I have been trying to compile pjsip for iphone 3.0 but I have been unable to do so. I have tried following the guides on siphon and voiphone (open souce iphone projects that use pjsip). And apparently I am not the only one that is unable to compile pjsip for iphone 3.0 has anyone been able to do so succesfuly?. How can it be done...
I have a Core Data model in which a Task entity includes an optional to-many relationship ExcludedDays to the ExcludedDay entity. One of the properties of ExcludedDay is day, which is an NSDate object. The ExcludedDay entity has an inverse mandatory to-one relationship to the Task entity.
In order to fetch the tasks for a specified day,...
Hey all,
how can i navigate through all my text fields with the "Next" Button on the iPhone Keyboard.
The last text field should close the Keyboard.
I setup in the IB the Buttons (Next / Done) but now im stuck.
I implemented the textFieldShouldReturn action but now the Next and Done Buttons close the Keyboard.
Thanks for your help!
So I modified Apple's PageControl example to dynamically load various navigation controllers (along with their root view controllers) into the scroll view. I also added a technique that attempts to unload a navigation controller when it's no longer needed. I've only been at ObjC for a little over a month, so I'm not sure if I'm doing t...
I am trying to implement the AudioFileStreamSeek feature on my streaming app. But there is no way I can get this running. Even Matt Gallagher said on his blog:
Icidentally, the AudioFileStreamSeek function seems completely broken. If you can't get it to work (as I couldn't) just seek to a new point in the file, set discontinuous to ...
I've got a pretty simple situation that calls for something I don't know how to do without a stencil buffer (which is not supported on the iPhone).
Basically, I've got a 3D model that gets drawn behind an image. I want an outline of that model to be drawn on top of it at all times. So when it's behind the image, you can see its outline,...
I am using NSDateFormatter to set my date in my iPhone app, and dates are showing up properly. However, I am finding all the locales (my app supports up to 12 different languages) are sticking to the date format I specify via setDateFormat. Ideally, I want the date format to appear in a form natural to the region setting for the user, ...
I need to calculate the distance (in meters and miles) between two coordinates given
How can I do that?
I notice that the iphone safari caches content so that your page load for later is much faster much like a desktop browser. So take mobile gmail web page for example, the first load is quite slow (5-10 secondS). But if I close the tab and reopen the page again, it's very quick (1 second).
However, this behavior is not the same if you lo...
I have strings with dates, and want to parse these into NSDate objects. Is there a way to do that? I've looked at NSDate and NSScanner, and haven't seen anything that would read it in from a string.
I need a calendar in my app where the user can pick a date from. I wonder if there's a calendar library to do something like this?
I'm really impressed by the custom picker control that's in the Convert app. I'm wondering how hard is it to create a custom control and does anyone know of any good resources?
I have an application that let's users view images. The user decides what images to use, so the size can range from 10x10 to 10000000x10000000 (I am exeggerating). All is well up to a certain size, when the image is bigger than the iPhone's memory. Quite understandably.
But how do I fix it? Is there a way to load only a portion of ...
Hi Everyone:
I am wondering how I would go about measuring the time in between touches inside a view in the iPhone SDK. I know that the first event triggered is touchesBegan: and then the last one triggered is touchesEnded:, however I just don't know how I would go about measuring the time that the user has touched the view for. For i...
I have defined a constants class within my iphone program using the 'extern' and 'const' keywords as in the example described in:
At this point, I am trying to initialize some string constants from the contents of a plist file, instead of being defined right in the...
I am attempting to allow a user to select an image from the photo gallery and assign a comment to it.
The photo class presents a UIIMagePickerController and I am able to successfully retain the image chosen by the user. However, when I create a view controller for the comment box and present/dismiss it, I am not sure how to save the va...
I store my NSDates to a file in the international format you get when you call description on a NSDate.
However, I don't know how to go back: from the string-format to a NSDate object. NSDateFormatter seems to be limited to a couple of formats not including the international one.
How should I go back from the string-format?
Hi, I want to know how to enter baseball stats manually in a table like hr, RBI AVG with tabs and all that. Is there a table that i can use for my iphone app? I want to use a navigation table and link to a table with the stats in it.
I have two very simple, identical UITableViews in my app that are populated with thumbnail images named "thumb1.jpg", "thumb2.jpg", etc. These thumbnails have associated original images "1.jpg" and text files "1.txt" used for image processing. Everything is stored in the app's Documents folder.
I want to keep the numbered, ordered namin...
I know how to customize the tableViewCell.
I have seen many application customizing the tableView Cell.
Similarly, I want to customize TableView Section Header
"Suppose - A section name should be in different font, It has different background images etc."
Is it possible How?
In which method Should I implement the code?