i am making an application of iphone, in which i have a table view, on every row of table view i have created a button programmatically & on its click method am showing picker view. Picker view showing perfectly, on picker view's toolbar i have 2 barbuttonitem named Done & Cancel. i have added below code in Picker view's delegate met...
i want to add a uiview of smaller frame as subview to parental view but i am not getting the needed
uiview *view = [[uiview alloc] initwithFrame:something];
[self.view addsubview:view];
can anyone suggest me the answer
this is my code it does not releases memory
it reaches to 60 mb and application kills
for (int i=0; i<[modelList count] ;i++) {
url=[url stringByAppendingString:[modelList objectAtIndex:i]];
url=[url stringByAppendingString:@".jpg"];
[[NSURLCache sharedURLCache] setMemoryCapaci...
Using this method to hide the status bar:
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarHidden:YES animated:YES];
When setting "hidden" back to NO, the tap-to-scroll-to-top (in UIWebView, UITableView, whatever) doesn't work any more, and requires a restart of the app to get the functionality back.
Is this a bug (I filed a rdar anyho...
Hello together,
I have an application, it worked on the iPhone OS 3.0 with SDK 3.0.
with iPhone OS 3.0.1 I did the update and it seems o.k.:
ln -s /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/3.0\ (7A341) /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/3.0.1
But when I want to install my application on the device I get:
I am devloping a game in which I am using a UITableView which has customCell (UItableViewCell).
In editing mode:
Only the reordering control of the UITableView should show.
Right now i am getting the delete and the reordering control.
How to get only reordering control while editing ???????
I have a tableView and when the user is selecting one of the cells, im loading a big image.
This loading takes like 10 seconds and i'd like to show a small view with a spinning icon.
- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
loadingView = [[LoadingHUDView alloc] initWithTitle: NS...
I am pulling my hair out trying to conjure up the correct syntax to set the HTTP header information do a byte-range load from an HTTP server.
This is the offending method on NSMutableURLRequest
- (void)setValue:(NSString *)value forHTTPHeaderField:(NSString *)field
This is how I am using this method to load the first 512 byte of a URL...
Hey everyone,
UITableview should only load cells that is visible at first right? My tableview is loading every cell initially which slows it down a lot. I'm using around 1000 rows. Only want it to load a cell when it has to (like user scrolling down). Anyone have any ideas why it's doing this?
When somebody does a wipe gesture to scroll the content from left to right, I would like to have a background image scrolling into the same direction, but at a different speed. Much like what these classic games did do 20 years ago (remember that, anybody????)
Hi there,
I need to use a stretchable UIImage hundreds of times in my app in multiple UIImageViews. Is it okay to globally reuse the same stretchable UIImage instead of having to recreate them in memory each time I need to add it to a UIImageView?
I know [UIImage imageNamed:] caches images for better performance, but this cannot be use...
every UIViewController has a method called willRotateToInterface.
Is it possible to do this within a UIView too?
Does this match the idea of model view controller ?
The only way I can think of is to send the event from the UIViewController to the UIView.
Is there a global variable for the current orientation?
I read a few memory-leaking issues with UIImagePickerController, so I changed my code to using member variable and was able to take more than a few pictures with the camera. However, I find the photo-taking to take longer and longer time, and eventually it crashed at around 25 photos.
There are two things I do after the photo in the di...
I am placing an NSFetchedResultsController into my code so I get that nice automatic sectioning of my table view data.
So I am running a test to make sure everything works properly. I have a single Book entity in my persistent store. I will first perform the fetch the old way, then I will try to use NSFetchedResultsController. The diffe...
Hi there,
I have a series of UIViews inside a UIScrollView, and the UIViewControllers for those views are not receiving the touch events. If I take the views out of the scroll view then it works.
I have enabled userInteraction on the views but it's still not working!
This must be possible and I'd be really grateful if someone could po...
Finally got MGTwitterEngine stuff to
compile (by setting the Header Search Paths to /usr/include/libxml2 iphoneos3.0/usr/lib/libxml2)
AND link (by removing the Twitter LibXML Parsers code and assigning a weak role to libxml2.2.dylib in Targets: Link Binary With Libraries).
But when I do a Build and Go to the iPhone (not the simula...
When you use facebook connect on the iPhone do you have to use the supplied login button and login screen built into the framework? The reason I ask is because I'm also using twitter and I would like to have the same user experience when they log in to user as they have when they log in to facebook. So I can either replicate the login sc...
I would like to create a 4 x 6 grid of UIImageViews that each contain a slightly different image. I would also like to be able to randomly select one of the instances and change it's image.
My question is what's the best way to set up the UIImageViews in a grid formation, perform a few actions between each setup, and randomly pick 1 of ...
I am interested in detecting the MIME-type for a file in the documents directory of my iPhone application. A search through the docs did not provide any answers.
i have implemented following method in my application.
- (void)accelerometer:(UIAccelerometer *)acel didAccelerate:(UIAcceleration *)aceler {
if (fabsf(aceler.x) > 1.5 || fabsf(aceler.y) > 1.5 || fabsf(aceler.z) > 1.5 || fabsf(aceler.x) < -1.5 || fabsf(aceler.y) < -1.5 || fabsf(aceler.z) < -1.5 )