
IE6 turns jar into zip

Using windows server, I have a path to a file that, when you click the button, executes the jar file and runs the program. At least in firefox. The problem occurs with IE6. It takes my file.jar and turns it into file.zip. Any suggestions here? ...

How to add a jar build by a project to the project in eclipse?

I have a project which as part of the build process creates an XMLBeans jar file (stbSchemas.jar) which I want to include and reference in this project. Is this the best way to go about this (Single project) or should I have a child project which is built from the parent project? I am building this using Maven2 inside Eclipse. Is ther...

How to export each open project in Eclipse as its own JAR?

I have several projects open in an Eclipse workspace. Like so: com.harbl.project.one com.harbl.project.two com.harbl.project.three I would like to export those as JARs in a batch such that I wind up with the following JAR files: ./com.harbl.project.one.jar ./com.harbl.project.two.jar ./com.harbl.project.three.jar Is this possible w...

Resources access problem from JAR

I have the following directory structure of a project: Folder "project" in Eclipse: --folder "src" --folder "resources" ----trayicon2.png --folder "db" ----test.db --folder "bin" I'm accessing the image with: Image image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("resources/trayicon2.png"); and from Eclipse that is not a problem. Th...

Package does not exist

I get an "Build failed" error with error output when I try to build my project in Eclipse: [javac] ......\src\example\servlet\ScrapingServlet.java:10: package org.apache.http.client does not exist [javac] import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; But the Eclipse editor does not give any error. I added the jars to the project with P...

Managing JAR dependencies in a solo development environment...

Should I use something like maven for this? Or would finding them as they occur be better? I am not supporting any users other than myself. ...

Jar dependencies to use jetty httpclient

Hi all, I want to use the jetty httpclient(in netbeans) but have the least number of jar dependencies. I know I can import all jars from the jetty lib folder to my project but I would like to know what the minimum number of dependencies are and how you did find this out? Our there tools to find jar dependencies? ...

Modify Executing Jar file

Hello Stack Overflow friends. I have a simple problem which i fear doesnt have a simple solution and i need advice as to how to proceed. I am developing a java application packaged as and executable JAR but it requires to modify some of its JAR file contents during execution. At this stage i hit a problem because some OS lock the file...

Reading a file from a jar, or anywhere on the classpath?

I'm trying to build an application that builds a resource file into a jar, but I'd like to have the project runnable within eclipse. I have a basic maven 2 structure for my project, and I'm unsure how to read in the file such that it's found and used when run from the JAR or from within eclipse. Thought? Structure: src/main/java src/ma...

can Apache Maven be set to download jar files from an ftp??

i want maven to download custom jar files from an ftp how to set the path? and is there anyway i can combine dependencies or plugins within one element tag.i dont want to write for each dependency r plugin like importing from one external jars folder btw i am using maven plugin for eclipcse ide thanks ...

Maven problem with invalid jar file which is actually html

i'm running into a problem in my maven build recently, that it downloads a jar file for the javamail-1.4.jar or something, but it turns out the file is not a real jar file, it's actually a html with a link to where to get the correct jar. it seems to be the repo has changed for that. but in my maven setting everything is supposely to g...

It is possible to include layout and other resources in an Android jar?

I'm building a jar so that other developers can use the view I create in their Android applications. I'm wondering if it is possible to use a layout resource in my jar so I can build the layout of my view or if I need to build up my view programmatically. Similarly, can I include image resources in my jar file? ...

Set Icon Image problem in Jar file

The following code works when running the NetBeans IDE. this.getFrame().setIconImage(Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("PlagiaLyzerIcon.png")); However, once it was built into Jar file, the icon was gone. Anyone has idea what's the problem? I realized I've to put the icon image on the root directory, however, after compiling into J...

how to step into code from jars (non JDK) using IntelliJ?

I am new to IntelliJ (and Stackoverflow) and fairly new to Java,In my application I am using code from jars that in IntelliJ I added as "External Libraries". I also have the source code for those jars, but I rather not compile it (they are huge and complex). Now while debugging my application I would like to step into the library code th...

how to put .properties file in classpath of an Eclipse plug-in

Hi. I have an application which is making use of a .jar file and a .properties file which must reside in the same directory as where the .jar file lies. On a normal java application, this works fine, however I'm building an Eclipse plug-in. I've tried attaching the .properties everywhere, in the classpath, build path, putting them in th...

How to refresh external Jars in eclipse project (Java)?

Hi all, I have a java project in Eclipse which includes a couple of external jar files. These external jar files are being rebuilt through a different process (not eclipse, ant). Those changes are not being reflected on the eclipse project even if I refresh the project. If I close the project and reopen, it works. Any suggestions on h...

What is best practice (and implications) for packaging projects into JAR's?

What is considered best practice deciding how to define the set of JAR's for a project (for example a Swing GUI)? There are many possible groupings: JAR per layer (presentation, business, data) JAR per (significant?) GUI panel. For significant system, this results in a large number of JAR's, but the JAR's are (should be) more re-usable -...

Java: Embedding Soundbank file in JAR

If I have a soundbank stored in a JAR, how would I load that soundbank into my application using resource loading...? I'm trying to consolidate as much of a MIDI program into the jar file as I can, and the last thing I have to add is the soundbank file I'm using, as users won't have the soundbanks installed. I'm trying to put it into my...

Which JAR contains org.springframework.orm.hibernate.HibernateTransactionManager?

Hi I am trying to use Hibernate+Spring in my application but stuck into following error: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.orm.hibernate.HibernateTransactionManager Tired of googling, could any stackoverflower tell me which JAR contains the above class? EDIT An important thing that I did not notice was that Spri...

ant task to remove files from a jar

Hi, How to write an ant task that removes files from a previously compiled JAR? Let's say the files in my JAR are: aaa/bbb/ccc/Class1 aaa/bbb/ccc/Class2 aaa/bbb/def/Class3 aaa/bbb/def/Class4 ... and I want a version of this JAR file without the aaa.bbb.def package, and I need to strip it out using ant, such that I end up with a JAR ...