
iPhone app is in landscape mode, but view's bounds is still portrait

What's really going on behind the scene when you set the phone's orientation to landscape mode? When I traced out main screen's bounds and any subview's bounds, the width and height is still 320x480, rather than 480x320. Any idea why? ...

updating resources automatically on each build?

I'm building this iPhone app that has a set of resources that I, during development, update a lot. These resources are later used by my app. The thing is, whenever I make a change in these resources and do a regular build, the resources aren't actually updated within my iphone application. In fact, they are never updated until I clean ...

How to connect to a Remote Database from native Iphone app

Hi, I want to connect to a remote database(MySQL or SQL Server or Oracle) via internet from my native iphone app. I can't find any API or Framework in System to add. does any one know how to connect to a remote Database? pleased help me. Thank you very much ...

iPhone Accessory API

Hi All, Can anyone give me a short version of what it takes to develop an app which connects to an accessory? I signed up to the 'made for ipod' program and got a huge pile of technical specifications docs which I have no idea how to start with. Any help would be appreciated. David ...

iPhone - UILabel containing text with multiple fonts at the same time

I am looking for a way to use a UILabel (or something similar) to display something like this: Tom: Some message. It is like how it's done in for example the Facebook app to display the "what's on your mind?" messages. Does anyone have any suggestions how to approach this? ...

Image strategy in iPhone app

I'm writing a card game for the iPhone, and I'm not sure about the best strategy for displaying the cards. I have a basic prototype that creates a UIImageView that can be dragged for each card with a dummy image. I wanted to use one large UIImage that contains the faces of all of the cards, and then have each draggable UIImageView disp...

Change "return key" in an iPhone WebApp textbox

I am creating an iPhone webapp with a textbox and would like to change the return key to "search". When you click on the textbox, the keyboard pops up and the return key on the bottom right of the keyboard displays "return" by default. However if you go to google.com on your iPhone and click on the search textbox the return key on the ...

NSFetchedResultsController Crash

Following steps result in a crash in NSFetchedResultsController. I try to add the first element to a NSFetchedResultsController backed TableView. I create a temporary MO object and display a Modal View pane to add new object. On the Add Sheet (a Modal View Controller), I press Cancel Button to discard the new element. In the CancelAct...

Displaying a "clear button" (delete button) in an iPhone webapp textbox

I am creating an iPhone webapp with a textbox. I would like that textbox to display a "clear button" on the right side of the box... aka the round grey button with the X in it. Is it possible to set a css or html property so safari handles this, or do i need to develop this ability on my own using an image and some code. I know you can...

NSMutableURLRequest and SpecialCharacters in XML (HTTPBody)

Hello, in my App I have to consume a RPC Webservice. For tht I have to send a XML as the HTTPBody of the NSMutableURLRequest. It works fine as long as i don´t use Special Characters inside the XML. NSString* pStr = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><methodCall><methodName>samurai.SessionIniti...

How to run iPhone program with Zombies instrument?

I'm running XCode 3.2 on Snow Leopard and I'm trying to run the Zombies instrument against my app but the selection is grayed out and I don't know why. I know about the NSZombieEnabled environment variable. I have that set to YES on my application. I'm not sure if this matters, but, the app is an app that I started developing on Leopard ...

iPhone fonts for Windows

I would like to support the default fonts provided by iPhone on my Windows server. Some of the fonts exist by default but others, such as "Zapfino" and "MarkerFelt" are not. The idea is to create PDF files on iPhone and render them on a Windows machine. Since there is no (known-to-me) way for embedding fonts in a PDF created using the i...

Encrypted NSData to NSString in obj-c?

I have an iPhone app which encrypts an inputted NSString using CCCrypt (AES256) and a plaintext key. The string and key are given to the encryption method which returns an NSData object. Requesting [data description] where 'data' is the encrypted string data gives an NSString like: "<0b368353 a707e7de 3eee5992 ee69827e e3603dc2 b0dbbc0b...

How to make an UIAlertView(Pop Up) Come When a Bouncing image touches a dragable image(iPhone SDK)?

Hi Guys how can a pop up alert cum when an bouncing img touches a dragable image like how it is done in this app http://tinyurl.com/kspnh6 Example there is an image that is going up and down the screen and it touches an image that we can drag here & there,how can v bring a alertview when that image touches the moving image thanks ...

How do I access the managedObjectContext from a controller deep in the UI?

I'm still a little fuzzy on understanding iPhone/Cocoa in general so this is probably a simple question. I have a CoreData Window-Based App for the iPhone. The rootController is a UITabBarController. The first tab view has a UINavigationController attached to it with a table in it's main view. When the App starts the objectContext is...

iphone flash lite 2.0 support?

1.i dont have iphone, so may i know does iphone come with pre-installed flash lite 2.0 or above? if answer is Not, if a web page that embed flash lite app. can it prompt user of iphone to install flash lite easily ? 2. where can i get list of phones that support flash lite 2.0 and above? ...

iPhone-SDK:Tab bar item images are not visible.

Hi I created a Tab Bar Controller which has 5 tab bar items. I am trying to add images for all the items through interface builder. I am also able to choose images and set for the particular tab bar items. But whenever i set an image, it does show blank white screen instead of the complete image. P.S: My image is not corrupted, it is a ...

Does iPhone support adding custom properties to Address Book records?

Hi, Does anyone know if iPhone (i.e. Cocoa Touch) lets you create custom properties? I've used it with the mac before (where it works beautifully) and would like to use this technology for an iPhone app that syncs with an app on the mac through the Address Book (using MobileMe). If I can't use custom properties, however, I'll have to a...

My delegate's methods never get called when I use connectionWithRequest:delegate.

I'm making an asynchronus POST request in an iPhone app with this call: [NSURLConnection connectionWithRequest:req delegate:self]; The request seems to get to the server just fine, but none of the delegate methods get hit. I've implemented: - (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didCancelAuthenticationChallenge:(NSURLAu...

dismiss ModalViewController from another viewcontroller in iPhone

Hi The new 3.1 sdk allows for the UIImagepickerController to hide the camera controls and use your own controls via cameraOverlay view. So, I implemented the overlay view through another Viewcontroller: CameraViewController *cameraController = [[CameraViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"CameraViewController" bundle:nil]; self.camer...