
How do I make Eclipse automatically include jars I place in my WEB-INF/lib folder into my project?

When I was doing JSP/Servlet programming, whenever I dropped 3rd party libraries into the WEB-INF/lib folder, they were automatically included in the project classpath. In GWT, this is not the case. Anyone know why? I loved how easy this was in JSP and I'd like these jars to be included automatically the same way. ...

How to load java applet from django template

My applet runs file when I call it from a static applet.html file, like this: <applet archive="applet.jar" code="com.xxx.yyy.PApplet" width="100" height="20"></applet> But how do I put the same line in a django template? And where should I put the .jar and .java files? I also noticed that it appends .class to the PApplet while lo...

Non-existent jar resources in Java eclipse

In eclipse, when using an external jar (SuperCSV in particular) I get an error which reads: "variable references non-existent resource". The build path has the Jar added to it and does not display any errors until run. Also the error seems to only occur when java RMI is used (commenting out the RMI code allows the code to run, just witho...

Create JAR file without including external dependencies

Is it possible to create a JAR file that requires external dependencies without including those dependencies in the JAR file? My google-fu has failed to give me an answer; everything that I have found shows how to include them in the JAR file, but not what to put in the manifest file to say "I haven't got them, look in the user's class...

Can I get Eclipse to automatically pickup JavaDoc in a JAR file?

Is there a way I can include pre-generated JavaDoc in a JAR file and have Eclipse 3.5+ automatically associate this with the contained classes? I know it's possible to manually set-up an association after the JAR has been added using the Eclipse GUI, but I'm wondering if there is, for example, something I can put in a manifest file so t...

How to read a file from a jar file?

hello guys I have a file on a jar file; it's 1.txt for example how can I call it ; my source code is : Double result=0.0; try { File file = new File("1.txt")); //how get this file from a jar file BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); String li...

How can I convert a JAR file to an EXE file?

I have created a JAR file and I want run it on a client. I have a couple of questions: How can I convert the JAR file to an EXE file? How can I encrypt the JAR file's contents? The jar file could be extracted with WinRAR and the classes could be decompiled with any Java decompiler. How can I create a installer? My clients doesn't have ...

How to bundle images in jar file

Hello..I made a java application.and bundled all classes in jar file..wen i run the project from netbeans my app is running successfully..but wen i place my .jar file at another place and run from there..i am not getting the icons used by my application..In the code i get my icons from images directory present in project folder. Now,i ...

maven tomcat plugin with mysql driver in $catalina_home/lib

Hi everybody, i am trying to use a container managed datasource (via context.xml) in tomcat. The corresponding jar file needs to go in $catalina_home/lib, otherwise tomcat can't find it. (not in webapp/WEB-INF/lib, because it is managed by the webserver, not by the application itself) the problem is: I am using maven with the maven-to...

Dynamic lib(rary) in Eclipse for NON-Dynamic Web Projects

Is there a way to add a dynamic library folder to a plain Java project similar to WEB-INF/lib in a Dynamic Web Project? I mean, can I specify a simple folder, let's just call it lib, and have Eclipse monitor it for any library jars I might want to add or remove. Currently I only know this behaviour from the Web App Libraries where any ...

java -cp "lib/*" versus java -cp "lib/*.jar"

If the lib/ directory contains only .jar files, what's the difference between java -cp "lib/*" ... and java -cp "lib/*.jar" ... If I use the latter I ran into errors regarding main class and I don't understand why. lib/* also contains lib/., but is this the crucial difference? ...

Eclipse create runnable jar problem

Ok I created a new Java project in Eclipse with Java class and its main method. Then when doing an export - runnable jar I do not see my new project being listed in the "Launch Configurations" drop down. I can see other projects but not the newly created one. I'm I missing something? public class SSLTest { public static void main...

Populating an object pool on JAR load

I have a core JAR that provides some functionality and hence used in lots of other apps as well - desktop apps, web apps etc. Now this core JAR maintains an object pool containing objects that are computationally expensive to create. The object pool is of fixed size and hence I create all of the objects at once and populate the pool. Wha...

Exporting external classes into JAR - Eclipse

I have few class files that are required for my project. I have added them in the source folder itself in appropriate folder structure. My limitation is that I have to deliver a single jar file with all dependent classes. It cannot be an executable jar file. Now the problem I am facing is that when I selected export in eclipse to export...

Specifying .class files as resources and make them copied to output (bin) folder - Eclipse

How to make eclipse treat a directory containing class files as a resource directory and make it copied to the output folder (bin) ? My project Structure is like this src com package1 all source files (.java) image files package2 some dependent class files (.class) bin com package1 generated ...

Difference between exporting files through 'JAR' and 'Archive File' approaches - Eclipse

Is there any difference between exporting a jar file through JAR and Archive File options in eclipse? I am maintaining proper folder structure for a jar file (package structures) during export through Archive file option and I do not need any manifest file. ...

Java jar symbol info : what is the equivalent of tdstrip ?

I have a .jar file which is 1MB. Without debug info, it should be about 100KB. Now, how do I strip the debug info? Oldtimers from the borland world might remember of a tool called tdstrip which would remove the symbol info from an .exe. What is the equivalent in the Java world? I'm trying to do mobile development where a 1MB file is wa...

How to create a Java application which can be run by a click?

I would like to have a Java application which can be easily started. So far I have managed to create a jar file but I do not see any advantages yet. Before I run my application by "java HelloWorldSwing" and now I use "java -jar HelloWorldSwing.jar" (which is even more complicated than the previous command and, as far as I understood, th...

How to generate an exe file from my java project ? Which tool should I use ?

I was asked to make a program (in java) by some person but I was stacked as I didn't know how to generate and exe file from my jar file... It would be useless If I install for them the jdk environment as this person don't how to program... Does anyone knows ho to do this or what tool should I use ? Regards from Córdoba Capital, Argentin...

How do I reference and export another project when developing a J2EE web app?

I have several J2EE projects using servlets, each of which extends from a base class that handles the main doGet and doPost methods and calls more specific methods on the subclasses. Rather than have that base class as a class in each WAR file, I want to move it to its own JAR that each of the other projects can reference. I'm using Ec...