In my case i try to use font Futura in UIWebView with method loadHTMLString and web tag but the problem is futura do not show in page. I think it's custom font, and i downloaded Futura.ttf but how to use it? In other forms in labels futura present normal. Please help.
I have an array filled with [UIFont familyNames] but they aren't in alphabetical order.
How do I do this?
Hi. In order to cleanly port my game to the iPhone, I'm trying to make a game loop that doesn't use NSTimer.
I noticed in some sample code that, if using NSTimer, you'd set it up at the beginning with something like
self.animationTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:animationInterval target:self selector:@selector(drawVi...
I'm building a custom UITableView with each of the cells containing a piece of text and a MKMapView. I want the map "icon" view in the cell to have rounded corners and this seems to be an issue.
I'm using custom drawing both for my UITableViewCell and my MapIcon (custom map view) that I add to my UITableViewCell.
MapIcon is a subc...
I need a representation of the current user's preferred date+time format, like for example: @"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ"
Or in other words: When I print out a NSDate nicely compatible to the preferred locale of the user, then I need that format in string representation as Unicode Standard symbols like in the example above. Is there a way t...
Imagine a user with a French locale, who prefers an Islamic calendar. How could I print this date nicely as string in such a way, that it matches the user's locale, but where the date+time information matches also the calendar?
I believe that both the locale and the calendar have effect on how to format a day. Not the locale alone. Mayb...
i have added a UIViewController's view and a button to scrollview as how do i release all instance of UIViewController' is an attached image
in the view every uiview has a button over it for further navigation....
now i want to release uiview's and remove buttons from the scrollview is my method to add su...
I found some mapkit code on the internet that looks like this:
- (void)recenterMap {
NSArray *coordinates = [self.mapView valueForKeyPath:@"annotations.coordinate"];
CLLocationCoordinate2D maxCoord = {-90.0f, -180.0f};
CLLocationCoordinate2D minCoord = {90.0f, 180.0f};
for(NSValue *value in coordinates) {
There are some constants for NSLocale, like NSJapaneseCalendar, but what if I wanted to create a "Physical Calendar" or something that isn't there? Is there a way to define an arbitrary calendar system and then use that with NSDate, NSDateComponents and NSCalendar?
Hi All,
First of all, while I have an understanding of some of the basics, I'm am still somewhat of a newbie.
I have a sectioned UITableView that I am currently using NSDictionary(for grouping) and 4 or 5 different NSArrays (for data, some of which gets passed to the next view when a cell is selected) to populate the table. It works b...
Hi there,
I have a call to a third-party C++ library which I have put into its own thread (currently using NSThread). I would like to give the user the ability to stop the execution of that thread. (I am well aware of all the problems this might cause, but I still wish to do so.)
According to Apple's Thread Programming Guide, there ar...
I'm trying to use a sound callback function to show a button once my sound file completes playing.
//defining the callback
AudioServicesAddSystemSoundCompletion (soundID, NULL, NULL, AudioPlaybackComplete, self.nextButton);
Here's the callback function:
static void AudioPlaybackComplete(SystemSoundID ssID, void *clientData)
I am fairly new at programming in Objective-C, having been a windows programmer since I was a kid. I am falling in LOVE with it.
I am, however, having a bit of trouble figuring out this Core Data stuff. How do I create a new entry with a unique ID? In SQL I would just declare one field as an autoincrement field. I'm not seeing anyth...
Update: This works if I call archiveRootObject: from applicationDidFinishLaunching:. If I call it from the init: method of a singleton class, it returns nil.
I'm very confused by the behavior of NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithFile:. The documentation says that it will return nil if the file doesn't exist. With one of my objects, t...
I can print out a date nicely based on the user's locale. But how could I get a string with the date+time format?
A small - little question.
I have seen many application having buttons like following.
While using Interface builder I didn't Found any option to have this kind of button.
How to have this kind of button in your application.
The locale object must contain more information than apple talks about in the documentation. i.e. it must contain several date format strings. How can I print all this stuff to see where they are? Is there a method that would print out all information about an object?
I have an date format in a string, like this:
@"M/d/yy h:mm a"
Now I want to create text input fields for every component of that date, in the order of the given format above (which may vary depending on the locale.
Are there methods or ways to analyze this date format in such a way that the order of the date format components can be...
I have a uitableview that loads fairly large images in each cell and the cell heights vary depending on the size of the image. Scrolling performance is decent, but can sometimes be jerky.
I found these tips I found on the FieryRobot blog:
I have prior experience in build a automatic build process for .NET & Delphi projects but now want to automate the building of a iPhone project... not only simply builds but also to the final deployment..
I want a generic step list, with the command line actions that need to be performed, so anyone could adapt it to their particular bui...