UIPickerView: last value followed by first value
Hi! Can anyone help me how to make the UIPickerView displays the first row's value after the last row's value, just like the UIDatePicker where after 12 the 1 will follow. Thanks ...
Hi! Can anyone help me how to make the UIPickerView displays the first row's value after the last row's value, just like the UIDatePicker where after 12 the 1 will follow. Thanks ...
Hi all I have an sqlite database I am writing and reading from. Most of the time I am writing, but occasionally I read something. The routine for writing (skeletonized, error checking removed etc..) goes something like this: st1 and st2 are already prepared along with the initialization of the database. -(BOOL) saveHvalue:(int) fid t...
I'm adding a subview/overlay starting from the MediaPlayer example project. The difference is that I'm trying to loop using the following code in the moviePlaybackDidFinish notification: moviePlayer.initialPlaybackTime = -1.0; [moviePlayer play]; That weird initialPlaybackTime property keeps the video from flickering on subsequent lo...
I have a UIViewController that instantiates several UIImageViews on the screen. Is it possible to instantiate an EAGLView (like the one in the OpenGL ES template in the iPhone SDK) in a similar manner in my View Controller, and possibly have the UIImageViews as well as an EAGLView all running simultaneously on the same screen? ...
(By the way, I don't use Interface Builder) I have a little project consisting of a root UIViewController which manages 5 other View Controllers with a UITabBar, I'm not using UITabBarController. The Root View Controller only ever keeps one of its View Controllers instantiated, when a tab bar item is selected, the View Controller ...
Does anyone know how to easily read a Dictionary type PSMultiValueSpecifier from NSUserDefault into a UIPickViewer control and save changes back to NSUserDefaults using iPhone SDK 3.0? If so, can you post some specific code to efficiently do this? ...
I'm working with a lot of files in my resources directory and I'd like to create folders to organise them. I've made a folder of plists, but I can't access it. Here's the code that works: NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"test" ofType:@"plist"]; and the code that doesn't work: NSString *path = [[NSBund...
Hi, I am creating an application with call functionality, I want to have the phone image on the right hand side and the name of the contact on the left hand side. Currently this has been implemented by placing the 2 buttons side by side, hence if the user clicks on any of the buttons, the same functionality (calling the contact) happens...
This may be a pretty basic question, but here goes. I develop an iPhone app that is a third-party client for a popular webapp. This webapp has it's own iPhone app to which it publishes push notifications. Is it possible for my app to register to receive push notificatons Sent by the webapp and intended for the webapp's native iPhone app?...
Does anyone know how to easily read a Dictionary type PSMultiValueSpecifier from NSUserDefault into a UITableView control and save changes back to NSUserDefaults using iPhone SDK 3.0? If so, can you post some specific code to efficiently do this? ...
Hi there, I've one application and two lib files. Application initialize a class object which need to pass to another class which is in the library. How can i do that? Here is what i did but it just crash mainClass.h @interface mainUIDelegate: NSObject<UIApplicationDelegate> { bla bla... myCppClass myCppObject; } mainClass.mm -(v...
I'm currently setting up OpenFeint for an iPhone application. By default, the first tab that loads is "Friends" (the third tab in the tab view list) but I'd like to customize this to load the main tab for our application (the first tab in the list). Anyone know how to accomplish this? Any help would be much appreciated. ...
So I'm trying to find out the best way to swap views for an iPhone game I'm making. I have a "root view controller" that has a reference to all the view controllers I want to swap between. So I add the main menu view to this root view controller - [self.view addSubview:mainMenuController.view]; - Then in the main menu view I have an in...
Hi, I am added Info light button in UIToolbar in UIViewController Xib .....Now i want to increase the size of the button ..I am trying to increase the frame size of the button in xib.But, its dont have an editable frame size.... I want to increase the touchable area.... Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance... ...
I'd like to create a simple fingerpainting feature in my app. Problem is any drawings I do to my UIView subclass view instance are erased after each drawRect call... How do you go about preserving your context drawings in your UIViews? ...
I get an error when trying to use MPMediaPickerControllerDelegate even though I have added the reference to the framework and added #import <MediaPlayer/MediaPlayer.h> The error I get is: "error: cannot find protocol declaration for 'MPMediaPickerControllerDelegate'" I'm trying to have a single binary work for iPhone OS 2.2 and 3.0,...
Hi, I am experiencing some issues when I load a UIImage from a URL into a UIImageView on the iPhone. When I generate the NSURL (with the URL in the argument of NSURL's URLWithString method) using properties of an object, the image is not retrieved at all, however if I hardcode the same URL, the image is retrieved and displayed as expect...
My project was working fine the whole time, today I added an admob library to my project and now it won't compile! Here is the error: ld: duplicate symbol .objc_category_name_NSCharacterSet_NSCharacterSet_Extensions in /Photo/libAdMobSimulator.a(NSCharacterSet_Extensions.o) and /Photo/build/Photo.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/Photo.build...
How much time is given to the startup and shutdown of an iphone app (and possibly other important routines). I have had programs killed on my iphone by the OS which was overzealous? ...
Hi, I'm trying to make an object in one array equal to another. If I set each property individually, it works fine, but I want to set one object equal to antoher without writing a function to run through each property. -(void)DrawCard: (int) wp{ [self GetNc :(wp)]; if (nc > 0){ ((card*) [[Hands objectAtIndex:wp] objectAtIndex:nc]) = (...