
Flex 3 custom ItemRenderer and Editor Issue

Hi, I've created a custom ItemRenderer extending UIComponent and implementing IListItemRenderer. This renderer contains a Text-Object to display the value. For editing I'm using the standard ItemEditor (TextInput). Now, when I want to edit a value, I click on a cell and the editor is created. But instead of displaying the value which ...

Disable roll-over color for List or DataGrid components

Hi I want to get rid of the typical Flex roll-over color in list-based components, and to display my own style of roll-over rendering. Setting useRollOver to 'false' is not an option, since disabling that will also make the List.isItemHighlighted() function to always return false. My custom renderer relies on that function. Can it be ...

How do I access the dataGridColumn from it's itemRenderer?

I am using a custom componenet based off of text as an itemRenderer for a dataGrid that is displaying an XMLList. I want to be able to re-use this itemRenderer for multiple columns, how do I access the dataGridColumn so I know which field to assign to the text value? gives me the whole XML item, super.parentDocument gives me ...

itemrendrer checkbox in datagrid

How can i make the checkBox click as disable in itemRendrer in a datagrid? ...

Force all item renderers to commitProperties ?

I have an item renderer that checks an external source for display information. If that information changes, I want to force all item renderer instances to check it. What's the best way for force all the item renderers in a list or grid to either commitProperties or execute some other method? I've read that resetting the grid.itemRend...

Flex: change item Style on certain Tree based ItemRenderers

Hi Everybody, I have a question concerning Tree items. I want to show where a drop action would be placed... The item will be placed in between two existing elements. So what I want to do is, to take the upper item and draw a line underneath it. But I struggling to address the itemRenderer... I have the index for the itemrenderer, but ...

Flex: linking dataProvider with custom itemRenderer in a DataGrid

Hi there, Im working at a DataGrid which has a custom itemRenderer with a checkbox and a Label inside. Im struggling adding the the values from a xml to the wright label dynamically... how can I make the connection from the datagrid's dataProvider (a xml doc) to the label and the checkbox? My itemRenderer loks a following: <mx:Componen...

External data in TileList Flex

I'm working for the first time with a TileList and an itemRenderer and I'm having a bit of trouble getting the information from my array collection to display and looking for some advice. Here's what I've got private function loadData():void{ var stmt:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement(); stmt.sqlConnection = sqlCon...

Datagrid selects the wrong custom cell in my datagrid...

Hi everybody, I am working on a problem since a week soon, but I still couldn't make it work as expected. I have a DataGrid which has HBox with a CheckBox an a Label as itemRenderer (see Code below). When I tap in to the Cell the standard itemEditor pops up and lets you enter the content of the label. Thats the standard behavior. I work...

flex custom itemRenderer doesn't use the styles specified...

Hi everybody, I have a custom item renderer which I use for my DataGrid. The DataGrid has specified selectionColor, rollOverColor and themeColor. The Problem is that the custom item renderer, does ignore those colors, and doesn't give any Feedback... I tried to add the lines: setStyle("selectionColor", 0xEDF1F7); setStyle("rollOverCol...

Can't interact with children of an itemRenderer in Flex 4 Gumbo

I thought this would be pretty easy but I'm running into all sorts of problems with this. I have an ItemRenderer with a an image and two labels. I want to assign separate mouse events to the image and two labels. It seems like the item renderer is treated like a single interactive piece and I haven't found a way to override that. I could...

How to use 2 different item renderers in mx:Tree

Question for Flex guys. How can I use multiple item renderers in mx:Tree depending on item's depth/level in tree? For example. For the first level items I want to use label with button and for second level items combobox. Is this somehow possible? ...

Access to multiple ItemRenderers within an AdvancedDataGrid

I've create an AdvancedDataGrid where most of the cell are based on an ItemRenderer. The custom ItemRenderer (SoundBox) extends VBox. This custom component allow for simple changes in the background color based on user clicking on a cell. Here is the snippet of the AdvancedDataGrid (nothing too advanced): <mx:AdvancedDataGrid id="fsf...

ItemRenderer in Tree column of AdvancedDataGrid

Can we use ItemRenderers in 2nd and 3rd depth levels of a treecolumn in a tree mode of AdvancedDataGrid? I have been able to use ItemRenderer in the 3rd depth level of an AdvancedDataGrid. If I use ItemRenderer in both the 2nd and 3rd level, then it is rendered in the 2nd level but then that cell loses its tree mode i.e. it doesn’t ha...

AdvancedDataGrid dynamic text Value Coloring - ItemRenderer problem

In my AdvancedDataGrid, I am adding dynamic values to cells by dragging a cell value to other cells. While copying, I am setting the value to listData and setting the Red color to the value in ItemRenderer. Everything is working fine, but when I scroll down/up, the values remains in the cells where thay are supposed to be(as I am settin...

ItemRenderer for TreeColumn on AdvancedDataGrid in Flex

Is it possible to use a renderer for for a treecolumn in an advanceddatagrid and still keep the hierarchal functionality? If I use a renderer provider I lose the the arrow for the tree dropdown. I want to keep the tree functionality and change the display of the column.(and not just the folder image) <mx:AdvancedDataGridRendererProvide...

Tabbing to a check box item renderer in a datagrid

Hi, Can anyone tell me if there is a way of tabbing to a CheckBox, being used as an itemRenderer in a DataGrid, if the column that uses the CheckBox as the itemRenderer has editable set to false? ...

How to: RadioButton in custom DataGridColumn ItemRenderer in AS3

I have a datagrid that I want to add a column of radio button using AS3 (instead of mxml). I was able to do this with a custom itemRenderer. var dgc:DataGridColumn = new DataGridColumn(); dgc.itemRenderer = new ClassFactory(com.mypackage.RadioBtnColumnItemRenderer); In my RadioBtnColumnItemRenderer.mxml, I have a box with a radioButt...

Adobe Flex Datagrid: addEventListener MouseEvent.CLICK

I have a datagrid with a custom label itemrenderer (basically it makes the label look like a traditional html hyperlink). <mx:DataGridColumn id="itemId"> <mx:itemRenderer> <mx:Component> <controls3:HyperlinkLabel text="{data.doc}" /> </mx:Component> </mx:itemRenderer> </mx:DataGridColumn> The above works perfec...

Flex, How do I disable an itemEditor when the datagrid is disabled?

I have a Flex datagrid with a combo box as an itemRender on one column and the renderIsEditor set to true.. When I disable the datagrid, the combo boxes are still enabled and can receive input and change their values. How can I disable the combo boxes at teh same time the datagrid is disabled? Thanks. ...