
How to scroll on UITableView

I have a UITableView that I want to scroll to the next row from the top (such as the 3rd row, then the 4th row, etc...). Is there an easy way to determine which rows in a table are being displayed? It seems like I will have to call indexPathsForVisibleRows and do a bunch of manipulation to figure out which rows are being displayed (and ...

How can I split a string without separator?

I need to split string without a separator. Here is the code.. myarray = [mystring componentsSeparatedByString:@","]; Here I used separator "," to split string, but I want to split without using a separator NSString *mystring =@"123456"; I have this value , now I want to insert that value in an array like this: array[0]=1; array[...

Any suggestions for iPhone development resources?

I need to do some coding on iPhone and I am new to this field. A good forum or tutorial will be of great help. So I am here for some best iPhone resources, can some one help? Thanks in advance ~ (If you have any experiences of developing on iPhone and you'd like to share with us, please do not hesitate:) ...

Push Notifications - sound not working?

I've got an iPhone app that I'm working on that uses Push Notifications. In the payload I'm specifying a few things: message body sound action-loc-key because I don't want the user to be able to launch the app from the notification The notification is getting to my iPhone just fine. It shows a message without buttons. So body and ...

J2ME VS Android VS iPhone VS Symbian VS Windows CE

I have very little idea about mobile platform, though I am interested to program for mobile platform. Would you please compare between J2ME VS Android VS iPhone VS Symbian VS Windows CE. I would like to know which one is better, and if there is any VM technology to test the programs. Which one should I choose and why? Is there any IDE, d...

core data iphone readonly relation

Hi, I have situation where I dont want to add records to the relation table. For example : I have "TRIPS" entity and it has attribute for "LOCATION_ID", I am filling it when user creates a new TRIP and select a LOCATION from the LOCATIONS entity In "LOCATIONS" entity I am allowing user to create locations and I am assigning a unique ...

How do you add more than one UIBarButton on UINavigationItem.rightBarButtonItem (or leftBarButtonItem)?

I have tried this approach/hack: http://blog.blackwhale.at/2009/06/uibuttons-in-uinavigationbar/ The problem is this leaves a faint seam. I tried setting the background image of the nested toolbar to an image I captured of what it should be. That didn't work. The image was not applied. I have also tried using a nested UINavigationBar an...

test my app before submitting to app store?

is there a way i can test my app before submitting to app store for being not rejected by apple? ...

Set a relationship with Core Data

I have two entities that are connected through a one-to-many relationship, let's say CategoryEntity and ItemEntity. The relationship is optional for CategoryEntity (there can be categories without items), but required for every ItemEntity. At the app's loading, the Categories already exist in the store, and I want to import ItemEntities ...

application developed for iphone os 2.0 submit to app store?

i have developed application for iphoe os 2.0.Will i be able to submit it to app store? will apple approve my appliocation...or do i need to create the app for 3.0 also.? ...

How rotate image with different angle?

I have implemented speedometer i have one arrow image.i want to rotate 0 to 180 very smoothly.how it possible? ...

Convert NSArray to NSDictionary

How can I convert an NSArray to an NSDictionary, using an int field of the array's objects as key for the NSDictionary? ...

Detecting current iPhone input language

Does anybody knows, can I get the current input language and/or keyboard layout in iPhone application? Can I also get a notification when input language was changed? ...

how to rotate UIIMageVIew with fix point?

I want to rotate image on angle.But i wnt to rotate image with fix point.How can i set this fix point? ...

NSData to NString conversion problem

I'm getting an HTML file as NSData and need to extract some parts of it. For that I need to convert it to NSString with UTF8 encoding. The thing is that this conversion fails, probably because the NSData contains bytes that are invalid for UTF8. I have tried to get the byte array of the data and go over it, but each time I come across no...

iPhone Developer Program, how does it work?

My question is concerning how the Apple Developer program works.  I am not yet signed up to submit apps to the App Store, so I was wondering how the process works.  Are apps submitted through their website with an interface? How do the taxes/rates work?  How often can you submit updates, or update the info for the app? ...

UITableView editing-mode problems (iPhone SDK)

I have a tableView populated with custom tableViewCells. The cells are not subclasses, they are merely tableViewCells which have had a lot of tweaking and "subview-adding"(done in the cellForRowAtIndexPath method). The problem occurs when i tap the edit button. Have a look: PICTURE_1 I know the "delete badge" is hovering above the text...

Open-Source projects, any good links?

Anyone have any good open-source projects or links. Preferrably 3.0+ since 2.x is being fzed out. ...

Out of scope in KVC generated array

I'm trying to create an array of objects from a hierarchy of other objects like this: code 1: childController.names = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; for (Person *p in list.persons) { [childController.names addObject:p.name]; } code 2: NSMutableArray *testArray = [list.persons valueForKey:@"name"]; The first code snippet works...

Cell ID info on iPhone

Is it possible to get Cell ID information on iPhone SDK 3.0? ...