
Loading Accessory callout view for mkannotationview

I have a map annotation view that contains a rightcallout button which loads an accessory view which is a UIViewController class. I am using resuable annotations, but am wondering how I can pass updated information to my UIViewController class. Let's say I have 2 string values which map to 2 UILabels on my view. How can I update those va...

Is there a way to retrieve a set or array of keys for a given NSManagedObject?

For any given NSManagedObject, is there any method to return a set or array of keys (attribute names) for that particular NSManagedObject? I've tried looking around in NSObject & NSManagedObject docs but found nothing. Something that functions like NSDictionary 'allKeys' would be what I need, ie. myArrayOfKeys = [myDict allKeys] I pr...

how to use soundEngine.cpp play sound effect and background music at the same time?

as title how to play both file at the same time? i have tried SoundEngine_loadEffect(path,UInt32); but dont have any sound come out, can someone show me some code to play the sound properly? ...

soundEngine loadEffect no error but dont have sound come out

SoundEngine_Initialize(44100); // Assume the listener is in the center at the start. The sound will pan as the position of the rocket changes. SoundEngine_SetListenerPosition(0.0, 0.0, kListenerDistance); SoundEngine_LoadEffect([[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"punch1" ofType:@"wav"] UTF8String], &_sounds[kSound_Start]); i don...

How to display a base64 image within a UIImageView?

Hey, I got this Base64 gif image: R0lGODlhDAAMALMBAP8AAP///wAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAACH5BAUKAAEALAAAAAAMAAwAQAQZMMhJK7iY4p3nlZ8XgmNlnibXdVqolmhcRQA7 Now I want to display this Base64 String within my IPhone App. I could get this working by using the WebView: aUIWebView.scalesPageToFit = NO; aUIWebView...

Using the PayPal API in an iPhone application

Hello I want to use Paypal in my iphone application, I have find the soapRequest to integrating the paypal API. My code is NSString *soapMessage = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" "<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:xsi= \"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" xmlns:SOAP-ENC=\"http://schemas.xm...

How to Get UIImagePickerController as First screen in TabBarApplication

How to open Photo Library in First screen as pushviewcontroller in tabBarApplication. ...

iPhone/Objective-C - transform voice "live"

hi! so i'm doing a little bit of research/thinking about a project i might do and have run into some questions you guys might be able to help me answer. is it possible in an iphone app (objective-c) to apply effects to a mic-input live. i've seen quite a few applications in appstore allowing you to record a snippet and then apply variou...

UITextField text field does not set

I'm trying to update the username field for a textfield. Currently there is a place holder which has "Username" written in it. I am loading the username from a settings file but for clarity I will just hardcode in the username. - (void)viewDidLoad { settings=[Settings new]; [settings loadData]; //username.text=settings.use...

Make the keyboard appear for my custom UIView

Hi there, I have a UIView subclass and I want the keyboard to appear when it is the first responder (so a backspace can be detected to "delete" the view). I have tried making my UIView subclass adopt the UITextInputTraits protocol but it seems that's not enough to make the keyboard appear. How can this be done? Or is it only possible fo...

Resize and crop images before displaying in UITableViewCells

Hello, i have an UITableView in my app and i have to load some images that have a fixed width but different heights. I download the images async using an NSOperationQueue and for resizing and cropping i tried to use the solution provided by Jane Sales in this post link text. i made a custom UITableViewCell class and in it i have a meth...

How to Send Device Token in APNS

I Have implemented following code but not getting the Device Token? - (void)application:(UIApplication *)app didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData *)deviceToken { NSLog(@"deviceToken: %@", deviceToken); } ...

image editing with openGL ES

i have two images which are overlapping on each other.(the way in which cards are placed on top of each other) now if i move my finger over the top most image that portion of the image should become transparent.(opacity of that part should become 0). i am new to OpenGL ES development. kindly help me out or give me any suggestion to...

UIImageView resize

I've made a UIImageView with the correct size in the interface builder and connected the outlet up in the class file. How can I stop a large jpg from filling the entire screen? I want the image to resize to fit in the frame I made in IB. (void)viewDidLoad { NSString filePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"wine" ofType:@"jpg...

Unit-testing iPhone rotation

Hello, world! My iPhone application has several views and some viewControllers for that views. I need to test how viewControllers react to device rotations (switch between Portrait and Landscape device orientations). I found some info about OCMock and google-toolbox-for-mac frameworks but not found any answers on this topic. Some vie...

iphone how to check the type of an Object ?

HI , i am new to iPhone. i want to check the type of an Object. how i will do that ... the scenerio is i m getting an object . if that object is of type A then do something .. if it is of type B then do something .. currently the type of the object is C that is parent of A and B ... i have two classes AViewController and BViewControll...

IPhone - Move detailTextLabel within UITableViewCell

I am building a UITableViewCell. I am using the style UITableViewCellStyleSubtitle for my table view cell. In the textLabel of the cell I have data that can require a wrap. So to accomodate, I want to move down the detailTextLabel so that the wrapped text isn't covered by the text in the detailTextLabel. I am attempting the following...

Using a video as the background of an iPhone application?

Hi, im new to the iPhone SDK and development. I work for a company that is looking to create some proof-of-concept iPhone applications and one of the requests/potential features was using a video file as the background for the application. I understand that from a user experience pov this isnt necaserrily classed as best practice howeve...

Why does Xcode warn me about title shadow offsets in xib files even though I'm targeting iPhone OS 3.0?

When I build my iPhone project, I get warnings from xcode about a few of my xibs saying: Specifying a title shadow offset in Interface Builder is not supported by the iPhone SDK for iPhone OS versions prior to 3.0. Thing is, I'm building for 3.0, and the base SDK is set to 3.0. I've done some poking around and can't find anyt...

Hide API key from 3rd party?

The iPhone app that I am working on requires GET calls to a 3rd party site's api. The 3d part site does not offer SSL and requires the API key be in the GET request's querystring. What is the best way to secure this? I know I can have the iPhone app talk to my server and then my server send a request but I would like to avoid that if pos...