I'm trying to develop iphone apps on my jailbroken iphone, and I can't seem to get the process down, for whenever I deploy my app, set all file permissions to 777, and respring, the application closes immediately when I try to launch it. Furthermore, it does not have the auto-gloss xcode shows in the iphone simulator, so what gives?
I was doing a memory profile in Instruments for my iPhone app and I pressed the "Full Screen" button in the lower left. The screen went black and I can't make it do anything else. When I power cycle the box I get the splash screen appearing, and then it goes back to black. Please help.
Here's a doc showing the button in the lower lef...
Hi All,
I'm fairly new to iPhone development and I'm trying to fetch 'Images from Server' in my application.
I'm using the following method to do this:
enter code here
- (UIImage *)imageFromURLString:(NSString *)urlString
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:urlString];
NSMutableURLRequest *request = [[NSMutableURLRequest al...
Can anyone tell me how to convert an NSArray to an NSData? I have an NSArray. I need to send it to an NSInputStream. In order to do that I need to convert the NSArray to an NSData. Please help me, I'm stuck here.
I attempt to get the path of the document directory on the iPhone SDK with the following code:
NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
I'm in distribution and not debug configuration. In debug a valid path is returned. Also I'm using iPhone OS 3.0
Please help!
How can I make my application display something only when they first launch the application for the first time. Example: They open up my app, an alert comes up, saying something like, "Do you want to play the tutorial?" Then, if they close the app, then re-open it, it won't show up again.
I'm currently writing a program where I have UIButtons arranged in a square. in a NIB. I swap the buttons by taping one one then another using "Touch Up Inside" events.
I want to make them swap by swiping one in the direction of another and by dragging one on top of another. I haven't been able to figure out how to do this. Ive been lo...
I would like to write a UIView subclass that, among other things, colors whatever's underneath it a certain color. This is what I've come up with, but it unfortunately doesn't seem to work correctly:
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
@class MyOtherView;
@interface MyView : UIView
MyOtherView *subview;
@implementation MyView
- (id)...
If you localize for a number of languages and have lots of content, how do you keep any changes in sync? For example, a bird app that list various birds (200 of them). If you have chosen to localize for five languages, that means you need 1000 localization files. Not only is it a lot of initial translating but very time consuming to k...
I have a UIImageView that can be resized by pinching in and out (Example: view.frame.size.width+10). The image of the Image View can also be rotated (CGAffineTransformMakeRotate). Okay, here is the problem: When I resize the UIImageView AFTER having had applied a Rotate Transform the view resizes abnormally (inversly (shrink when it shou...
My piece of code is...
window = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]];
window.backgroundColor = [UIColor blackColor];
CGRect rect = CGRectMake(0,0,320,480);
view = [ [ UIView alloc ] initWithFrame:rect ];
view.backgroundColor = [UIColor blueColor];
[window addSubview:view];
// Override point for customizat...
Hello everybody!
On my iPhone, I'm running an app called Caissa Chess. After registering the app with the manufacturer (this is optional) I received an email, containing a chess puzzle. The crucial part of the mail message, showing a chess diagram looks like this:
<a href="chess://puzzle/8/p1R3p1/4p1kn/3p3N/3Pr2P/6P1/PP3K2/8 w ?term=w2...
i use in my iphone application "three20" library but it's not work in iphone device 2.2.1.
anybody now if this project can run in this device and how can i solve it ?
thanks Alex
I'm trying to install Zxing on my iphone from source (I know I can get it at the app store, but I want to modify some things in it).
The problem I'm having is that the app won't stay installed on the phone. It will run without a problem, but no icon will appear after I quit the app. I thought it had to do with my manually editing the c...
I think I am missing something obvious somewhere.
I have a (CLLocation *)lastqueriedlocation defined in the header as a property and synthesized. I want to updated it in locationManager:didUPdateToLocation:fromLocation:
- (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateToLocation:(CLLocation *)newLocation fromLocation:(CL...
Hi All,
I am trying to develop a web app for iPhone on LBS.
I am using the ASP.NET MVC to do this.
Is there any way to use the Mapkit Framework provided by iPhone 3.0 in my web app ?
I am waiting to find this answer ....
Thanks and regards All.
When symbolicating crash reports, I noticed that line numbers are off. I tested this with a project in which I deliberately cause a crash. It seems the generated line number do not include certain lines, e.g. comment lines or compiler preprocessor statements (not sure what it does and does not include)...
Is there an easy way to get fro...
Hi all, :)
I'm developing a simple epub reader on iPhone but been wondering how to go about loading it. I know reading files such as a PDF is somewhat straightforward because it's one file in itself and can be loaded using UIWebView or CoreGraphics. It's unlike ePub which requires a bit more work to get(parsing xml's ...etc) the content...
Hello all ,
I have a question concerning hiding ,removing or adding a UIBarbuttonItem on UIToolbar.
I have a UIToolbar and two items.
I wish to hide an item on the toolbar and when I enter for example third UITableview
it will appear.
I've put this code in my viewDidload
instruct = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc]
I've got a big UIView that responds to touches, and it's covered with lots of little UIViews that respond differently to touches. Is it possible to touch anywhere on screen and slide around, and have each view know if it's being touched?
For example, I put my finger down on the upper left and slide toward the lower right. The touchesBe...