
Can a pdfbox or itextsharp or pdfsharp reads corrupted pdf file

I recently downloaded pdf libraries ( pdfbox, pdfsharp, itextsharp), and I am trying to figure out can i parse corrupted pdf files with in Asp.Net. which lib is best for reading corrupted pdf file. ...

iTextSharp Conversion from Table to pdfPTable

I have an old ASP.NET project originally done in ASP.NET 1.1 w/ iText.NET and converted to .NET 2.0 and iTextSharp It uses lots of Table (I'm assuming pdfptable wasn't an option at the time it was created.) I am trying to convert this code to use the latest iTextSharp 5.0.0 dll and now see Table and cell have been removed. I...

Hiding the "You cannot save data typed into this form" message in Acrobat

I am embeding a PDF form on my web application. The application allows you to fill in the fields in the form, and when you are done, click on a "Submit" button, which saves whatever you've entered into the form. This functionality is working fine. Unfortunately, Adobe Reader displays a message on top of their embeded control that says...

itextsharp: solution on how to display a report

i have a report which looks like this. it will be in PDF format: the user will input all the different foods, thus every section like NONE, MODERATE, SEVERE will be a different size and thus i need to be able to expand the sections during run time. in order to do that i should probably slice up the image and add different sections duri...

itextsharp: forcing image to take up entire width in

the following is a generated PDF with a few images. how do i force the image to take up the entire width of the pdf file? ...

Centering an pdfimportedpage in iTextSharp

Hi guys, I am appending PDFs together using the function below via iTextSharp. Its working fine. The only problem is that PDFs that are larger than the set size of the document (A4), ends up being scaled and placed at the bottom left corner of the document. I would like to centre it. Can anyone point me in the right direction to achievi...

itextsharp: what is the height of a regular PDF page in pixels?

what is the height of a regular PDF page in pixels? i heard it was something like this: Dim pgSize As New iTextSharp.text.Rectangle(595, 792) but i am adding an image that takes up maybe half the height, and even though pgSize looks like a full page and the image takes up only half of it, i am getting a height of like 619 for the imag...

itextsharp: getting coordinates of image

in is it possible to get the coordinates of an image like if i do a document.add (jpeg_image) x_coordinate = jpeg_image.xcoordinate??????? ...

itextsharp: getting height of image

i need to add a data table right after an image on a PDF in last_pos=jpg2.height datatable.WriteSelectedRows(0, -1, xpos, last_pos, writer.DirectContent) unfortunately this is the output: i highlighted broccoli, buckwheat, butter, cabbage. these are all part of a data table that is supposed to go after the bottom SEVERE word bec...

itextsharp: how to move the datatable?

as you can see my data table is a little too much on the right, how do i move it more to the left? please include answer in ...

Using PdfWriter I cannot get rid of what appears to be a table border

Guys, this should be simple but pulling my hair out.Tried all variations and some places online say I should use cell events instead. I just want to switch off the black border. Can anyone help, seen this before? Many thanks in advance. //Paragraph paymentLinePara; //paymentLinePara = new Paragraph("\n"); UAT removed, js...

itextsharp: java to

i am trying to change the font on a pdftable and i have this hint in java but need some help to put it into PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(3); table.AddCell("Cell 1"); PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Cell 2", new Font(Font.HELVETICA, 8f, Font.NORMAL, Color.YELLOW))); ...

itextsharp: how do i set the background color of the document?

in please if possible ...

itextsharp: how do i add a new page and write to it?

in i filled up the first page of a pdf document, how do i start from the second page? ...

itextsharp: detecting if text / images are not fitting on page

i am generating a report in using itextsharp. sometimes the entire report does not fit on one page and i need to know when itextsharp is adding a page to the document. is there a way to detect this? ...

How to flatten already filled out PDF form using iTextSharp

I'm using iTextSharp to merge a number of pdf files together into a single file. I'm using method described in iTextSharp official tutorials, specifically here, which merges files page by page via PdfWriter and PdfImportedPage. Turns out some of the files I need to merge are filled out PDF Forms and using this method of merging form da...

How to watermark a dynamically generated PDF so watermark seen through non-transparent cells

I have a dynamically generated PDF that can be in one of two modes. If in a draft mode, the only real difference is a watermark that states DRAFT on each page. I am using a page event, so on the startpage I print the image, so that it is under everything. When I did this on the endpage event then it would be on top of everything, which ...

iText(sharp) side margins width

Hello. It looks like I can't set left margin to be less then 42pt width. I am setting it to 0f but it always ends as 42pt. If I set margin to any number greater then 0 it just adds it to initial margin of 42pt. I am setting margin of document object: iTextSharp.text.Rectangle docRect = new iTextSharp.text.Rectangle(pageWidth, pageHeight...

itextsharp: how do i add another page to the document and start writing to it?

how do i add another page to the document and start writing to it in please ...

itextsharp: getting total height of table

i need to place table2 after the end of table1. i do not know the height of table1. how do i get the height of table1? in please ...