I was using the arc4random() function in order to generate a random group and sequence of numbers, but I was told that this was overkill and that I should use the random() function instead. However, the random() function gives me the same group and sequence of numbers every time.
I call srand(time(0)) once when my app first starts in or...
I am developing a application in which I need functionality to ask user for their location more than once, what happening is when user allowed it once to use his location and when he navigate to another section it's not asking him to get his location, it's taking it from already cached location.
is that possible to ask user mul...
Is it possible to play audio and video file at a same time? I want to play different audio file and video file at a same time and also want control for both, so is it possible?
Hi everyone,
I have an iPhone app. I am storing a float value, (distance), in my sqlite3 db. (The field in the db is formatted to float) I am able to store float values correctly in the db no problem. However, I can't seem to figure out how to pull the value back out of the db the format and present it correctly. Here is my code for pul...
I am having a hard time figuring out how to get the property list file that was created using Xcode. I created a property list file using array with NSString members. I want to grab that file and get all the NSString members and save it to a UITextField. But my problem is that I can't see that file. I don't know if I'm looking in the wro...
I want to be able to use the iPhones Mail.app inside my application so my users can send a share email without leaving the application. I know 3.0 made this possible.
I have added the framework properly by ctrl clicking on my frameworks folder -> add existing framework.
Added this to the header file of the viewcontroller I want the ...
I have an iPhone app which deals with a subset of 25,000 places at any given time.
I'd like to maintain a cache of places so that I know that if one part of my application updates a place, every other part that knows about that place sees the update.
My nieve implementation is create an NSMutableSet to store references to the cached pl...
Saving data:
- (NSString *)dataFilePath
NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
NSString *documentsDirectory = [paths objectAtIndex:0];
return [documentsDirectory stringByAppendingPathComponent:kFilename];
- (void)applicationWillTerminate:(NSNotification *)notification
I don't think what I am doing is all that unusual, but I'm certainly getting an unusual result.
I have a normal UITableView, and when one of the cells is touched, I push a viewController onto the navigationController stack. Nothing I have not done 100 times before.
This particular viewController is another UITableViewController, with o...
I am new in iphone developement.I am developing a map application which allows the user to select a particular area of a map(circular or rectangular area).To develop this application which is the best tool,Google maps API or Mapkit framework .Please any one give me a perfect way to develop this ,Is there any sample codes available.....
i am trying to upload pdf file from my iphone app to server through NSURLRequest. but it fails to upload pdf file content, gives EXEC_BAD access error.
hello all,
Whenever I read about how to avoid memory leaks, I always came across a concept that
"Number of alloc must be equal to number of release".
But I came across a concept where we require more than one release. Like What I used to practise was as follows:
(NSString*) func1
NSString* result = [[NSString alloc] initWithFor...
I just submitted my iPhone application using iTunes Connect, but I don't see anywhere that they ask what version I used to compile my app? The binary I submitted used the 3.0 SDK (I used the drop down menu on the top left corner of xcode), is that right?
How about the build settings? iPhone OS deployment Target and Base SDK? what value...
I have two view controller classes in my application delegate. I can change from one view controller to the next view controller by issuing the method -pushViewController:animated of the navigationController class and going back to the previous view controller by calling the method -popViewController:animated. Now my problem is I want to...
I have a situation where I need to store the data in local (iphone) and the same data will be in the web server to be accessed by other users (like sending messages) .
For the web server part I am not worrying, I created all the tables and relations.
but I am worrying about Iphone side data storage and sync both sides correctly....
how do I play a remote .mp3 in an iPhone app with full control over the playback controls and visuals shown? I know MPMoviePlayerController can stream .mp3s but it takes over the whole screen.
If you could just point me in the direction of an appropriate guide or class reference that would be great.
I want to use core data in my application with back end Sqlite store.
But I need the Primary key (auto inc Integer) value after an insert which I want to send this primary key value to a web server.
Is there any way to get the primary key of the record from sqlite database through the core data feature ?
I don't want the unique I...
Hi! can anyone guide me how to create a fetch request that will query an entity and returns any properties that qualify my criteria.
Here's what I have. I have an entity that has 35 properties, all are in types of float.
What I need was to see all properties of the entity which values was <= zero.
I know how to return the values of the...
When stepping with the debugger through this, dfString is invalid after [df release]
- (NSString*)dateFormatStringWithLocale:(NSLocale*)locale {
NSDateFormatter* df = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[df setDateStyle:NSDateFormatterShortStyle];
[df setTimeStyle:NSDateFormatterShortStyle];
[df setLocale:locale];
I have a sqlite databse that holds a table. The table contains about 7500 data. I've fetch the 7500 data in a UITableView. A UISearchBar is used to search the UITableView.There is no problem in simulator but when I run in a iPhone device, then it will take time to load and when I type to SearchBar then it hangs the device keyboard.
Is t...