
How do i use cocos2d with Xcode?

Hi, I downloaded the lastest version of cocos2d but I am confused as to how to use it with my current project. Can anyone show me how to use it with xcode. I'm looking to design a 2D maze. Do i have to import something ? Any sort of help would be appreciated. ...

Is there memory leakage when reassigning a variable?

Suppose I have a variable that's already been initialized to a string via an alloc/init combination. Will I have memory leakage if I reassign it via processing, ie. NSString *s = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:someOtherStringVariable]; s = [s stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]]; Has th...

How do I return an array with the initial letters of all the objects in another array?

I am working on converting a plain tableview to a sectioned tableview. I would like the section titles to be the first letter for the items in the section. This is what I have so far in my titleForHeaderInSection method: NSSortDescriptor *sortDescriptor; sortDescriptor = [[[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:@"Name" asce...

store file in NSDocumentDirectory of iPhone

I am using a UIImagePickerController in my application. After selecting an image by user, image should be saved at application Documents Directory, my Code is Give Below. -(void)imagePickerController:(UIImagePickerController*)picker didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo:(NSDictionary*)info { [picker dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YE...

iPhone phone call audio stream

Does the iPhone SDK allow you to hook into a phone call's audio stream? For instance, could you programatically place a call and send data to a receiving modem? If so, would you kindly point me to the API documentation? ...

iPhone - image preview class

Hi, Is there an easy way to implement an image preview, that is available in the iPhone photos application? I'm talking about the white screen that has many small images and when we click on them, the image becomes full screen. Thank you in advance. ...

Displaying iPhone UDID on Prefrences/Settings?

Is it possible to display the iPhone Unique Device Identifier number in the main settings/preference screen outside of the application? If so, how is this done, as I can't see how to pull the UDID into Root.plist. If not, I'm able to display it in a normal iPhone Application view, correct? ...

Streaming Audio MMS:// to the iPhone

I'd like to stream a mms:// url to my iPhone app, but so far information on the topic is hard to come by. I know there are a couple apps out there that can do it already (FStream, WunderRadio, Tuner), and I've read a few notes about them possibly using libmms and ffmpeg to accomplish this task. Does anyone know of a way to achieve this...

How to create a a webservice proxy in an iPhone application

Hello all, I want to call a webservice from an iPhone application. How to create a proxy for a webservice, as visual studio does it for us. Also Is there any other way around to access the SOAP XML webservice. ...

Clickable links in UILabel?

Hi there, I have been searching for this for hours but I failed. I probably don't even know what should I be looking for. Many applications have text and in this text are web hyperlinks in rounded rect, when I click them UIWebView opens. What puzzles me is that they often have custom links, for example if words starts with # it is also...

Reloading UITableViewCell on select

Okidoke. Here's my problem: I have a series of complex UITableViewCells set up to display stories from a news feed (yawn). What I want to happen, is for the cell background image and height to change on selection (as a means of marking that the story has been read). Now, prior to setting up dequeueing, I was able to do this with a simp...

Target Hardware Requirements for iPhone Development

Are there limitations to doing iPhone development on an iPhone without a contract? That is, can one purchase a used iPhone from ebay and successfully develop software for the iPhone? Will GPS work? ...

What are the odds that this iPhone app will fail?

I've been waiting on an iPhone app to go through the app store approval process. It's been in the queue for about two weeks now. Apple recently added something to the dev center about reachability, pointing developers to their sample app. In my app, I'm posting to a URL on my server using HTTP - but I'm not doing a reachability check f...

changing a (subclassed) cell's content on event

Hello, I have a Table who's cells are subclassed instances of UITableViewCell. My subclass has touchesMoved, touchesBegan, etc, so what I'm trying to do is alter an individual cell based upon a series of touches that I define. I am successful in capturing the touch sequence, and I can change the frame of the cell, but I can't seem to ...

Updating resource files for iPhone app

I've developed a generic iPhone app, intended for customization via a myapp.cfg file. I've successfully deployed the app to my adhoc testers via iTunes. My question is, how do I update their myapp.cfg file via iTunes. In other words, if they edit the .cfg file on their Windows PC or Macbook, how do they get it into the apps bundle in ...

Creating an iphone book application

I have some experience creating iphone applications and would now like to create an iphone book application. Browsing the Book category in iTunes it seems to there is a standard format for building these apps, however, googling for how to build an iphone book app produces no useful results. This type of application is also not addresse...

How to send an image using json to server in iPhone?

Hello all, I am using json to communicate with the server. I want to post and grab an image from the server. How to convert the image in json format to send it, also when we get an image in json format and convert it back to image. ...

Best way to approach app's own audio with in-app / out-of-app iPod music

My application is running some internal audio short files, per need. When that happens and if iPod music is on in the background, I stop it, play my sound, then continue it. all using [MPMediaMusicController iPodMusicPlayer]. Now, I want to add the ability to pick and play iPod music from inside my app. Currently, picking of the iPod mu...

A good tutorial/sample code for editable table cells?

Apple used to have EditableDetailView as sample code to learn how to do editable cells within UITableView. But this sample is no longer available on the developer site. Are there any other sample code that's recommended to learn how to do this? I'm looking to have a cell that's editable so it looks similar to the contacts app's detail v...

How to use UISearchDisplayController from a controller within an UITabBar controller ?

I have an UITabBar controller managing several controllers (using SDK 3.0). One of these is a tableView controller and I need to provide a search capability using the UISearchDisplayController. All of my code is based on Apple TableSearch example. However, when clicking on the tab, the tableView controller appears showing its related con...