I want to localize my iPhone applications into other languages except from English, but I don't know anyone who would speak Italian or French.
How do you translate your application name, description and application contents into other languages? Who may help in this issue? Are there any iPhone-oriented translation companies?
One thing I like about the iPhone Photo Album is the way a photo extends up underneath both the navigation bar and the status bar which are both translucent.
In my app, I've got my navigation bar and status bar both translucent. How do I get the same visual effect as the Photo Album?
The problem? I look up stuff in the xcode documentation and find very useful lists of objects, methods, etc... But then I still have to go somewhere else to find useful example code of how to use that object. For example, I looked up NSNumber yesterday and found all of the neat stuff it can do, but I still had no clue how to use it. ...
I was reading at an apple site that shark captures everything that is running on my mac. Thats stupid. I want it to be constrained only to my iPhone app on the device, but there's just nothing to select the executable or something like that. Also in xcode, "Run > Run with Performance Tool > Shark" is grayed out. But shark 4.6x is running...
Good afternoon,
I have a quick 'top level' question regarding the usage of Facebook Connect in an iPhone app which is in fact powered by my own backend. Is it possible that the user does authenticate him/herself with fbconnect on the iphone and the app hands over the session identifier to my server in order to perform whatever I need to...
I have to appear for iPhone Application Developer.. So, for that i need some links that shows me some overview of interview questions regarding Objective-C or cocoa framework...
If you have any links then please provide me.
After a while I figured out I could bind Shark to the process of my executable in the simulator. Not on the device though. Well, anyways, here is something that makes absolutely zero sense, but looks bad:
42.2% 42.2% QuartzCore sw_scanline(int, int, int, ogl_poly_vert*, ogl_poly_vert*, ogl_poly_vert*, ogl_poly_vert*, unsigned int, voi...
I have created a simple UIView hierarchy in IB:
Parent (UIView)
child (UIView)
child (UIView)
child (UIButton)
The button sits atop the two sibling UIViews.
My app launches in landscape mode rather then portrait. When the only child view is a UIButton, the button correctly rotates 90 deg. However, when I add the child UIViews th...
i have to play a video which is not black and white.i need to play it as black and white in iphone .can we do this.if yes then how to do ???
If I have the original transform matrix of a rectangular UIImageView and this image is scaled and rotated and by the end I can read the final transform matrix of this same view, how can I calculate how much the image scaled and rotated?
I suppose that somehow these matrix contain these two informations. The problem is how to extra...
Animated GIFs are awesome. Does anyone know how to create and save them using the technologies available to the iPhone?
It started one day while I was using my iPod Touch: wouldn't it be cool to have XXX function (from our internal desktop application) available on the iPhone as an native app.
I had that idea because (A) I think our current bulky desktop internal 6+ years old application suite needs a major face lift, and (B) instead of continuing our wa...
I have a UITableView that implements NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate. When I tap a cell, I load another viewcontroller which allows me to edit an entity represented by the tablecells. When I'm done editing, it sends a message to the UITableViewController which does a [self.tableview reloadData];
My problem is that reloadData doesn'...
I want to access the value of a view controller data member variables in another view controller object.
Or is it possible to access its controls like UILabel text property?
how do i reset my build settings in xcode?
The docs say:
Important: Shark cannot capture symbol
information on the iPhone itself, so
“raw” sessions recorded from an iPhone
will appear in Shark labeled only
based on sample address ranges. This
can make it very difficult to
understand the results that Shark
returns. Instead, you must tell Shark
to recover symbol...
When calling sort(function) in Javascript on an iPhone it doesn't seem to sort.
For example:
devices.sort(function(a, b) {
return a.name > b.name;
Are there some known limitations or can someone help me how to do this on an iPhone. It seems to work fine in Chrome, IE, Firefox.
This is the strangest error i have come across.
Am trying to add a countdown animation onto a Class that extends UIView. The code is shown below:
NSArray *myImages = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: [UIImage imageNamed:@"3.png"], [UIImage imageNamed:@"2.png"], [UIImage imageNamed:@"1.png"], [UIImage imageNamed:@"Go.png"], nil];
I'm working on locating an iPhone device in 3D space.
I can use lat/long to detect physical location, I can use the magnetometer to figure out the direction they're facing, and I might be able to use the accelerometer to figure out how their device is oriented, but I can't figure out a way to get height of the device off the floor.
I have noticed in the iPhone Simulator an option in one of the menus to specify which OS to run the Simulator under. I'm wondering if something similar is possible for the device itself (of which I have only one), so I can test my app on the actual hardware under varying OS versions?