an ActiveMQ backend (running on my desktop Mac). It's a stock Apache ActiveMQ server I have which I am basically using as an echo server to tail the logs and debug my client. The client is an iPhone project with a hacked up Stomp.framework implementation using AsyncSocke...

Custom background for UINavigationBar in landcape mode

Hi I am adding a custom background for my UINavigationBar. It works fine as long as the phone is in portrait mode. As soon as I switch to landscape mode, half the bar appears blue (the default navbar color) and half of it has my image How can I stretch the image for landscape mode and make it small again for portrait mode? Thanks Sol...

How to use PhotoLibrary without jailbreak

Hi Mark, This is nice thing you have done. Could you please explain: How to use PhotoLibrary's CameraController without jailbreak. Actually I 've downloaded class-dump and tried dumping PhotoLibrary but did not work out well. It is giving: /* * Generated by class-dump 3.1.2. * * class-dump is Copyright (C) 1997-1998,...

Are there any timeframe selector web controls for .NET?

I would like to use a timeframe selector in a web page, that is optimized for touchscreen usage. (e.g. large buttons). I am actualy looking for a control that mimics iPhone UI for selecting a time frame or a time interval, say from 10:30 AM to 15:00 PM. ...

iPhone or Android?

According to a recent article iPhone has gained a better appeal than Android among programmers. I'm quite a newbie to Java and a complete profane to ObjectiveC, in your opinion, in which one of the two could I have a try? ...

Dynamically instanting classes in Objective-C, possible?

My problem is the following. I have a method which simply takes an XML excerpt and an XPath. It then should create me an array of objects for that XML excerpt. Meaning if I get passed the following XML: <user> <name>Bob</name> <age>50</age> </user> My method will instantiate an instance of the class User and use key-value-coding t...

Do I need to release IBOutlets when using loadNibNamed: method?

I have a .xib file containing a UIView and 2 UILabel subviews linked to a class named Note with outlets assigned to each label appropriately, the definition for this class contains the following. @interface Note : UIView { IBOutlet UILabel *time; IBOutlet UILabel *content; } I'm constructing this with the following code NSArr...

How to Cancel Scrolling in UIScrollView

I use UIScrollView to make large-sized (larger than 320px) UI on iPhone. I made an instance of UIScrollView and added some subviews on it. The problem is that I want to enable scrolling only when user touches outside of subviews, stop scrolling when user touches one of subviews. I read documents and tried to find samples but I can't fi...

How to reset saved data back to defaults?

I'm implementing saved data on my app by using NSUserDefaults, like this: [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] registerDefaults:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0],@"mySetting",nil]]; // check int firstLaunch = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] integerForKey:@"mySetting"]; // set [[NSUserDefaults...