
Idiomatic STL: Iterating over a list and inserting elements

I'm writing an algorithm that iterates over a list of points, calculates the distance between them and inserts additional points if the distance is too great. However I seem to be lacking the proper familiarity with STL to come up with an elegant solution. I'm hoping that I can learn something, so I'll just show you my code. You might ha...

Java: why can't iterate over an iterator?

I read and, but I still don't understand why this: void foo(Iterator<X> it) { for (X x : it) { bar(x); baz(x); } } was not made possible. In other words, unless I'm missin...

Get number of times in loop over Hash object

I have an object of type Hash that I want to loop over via hash.each do |key, value|. I would like to get the number of times I've been through the loop starting at 1. Is there a method similar to each that provides this (while still providing the hash key/value data), or do I need to create another counter variable to increment within...

Using the Proxy pattern with C++ iterators

Hello everyone :) I've got a moderately complex iterator written which wraps the FindXFile apis on Win32. (See previous question) In order to avoid the overhead of constructing an object that essentially duplicates the work of the WIN32_FIND_DATAW structure, I have a proxy object which simply acts as a sort of const reference to the sin...

std::deque: How do I get an iterator pointing to the element at a specified index?

I have a std::deque, and I want to insert an element at a specified index (I'm aware that std::list would be better at this). The deque::insert() function takes an iterator to specify the location to insert. Given an index, how can I get an iterator pointing to that location, so that I can pass that iterator to insert()? For example: ...

Is there a standard Cyclic Iterator in C++

Based on the following question: Check if one string is a rotation of other string I was thinking of making a cyclic iterator type that takes a range, and would be able to solve the above problem like so: std::string s1 = "abc" ; std::string s2 = "bca" ; std::size_t n = 2; // number of cycles cyclic_iterator it(s2.begin(),s2.end(),n); ...

Scala downwards or decreasing for loop?

In scala, you often use an iterator to do a for loop in an increasing order like: for(i <- 1 to 10){ code } How would you do it so it goes from 10 to 1? I guess 10 to 1 gives an empty iterator (like usual range mathematics)? I made a scala script which solves it by calling reverse on the iterator, but it's not nice in my opinion, is ...

Output iterator's value_type

The STL commonly defines an output iterator like so: template<class Cont> class insert_iterator : public iterator<output_iterator_tag,void,void,void,void> { // ... Why do output iterators define value_type as void? It would be useful for an algorithm to know what type of value it is supposed to output. For example, a function tha...

More advanced usage of interfaces

To be honest I'm not quite sure if I understand the task myself :) I was told to create class MySimpleIt, that implements Iterator and Iterable and will allow to run the provided test code. Arguments and variables of objects cannot be either Collections or arrays. The code : MySimpleIt msi=new MySimple(10,100, ...

Is an "infinite" iterator bad design?

Is it generally considered bad practice to provide Iterator implementations that are "infinite"; i.e. where calls to hasNext() always(*) return true? Typically I'd say "yes" because the calling code could behave erratically, but in the below implementation hasNext() will return true unless the caller removes all elements from the List t...

C++ vector<T>::iterator operator +

Hi, Im holding an iterator that points to an element of a vector, and I would like to compare it to the next element of the vector. Here is what I have Class Point{ public: float x,y; } //Somewhere in my code I do this vector<Point> points = line.getPoints(); foo (points.begin(),points.end()); where foo is: void foo (Vector<Poi...

How to iterate over an instance object's data attributes, returning two values at a time?

I need to return two values at a time, so I have: class IterableObject(object): def __iter__(self): for item in self.__dict__: return self.__dict__[item + 1], self.__dict__[item] So I can have: myObj1, myObj2 = IterableObject() value = myObj1.balance - myObj2.balance Of course it did not work. What am I doing wrong? ...

Javascript Iterator Class

Do you know a js library that implements a generic Iterator class for collections (be it Arrays or some abstract Enumerable) with a full set of features, like the Google Common or the Apache Commons? Edit: Enumerable#each is not an Iterator class. I'm looking for an Iterator, something that would let us write something like: var itera...

Writing my own implementation of stl-like Iterator in C++.

Good evening everybody, I'm currently trying to understand the intrinsics of iterators in various languages i.e. the way they are implemented. For example, there is the following class exposing the list interface. template<class T> class List { public: virtual void Insert( int beforeIndex, const T item ) throw( ListExceptio...

Isn't an Iterator in c++ a kind of a pointer?

Ok this time I decided to make a list using the STL. I need to create a dedicated TCP socket for each client. So everytime I've got a connection, I instantiate a socket and add a pointer to it on a list. list<MyTcp*> SocketList; //This is the list of pointers to sockets list<MyTcp*>::iterator it; //An iterator to the list of pointers ...

Iterator category

In code: //I know that to get this effect (being able to use it with std algorithms) I can inherit like I did in line below: class Iterator //: public std::iterator<std::bidirectional_iterator_tag,T> { private: T** itData_; public: //BUT I WOULD LIKE TO BE ABLE TO DO IT BY HAND AS WELL typedef...

List iterator not dereferencable?

Hi All I get the error "list iterator not dereferencable" when using the following code: bool done = false; while (!_list_of_messages.empty() && !done) { // request the next message to create a frame // DEBUG ERROR WHEN NEXT LINE IS EXECUTED: Counted_message_reader reader = *(_list_of_messages.begin()); if (reader.has_m...

Custom iterator for a class based on two sets

I have a class that contains two sets. They both contain the same key type but have different compare operations. I would like to provide an iterator for the class that iterates through the elements of both sets. I want to start with one set, then when I increment an iterator pointing to the last element of the first set, I want to go...

Custom iterator for dictionary?

Hi folks, in my C#-Application, I have a Dictionary object. When iterating over the object using foreach, I naturally get each element of the dictionary. But I want only certain elements to be iterated, depending on the value of a property of MyValue. class MyValue { public bool AmIIncludedInTheIteration { get; set; } ... } Whene...

Iterator failure while moving over equal_range in Boost MultiIndex container

I'm making some mistake with my iterators, but I can't see it yet. I have a Boost MultiIndex container, HostContainer hmap, whose elements are boost::shared_ptr to members of class Host. All the indices work on member functions of class Host. The third index is by Host::getHousehold(), where the household member variable is an int. Be...