
What's the best way to handle landscape/portrait differences in IB?

I have a view that supports landscape and portrait viewing, with the controls all moving around when you switch from one to the other. I'm currently doing this by setting the .center of each one of my controls when the user rotates the phone. The problem is that this is tedious, and requires a lot of code, and seems to defeat the purpose...

Generate View for iPhone application using interface builder.?

I wanted to generate one fix view using interface builder, but the size of that view is exceeding the size of iphone screen,and I am not able to maximize screen. I wanted to show table view in that screen. I did enabled scrolling but that didn't work, Update 1: Actually I wanted to show thumbnail image inside cell and i want to show 5 ...

How to scale a UIImageView proportionally ?

I have a UIImageView and the objective is to scale it down proportionally by giving it either a height or width. UIImage *image = [[UIImage alloc] initWithData:[NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3092/2915896504_a88b69c9de.jpg"]]]; UIImageView *imageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithIma...

How do I sync application data between an iPhone and another computer?

I'm working on an iPhone application that would allow viewing and editing of data that I want to keep in sync with a desktop application. I don't see anything in the SDK that directly addresses data synchronization, nor can I find anything that allows my to "hook" into the iTunes sync process. I could do something kludgy like hiding the...

How do I detect Mobile Safari server side using PHP?

Mobile Safari is a very capable browser, and it can handle my website as it is perfectly. However, there are a few elements on my page that could be optimized for browsing using this device; such as serving specific thumbnails that are smaller than the desktop counterparts to help fit more content into the screen. I would like to know h...

iPhone "Web Site Error"

I'm writing server-side programs in PHP for an iPhone app. And I have no iPhone. :P The iPhone app requests XML files from the site whenever a user runs the iPhone app. You may visit http://www.appvee.com/iphone/ads or http://www.appvee.com/iphone/latest for the XML files. And a message box will show up with the following error message...

password encryption in iphone apps

I need to store the user's password in my iphone app. When posting an app to the app store, I have to tell Apple if there's encryption in the app for export purposes. I don't want my app to be restricted to US only, but I also don't want to store or send passwords over the net in clear text. So basically the question is, can I encryp...

How long does it take to get an app approved for the AppStore?

I'm looking for a general idea of how long people are sitting in the queue once they have submitted. Actual times from people who have submitted and been approved. I understand its subjective and depends on the app i'm just looking for some real world examples. ...

Question about strange OpenGL ES behavior in iPhone app.

I'm making a simple 2D game for the iPhone. It's based on CrashLanding... so it's basically a background texture and a few rectangular textures moving around. I have this bizarre little graphics problem: some of the small 2d items (can assume just rectangles) moving around get this little flashing black bar on top of them (the backg...

Add Custom Controls to MoviePlayer

I am trying to figure out how to add a custom control to the iPhone MoviePlayer. For an example of what I am trying to do see the following image. I am trying to add something like the controls on the right and left of the basic movie controls. I had done this in the Open SDK by adding a subclass to the playerview, but now in the off...

What's the cheapest mac development box possible?

Simple question really, I would like to learn some cocoa, primarily for playing around with the Iphone SDK, but first i need a mac. Macs are expensive, but I don't know at what point an old mac moves from a bargain to a doorstop. How cheap and old can I go to have an ok mac development machine? Is there any other way to have a good de...

How can I disable the UITableView selection highlighting?

When you tap a row in a UITableView, the row is highlighted and selected. Is it possible to disable this so tapping a row does nothing? ...

Can I access the keychain on the iPhone?

This question discusses encrypting data on the iPhone using the crypt() function. As an alternative, is there a keychain on the iPhone and if so, what code would I use to access it in order to store login details and then retrieve them for us in an application? ...

Pushing pixels on the iPhone

What's the fastest way to get a framebuffer and render to in software on the iPhone? Basically getting into a mode 13h style thing going so I can make some effects? :) ...

How can my iPhone Objective-C code get notified of Javascript errors in a UIWebView?

I need to have my iPhone Objective-C code catch Javascript errors in a UIWebView. That includes uncaught exceptions, syntax errors when loading files, undefined variable references, etc. This is for a development environment, so it doesn't need to be SDK-kosher. In fact, it only really needs to work on the simulator. I've already fou...

Programmatically get own phone number in iPhone OS

Is there any way to get own phone number by standard APIs from iPhone SDK? ...

How to push pixels faster on the iPhone?

I asked before about pixel-pushing, and have now managed to get far enough to get noise to show up on the screen. Here's how I init: CGDataProviderRef provider; bitmap = malloc(320*480*4); provider = CGDataProviderCreateWithData(NULL, bitmap, 320*480*4, NULL); CGColorSpaceRef colorSpaceRef; colorSpaceRef = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();...

iPhone to iPhone communication

I'm kind of curious how I should approach a problem with iPhones and communication between two phones. I have an idea for an application that needs to send data between two known phones. The problem is that the data could be very small or very large. I want to have intermediate storage on a server and a messaging layer, but I want there...

Test Driven Design for iPhone Native apps

I'm experimenting with the iPhone SDK and doing some TDD ala Dr. Nic's rbiPhoneTest project. I'm wondering how many, if any, have been successful using this or any other testing framework for iPhone/Cocoa? More important, I'd like to know how to best assert a proprietary binary request/response protocol. The idea is to send a binary requ...

Is there a way to control the animation on a UITableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath?

I would like to modify the animation duration and attach a callback to be called when the animation finishes when calling scrollToRowAtIndexPath with animated:YES but I can't find a handle to its animation proxy or any other way to do it. Anyone know if this is possible? ...