
iReport: Error when compiling report with subreport

The following .jrxml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <jasperReport xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" name="DTC-Campaigns-...

How to query multiple SUMs into multiple columns of the same SQL query in iReport?

Is this efficient? How could it be improved? I was trying to get data from one set of columns into two sets of columns according to a condition. All the methods I tried ended up with multiple rows. This is very similar to this other question but a bit more complicated. Here's what I did: (Because this is for iReport/JasperReports, it...

How can I increment a variable with value of another variable in JasperReports?

I need to make a grand total of the items I'm counting in a subReport. To do that, I think I need to add the value of that variable to another variable for each iteration, or "increment" it by that value. The subReport gets called for each group, and I get a total for that group. I need to add the variable values, rather than database co...

New page in iReport

Hi, this is my situation: I have a report with 10 (or more) items in detail area I have a large text field that I would like to span across multiple pages (this text has nothing to do with items) I am not able to create another page because all of my items fit nicely on the first page How can I create (force) a new page to contain o...

Error:SQL Problems: ERROR :operator does not exists:date>= character varying

i am using iReport 3.6.0 with postgresql database ,for date type parameter its giving the following error when writing query "Error:SQL Problems: ERROR :operator does not exists:date>= character varying" please help ...

Calculate SHA1 or MD5 hash in iReport

How would one calculate an SHA1 or MD5 hash within iReport at report execution? I need to compare a pre-calculated hash against a database driven field (string). Using iReport 2.0.5 (Old) and Report Engine is embedded into a commercial application. ...

invalid input syntax for type date:""

Dear friend , Now i'm getting new error invalid input syntax for type date:"" i have modified my query as suggested by u ,the query given below **(select coalesce(V1.village_code,V2.village_code) as village_code, prev_issued, prev_recovered from (select village_code, sum (amt_issued) as prev_issued from Advance where CC_code =$P{cc_cod...

Long text input from user and PDF generation

I have built a web application that can be seen as an overcomplicated application form. There are bunch of text areas with a given character limit. After the form submission various things happen and one of them is PDF generation. The text is queried from the DB and inserted in the PDF template created in iReports. This works fine but t...

Multiple cross tabs in single jasperreports and grouping them

Can anyone please tell me how to group crosstabs w.r.t report level group. i.e. in my problem i am using three crosstabs in details band.....and i want this page to be grouped by coutryname. eg.if country=Australia print three crosstabs and if country changes to india print three crosstab on the next page ...

iReport add/modify variable dialog

This is very dumb - but I've seen all the tutorials and guides - and my version (iReport 3.6.0) of iReport does not seem to match what I'm seeing. I need to create a new variable and use the add/modify variable dialog to format my variable - and to enter the conditions for it (Variable Expression). I've spent the better part of a day t...

Why does iReport keep adding tags that aren't supported and then crashing?

First, iReport is the worst reporting tool I've ever used. Now to my question..... iReport keeps adding tags it doesn't support, which causes a bunch of errors. tag <band splitType="Stretch" /> Can some please tell me how to turn this auto coding off it's really driving me up the wall. It keeps screwing up my code. Oh I'm using 3....

IReport Case in Variable

I write this code in one variable in the IReport : $F{wbsWbkRef.wbkStdRef.stdBlRtntp.blCode} != null ? ReportUtil.getFirstEntity($P{JPA_ENTITY_MANAGER}, "SELECT "+ "CASE WHEN std.stdBlRtntp.blCode IN ('UNIVGRANT' , 'BEHYAR','TEACHER','GRANTED','EXTGRANTED','EXTGRANTED') THEN "+ "DECODE (std.stdBlAcctp.blCode , 'UNIVGRANT' ,'داخل'...

How do I print a list of strings contained within another list in iReport?

I am creating a simple reporting program using java and iReport (from jasper), which is supposed to create a report in pdf showing PCs with their IP address, their location, whether it's idle or not at the moment (handled by another system), and a list of projects it is currently attached to (managed elsewhere, too). I'm using iReport f...

Need to remove Empty pages when subreport is returning no data (IReport)

I have a subreport inside a main report on a new page due to the layout. When the subreport generates no data(sql table is empty), there is a blank page generated in the mainpage. How can i omit this empty page? please help me here.. ...

Problem creating subreport for Javabeans datasource in iReport 3.7.0

Hi, I am using iReport 3.7.0. The subreport wizard screen do not show my any Javabean class to select. Please let me know if anybody has encountered this problem and got a solution. Creation of PersonDatasource: Source code for the Javabeans avialable at ...

To display variables of IReport in chart of IReport

Hello, I have some FIELDS (IReport), which I get from database by SQL-Statements. Then I do some calculations and save the results in VARIABLES of IReport. So, now I would like to display these variables in a chart. How can I do it? Thank you so much! ...

Subreports are not getting printed.

I tried to create a very simple report with a subreport. The subreport was created separately and was embedded in the data group. The subreport separately gives me the relevant data. and the other main report gives me the intended partial data. But the data intended in the place where the subreport has been embedded is not appearing. It ...

iReport exported pdf does not show correct font

A PDF generated in iReport using the 'Times New Roman' font appears to be using 'Arial' for its print version. Any idea what the problem is? ...

Field Expression in ireport

Hello! I'm trying to get myself used to jasperforge ireport before using it in a real project next week and i seem to be stacked somewhere already .i'm using ireport 3.7.0 on windows xp platform + java 1.6 It sound easy to get a field color changed based on what it contains or calculate a sum of number in a field based on conditions ...

how to prevent duplication of bar chart in ireport

Hello good people! I've tried to use chart in ireport for the first time.I've used a bar chart and anytime i preview the chart i see plenty of them, i think about 6.I only need a single one is there anything that i didn't do? i have a query like this : SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_message ,`status` , DATE_FORMAT(date_created,'%M') AS `mon...