This answer is somewhat belated, but a late answer is better than no answer at all. The answer is that there is no way to check the photo library for a duplicate image (at least within the constraints of the public API). The only way to write to the photo library is via the UIKit global function:
void UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum (
UIImage *image,
id completionTarget,
SEL completionSelector,
void *contextInfo
which simply writes the instance of UIImage to the photo library. None of its four parameters represent an additional, potentially identifying, object that might be saved with the image. Nor does the UIImage or the CGImage it wraps provide a slot for "metadata" of this sort. Of course, one can always subclass, but unfortunately there is no way to inspect the contents of the PL. The PL is a write-only persistent store whose contents, at least as far as the API programmer is concerned, are essentially anonymous. Like a black hole, the photo library has a "one-way surface."