
Custom UID data type for CoreData

The CoreData documentation says "You can sometimes benefit from creating your own unique ID (UUID) property which can be defined and set for newly inserted objects. This allows you to efficiently locate specific objects using predicates (though before a save operation new objects can be found only in their original context)." What shoul...

iphone tab bar icon click area

Do the sizes of the tab bar icons determine the clickable area? If I have a smaller tab bar icon, does that make the clickable area smaller? ...

Arguments in @selector

Is there any way that I can pass arguments in selector? example: I have this method - (void)myMethod:(NSString*)value1 setValue2:(NSString*)value2{ } and I need to call this function through a selector passing two arguments. [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:0.1 target:self selector:@selector(/*my method*/) userInfo:nil repe...

Custom MKAnnotationView Callout

Does anyone know, or have code that shows, how to create a custom MKAnnotationView Callout? I mean the actual text bubble and not the pin. Thanks in advance. ...

How to get a C method to accept UIImage parameter?

I am trying to do some Image processing on a UIImage using some EAGLView code from the GLImageProcessing sample from Apple. The sample code is configured to perform processing to a pre-installed image (Image.png). I am trying to modify the code so that it will accept a UIImage (or at least CGImage data) of my choice and process that inst...

Is anyone doing iPhone SDK 2.x.x dev on Snow Leopard?

There seems not to be an SDK 2.x.x for Snow Leopard. Or am I mistaken? BTW, I'm loving the built-in Clang!! Kudos to the Xcode team! ...

Rotate UIView in Cocoa Touch

Hi Everyone: I have seen other people who have had this question, but most of the responses aren't working on the latest 3.0 build of iPhone OS. Anyway, I'm wondering how I can programatically rotate a UIView without any input from the accelerometer. The code I have found so far: CGAffineTransform transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRot...

Snow Leopard and XCode 3.1

My Original Leopard's XCode installation works fine (for iPhone 3.0 Development) with Snow Leopard without making any changes. What are the benefits I'll get if I install XCode 3.2 that comes with the SL DVD? Is it mandatory to upgrade? ...

Can I change the color of auto detected links on UITextView?

I had a UITextView that detects phone numbers ans links, but this overrides my fontColor and change it to blueColor. Is there a way to format the color of auto detected links, or should I try a manual version of this function? ...

Modifying the keyboardAppearance in MFMailComposeViewController

Is it possible to modify the appearance of the keyboard in MFMailComposeViewController? I am able to change the navigation bar and I would like to set the keyboard to the alert type. Thanks ...

Is it possible to preload all tableview cells to enable smooth scrolling?

I have a tableview that only holds a few (~5)cells with a large image in each cell. Is it possible to preload all the cells to improvescrolling performance? Right now, there is a slight jerk when each cell is loaded. Thanks! ...

How to move calculate a thrown objects path in an isometric environment?

Hello! I am making an isometric game on the iPhone, and need a little help. What is the best way to go about calculating the path a object must take if it is thrown from one tile to another? I've been looking into using NSBezierPaths, but can't quite work out how to use them for the objects path? Any help would be greatly appreciated! ...

How to get UIImage from texture of an EAGLView?

I am trying to get a UIImage from a texture I loaded into EAGLView using the following way: //Try to get UIImage from EAGLView and assign to imageDataPhoto1 UIGraphicsBeginImageContext(myEAGLView.bounds.size); [myEAGLView.layer renderInContext:UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()]; imageDataPhoto1 = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()...

iPhone - cannot test in-app purchases

Hi I have created a test account for sandbox testing of in-app purchases. I am following these steps to test Logged out of any existing accounts Open app and start getting list of products available Start process to download a product SKPayment *payment = [SKPayment paymentWithProductIdentifier:productId]; [[SKPaymentQueue defaultQ...

Any way to BRIGHTEN a UIImage without using OpenGL ES?

Does anyone know of a way to simply and effectively brighten a UIImage by a specific amount? I am currently fiddling with the Apple Sample Code Example GLImageProcessing with poor results...My app currently does not use OpenGLES or EAGLViews and it is awkward trying to bridge the technology. ...

How do I save an UIImage as BMP?

Can I save (write to file) UIImage object as bitmap file (.bmp extension) in iPhone’s document directory? Thanks in advance. ...

flash + phone camera

for website that embed flash to capture camera (red5..etc). may i know is there any handset that currently support flash and can used to capture image from handset camera? ...

How to validate a given date in a specific calendar system from a string?

I have some dates represented as strings. These strings correspond to a date format of a particular locale and calendar system, i.e. Gregorian, Jewish, etc. In theory, I could try to use NSDateFormatter for this, but: 1) How does NSDateFormatter know in which calendar system the string date is expressed? 2) How does NSDateFormatter kno...

How can I iterate on RGBA of EACH pixel in a bitmap context?

How do I iterate on EACH PIXEL in a bitmap context? I found some source that seems to be attempting to do this but it is somehow flawed. Can someone tell me how to fix this code so that I can iterate on the RGBA of each pixel? -(UIImage*)modifyPixels:(UIImage*)originalImage { NSData* pixelData = (NSData*)CGDataProviderCopyData(CGImageG...

Is it possible to figure out the order of NSDateComponents objects for a specific locale and calendar system?

Example: An user has the US locale activated in the device and wants to enter a Jewish date. So the user uses the Jewish calendar system. As far as I get it, I can instantiate an NSCalendar with Jewish calendar system while still using the user's locale for the date+time format and other things. But how could I figure out the order of ...