
How to use PhotoLibrary without jailbreak

Hi Mark, This is nice thing you have done. Could you please explain: How to use PhotoLibrary's CameraController without jailbreak. Actually I 've downloaded class-dump and tried dumping PhotoLibrary but did not work out well. It is giving: /* * Generated by class-dump 3.1.2. * * class-dump is Copyright (C) 1997-1998,...

How do I avoid copying duplicate images to the iPhone Photo Library?

Hello, I am writing a simple application to copy a set of images to the user's photo library so that the user may use them as backgrounds. The problem is that if the user runs the application more than once, duplicate images will be copied to the photo library. Given the restrictions Apple places on accessing the contents of the photo l...

Create a customised UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypePhotoLibrary

The path for the thumbnails of the images located in the iPhone is: /private/var/mobile/Media/DCIM/100APPLE/.MISC/ (or instead of 100APPLE we have 101APPLE, 102APPLE etc). If I want to pick these images directly from these folders, what is the best way to improvise a nice picker like the one for UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypePhotoLi...

Insert photos in the photo library at runtime iphone sdk

Hi all, I have a tableview with custom cells. The cell shows photos which I'm getting in the form of url from an xml which I'm loading in webviews. There might be any number of photos, but I'm showing only first three photos in normal cell view. When user taps the cell, I want to insert all the photos that are in the form of urls for ...