
Packaging a Spring managed Axis2 web service client

I've created a web service client using Axis2. I would like to package the client into a jar, so I can use it in several other projects. The client uses the Axis2 WS-Security module 'rampart'. This module, rampart.mar (not a typo!) has to be present on the Axis 'repository path', in a directory called 'modules'. The client also requires ...

Best way to create a maven artifact from existing jar

I'm mavenizing some projects. These projects all depend on a number of libraries, most of them are available in the maven repo. For the other libraries, I'd like to create a maven artifact, so I can use it as an dependency. The problem is, I only have jar files of these libraries. What is the best way to create artifacts from existing ...

How to make a jar file?

How can i make a jar file from both the command line and Netbeans 6.7? ...

How to find which jars and in what order are loaded by a classloader?

I could not find a clear answer to this question elsewhere, so I'll try here: Is there some way (programmatic or other) to get a list of JARs/classes loaded by an Application Classloader in the precise order they were loaded? By Application Classloader I mean the classloader that loads an EAR application in an applications server (WLS, ...

How to include external contentProvider(any api) package into android.jar in android.

Hello, I want to include contentProvider(say for some application) package in to android.jar. I was able to include it in sdk, well I could not do include in android.jar. It would be helpfull for me if i can include those apis in android.jar for my further development in eclipse.And to specify there are no proper documentation availab...


I have embedded an applet (jar file)in a html page Now when I am trying to access the web page , it is giving the following error. <APPLET CODE="com.xxx.tru.ReadNFCSerialNumber" NAME="Read" ID="Read" MAYSCRIPT alt="Photo Id" ARCHIVE="\test.jar, \ojdbc14.signed.jar, \ojdbc14_g.signed.jar" WIDTH="100%" HEIGHT="100%" HSPACE="1" VSP...

Modifying a jar file

I have a jar file which is used in html file as applet. I want to modify the content of the jar file and to rebuild the jar file so that the html will work fine with the new jar file. How can i do this?? I already tried unzipping using 7zip nad modified the source and created the new jar. But when i use it in html it shows some java.lan...

What is the best way to avoid maven-jar?

I am using a different plugin (ant4eclipse) to jar my files. What is the best way to avoid the maven-jar plugin from executing? I tried to remove the <plugin>maven-jar-plugin</plugin> I tried to <exclude> ** / * < / exclude> I tried to <skip>true</skip> None worked ...

How to Run an External jar file from within a firefox extension.

Here is the code I have so far... // Run the external encryption process var fileExe = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"] .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile); fileExe.initWithPath("~/tmp/Encrypt.jar"); var process = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/p...

Can values defined in MANIFEST.MF be accessed programmatically?

Can I access the values defined in a java manifest from code? ...

Jar file not loading

I have jar file which is signed on my local machine. Its working fine in local machine. When I upload it to the server it shows some error like load: class com.trusm.tru.ReadNFCSerialNumber not found. java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.trusm.tru.ReadNFCSerialNumber at sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2ClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source) a...

How do I figure out what namespace I need to import from a java library?

I'm writing some clojure code, and I'm relying on Joda time for time handling. The problem is that I don't know what to import and the documentation isn't terribly clear about it. Now I know that somebody here can probably give me the correct answer in less than 5 seconds, but I'd rather know how to figure this one out on my own (aside...

How to create an Ivy dependency for local jars inside your project/lib?

I have a couple of jar files, (some of which depend on each other), and I'm trying to have ivy manage them for my project. I do not want to create a "local" (user dir based) repository, because I want other users to be able to check out my svn project and run it without local/shared repository setup. For a variety of reasons, I cannot ...

Creating jars with multiple main classes in netbeans

I'm am creating a VoIP client server pair in java using the netbeans IDE. I would like to use only 1 project but I am unfamiliar with with how netbeans would create the Jar file. I need a to if this is possible and if so, how to set it up. ...

NetBeans - deploying all in one jar

I have NetBeans 6.8 and I wrote one class which has two libraries (jar-files). Building it, I get a "dist" folder with my project.jar and a "lib" folder which contains the two lib jar files. How could I get all this in one jar file? (I do not use Maven/Ant or something like this.) ...

Execute JAR in PHP

Hi Currently I have a website on my local computer that uses PHP to make a call to a .jar program. It works fine when I run it on my local machine. When I upload it to my host and try to run the same .jar file, I get no output... Do you know why this is? Do I have to change the PHP.ini on my remote host to allow jars to be executable ...

Get manifest-file from executed JAR

Let's say I have: core.jar client.jar (contains main-method) (uses core.jar) super_mega_client.jar (uses core.jar, client.jar) To run my program I use "java -jar super_mega_client.jar" How could I get the manifest-file from "super_mega_client.jar" knowing nothing about it's name and content? Actualy I need to create an util in core.ja...

Java -jar : access external configuration file

Hello, I'm looking to do something which I thought was not going to be difficult. I have an application that I'd like to package up as a jar because I've got ~30 dependencies and I would like to be able to deploy a single file. I have some configuration files - a properties file and a spring configuration file, and my log4 props file...

Mysaifu JVM on Windows Mobile

Can somebody outline the steps involved in running java games(jar) on windows mobile using mysaifu jvm. ...

JARS necessary to distribute Eclipse EMF based library?

I'm working with a library (MDHT from OpenHealthTools) to parse CDA XML. It relies on parts of Eclipse and the EMF plugin for Eclipse to do its thing. I've addressed most of the dependencies, but I'm still running into this error: Could not initialize class org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not init...