
Using tools that the JDK and/or JRE provide, is there a way to view the Manifest file for a given JAR?

I'm able to read the Manifest file inside of my Java code, but I would also like to know if it's possible, and if it is, how to open up a JAR file from the command line and view its Manifest.MF file, or at the very least be able to specify a property of the Manifest.MF file and view it's value. ...

Is there a way to include a VM parameter inside a .jar?

I have a game implemented in Java that was having a problem when running too much code from scripts: depending on the script language, the game could have these "hiccups" where the game would freeze for a couple frames every now and then, making the game "jerky" at times. After some research, I discovered that was happening when the Gar...

How Do I Automatically Generate A .jar File In An Eclipse Java Project

I have an Eclipse Java project. It contains a folder named "dist". In that folder is a .jar file. How can I set things up in this project to make sure this .jar file is updated any time one of the .java files in the project has been re-compiled? Thanks. ...

Trying to load icon from jar file

Hi, I am trying to load icons from a jar file. I have both tried to load it from classes within the jar file as well as classes outside the jar file. outside of the jarfile - returned a null exception java.net.URL imageURL = LoadHTMLExample.class.getClassLoader() .getResource("icons/mouse.png"); in side of the jar file in...

What would cause a NullPointerException when running a JAR from the command line, but not from an IDE?

I have a project in Eclipse. When I run it from inside Eclipse, everything works just fine. However, when I run the Ant build script and execute the JAR either from the command line or using a batch script, I get a NullPointerException. The NullPointerException in question is being thrown from a third-party JAR that I compiled from sour...

library dependencies in META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file

Hi, What's the meaning of library dependencies in MANIFEST.MF file stores in Tomcat. I don't understand it, while reading this in book. I need some clarification on it. Why do we ever need to create MANIFEST.MF file in Tomcat, if the jar file in Tomcat is enough to handle all the requirements. Thanks in advance for any valuable sugge...

How to include a personal JAR with Axis ?

Hy everyone, I use Axis 1.4 and I need to use classes gathered in a JAR. I do not want to extract them. I try to put it in : /usr/share/tomcat5.5/webapps/axis/WEB-INF/lib/myjar.jar /usr/share/tomcat5.5/webapps/axis/WEB-INF/classes/myjar.jar /opt/axis/lib/myjar.jar /root/myjar.jar but I still have an error. myjar.jar is in my $CL...

how to find text in jar file which is in war file?

Hi, is there a way to grep(find) the text in a particular file, which is in *.jar and this *.jar is in *.war? ...

Ruby code to JAR

Hi, I'd like to be able to compile a ruby program to a java JAR program. I've looked into JRuby and seen several examples of Java applications that would be able to eval() ruby code, but is there a more elegant solution allowing to simply code everything in ruby and then compile the lot directly to a JAR file? The overall goal behind t...

Can we update a jar / war file in a deployed server and then reload the new jar / war file ?

Can we update a jar / war file in a deployed server and then reload the new jar / war file ? if so how simple we can achieve this, and please if possible list web servers which support this feature. ...

change a config.properties file in a jar / war file in runtime and hotdeploy the changes ?

change a config.properties file in a jar / war file in runtime and hotdeploy the changes ? my requirement is something as follows, we have a "config.properties" in a jar/war file , i have to open the file through a webpage and after the user has made necessary changes to it, i have to update the "config.properties" in jar/war file and h...

add build path to eclipse plugin

Hi, I need to add a variable to a jar in my eclipse plugin project. I get No class definition found exception. My thoughts is that i need to add it somehow in the manifest file? Thank you, Ido ...

Adding WARs to Java's classpath

I have two wars, foo.war and bar.war. foo uses classes from bar. I'm trying to start foo, and add to Java's classpath bar.war, but java throws a ClassNotFoundException. If I rename bar.war to bar.jar and edit its directory structure to look like a jar, it works. Java's documentation on the -CP switch does not mention war files: -clas...

ant, jar files, and Class-Path oh my

I am trying to rearchitect my build technique for creating Java jar files which depend on common 3rd party jar files. (GlazedLists, Apache Commons, etc.) I had been chucking them all into {Java JRE dir}/lib/ext so they would automatically be seen by the JRE, but that led to problems like not remembering that I need to distribute certain...

Can my software which I made using Java be transformed to .exe software?

Without learning new programing languages, can we using Java get .exe (executable windows file) software directly? And is there away to make .jar (Java ARchive) software transform to.exe (executable windows file)? Would this conversion effect the performance of the software? ...

JAR file folder for eclipse projects

I'm trying to create a centralized folder (in some kind of a "meta project" in my eclipse workspace) for commonly used JAR files for referenced projects in this workspace. It should work similar to the WEB-INF/lib folder for web projects but also apply to non web projects, and automatically scan and add all jar files in this folder. I t...

Java library for parsing command-line parameters?

I write a little command-line-application in Java. This application should work with a mix of parameters and commands, a little bit similar to the 'svn'-command. Examples: app url command1 app url command2 --parameter2 -x app url command1 --param-with-argument argument app --parameter url command1 app --no-url command2 app --help Exi...

Is it bad practice to include properties/configuaration files within jars?

For example: MyApp is a web app that contains a properties file (server.properties) that describes config data (e.g. server names) for the app. In the development phase, server.properties is located in its own IDE project folder (a logical spot for it). Now it's time to deploy MyApp. The IDE makes it quite trivial to jar up the class...

How to call c++ functionality from java

I have a Java program that is mostly GUI and it shows data that is written to an xml file from a c++ command line tool. Now I want to add a button to the java program to refresh the data. This means that my program has to call the c++ functionality. Is the best way to just call the program from java through a system call? The c++ progr...

adding non-code resources to jar file using Ant

Hello, I am in the process of packaging my java application into a jar file. I am using ant and eclipse. I need to actually include in the jar a couple of separate, non-code files (xml and txt files) directly under the root folder, not in the same place as the code. I am trying to use includesfile, but that doesn't seem to work, here i...