
Possible to remove my app from settings app?

Previous versions of my app have used the Settings.bundle method to have some user preferences managed in the (external) settings app. I've done away with that now, but I'd like to be able to de-register my application so that old users who upgrade don't have a useless entry in their settings app. Any idea if this is possible? Thanks. ...

Template declaration to dynamically find views in RoR

Hello, I'm trying to separate the views for the different platforms into different subfolders. I have done this for the layout, at the moment I have the following: class MoviesController < ApplicationController    layout :site_layout    def site_layout       if(iphone_request?)          "iPhone/movies"       else          "movies"   ...

Is there a way to render IPhone mic input directly into memory without working with files?

I see that the IPhone core audio does not include audioDevice objects to render audio input directly into RAM. I hear people talking about using files to do this(like speak here) but I am thinking there must be a way to do this otherwise. Your thoughts would be appreciated. ...

Do I have to re-compile everytime I add a new device for ad-hoc installation?

I have created an ad-hoc provision profile for my iPhone application. Everytime I add a new device, do I need to re-compile my application so that it can be distributed? This is VERY tedious. ...

Directed Graph implementation in Objective-C

Before diving in and rolling my own implementation in Objective-C, I'm looking around to try and find an iPhone SDK-compatible directed graph ("digraph") implementation. For the sake of this question, I'll lean on Wikipedia to define the term: Because ensuring the graph is acyclic or otherwise preventing infinite recursion is non-trivi...

How do I pass a number / integer between view controllers?

I am having difficulty with numbers when programming my iphone app. I want to pass a number (and possibly eventually an array) from one view controller to another. I have managed to do this will strings but I just can't figure it out with numbers. This is what I have.. PrimaryViewController.h @interface PrimaryTimerViewController ...

UITableViewCells to be in center of UITableView

Hi, I want that my 4 cells will be in the center of my UITableView. Can't scroll the UITableView. That there will be the same height above the first cell and below the last cell. thanks ...

What is the difference between these two init methods?

As far as I know, the first one you have to release when you are done, and the second one you don't. Why would you use the first initialization over the second? NSMutableDictionary *dictionary = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:@"title", @"text", nil]; And NSMutableDictionary *dictionary = [NSMutableDictionary dict...

Objective C - NSNumber, NSInteger, ...

What's the difference between NSNumber and NSInteger? Are there more primitives like these that I should know about/use? Is there one for floats? ...

Does anyone know where I can find a random text generator tutorial for xcode?

I am trying to make an app that uses a random text generator but I don't know how to do it so i was looking for a tutorial that would help me with it but I haven't found any yet.. Has anyone seen any of them? ...

iPhone touch event of two UIviews

Hi all, I'm working on a very simple application for iPhone now. On some state, the application shows a table and a layer over it. the layer contains a background image and a button. When clicking the button - nothing happens. instead - the table selected row is being triggered. What am I doing wrong? David. ...

Transition from a UITableViewController to a UITabBarController

For aesthetic reasons, I'd like the initial controller of my iPhone app to be a UITableViewController. But, in response to a row selection, I'd like to display a UITabBarController. Is this possible? Can one transition from a UITableViewController to a UITabBarController? ...

iPhone dev - create array in init or viewDidLoad

In my UIViewController subclass should I initialize the NSArray of data for the UIPickerView in init or in viewDidLoad and why? Thanks. ...

Where can I find the source of the CrashLander iphone example?

Apple pulled the plug to the sample. It is no longer distributed... Anyone got a link to a copy of the sample? ...

Base64 encoding on the iPhone, works in simulator, breaks on device

Hi I am using the simple SMTP client code, first posted on google code at: http://code.google.com/p/skpsmtpmessage/ That repo seems to have gone unmaintained, as the project owner is now employed at apple, and maybe has better things to do. There is a fork of the code, that is more recently maintained at github, which you can find at...

iPhone Objective C: How to get a pixel's color of the touched point on an UIImageView?

iPhone Objective C: How to get a pixel's color of the touched point on an UIImageView, even if the parent UIView or itself is being rotated by the CGAffineTransformMakeRotation function? Will the view property of the UITouch still correctly return the correct pixel of the touched point even if the UIView/UIImageView is being scaled and ...

Bug in XCode debugger?

I am working on an iPhone app which is using an external library for which I have the source. During debugging some of the objects are listed as 0x0 in the debugger but the app runs fine. Also, some of the objects addresses point to the wrong thing. These symbols are in the external library. The addresses are fine if I am tracing throug...

Set row height from the height of an image loaded from a plist.

I have a UITableView that displays single large images in each cell. The names of the images are stored in a plist. I would like to adjust the hight of each cell to accommodate the height of the image. Does anyone know of a way to get the height for an image and use it to set the row height? I'm having trouble finding this one and rea...

What are the main differences in iPhone project build settings for Debug build and Distribution build?

I want to make sure I am using the most correct build settings for my distribution build, which is based off of my Release build settings. Right now I am not seeing a whole lot of difference between the settings for Debug build and Distribution build. Is it safe to just go with the default settings? ...

When is UIViewController viewDidUnload called?

When does UIViewController's viewDidUnload automatically get called? Yes I know, when the view unloads. But when does that happen automatically? How can I do it manually? Thanks. ...