
Twitter APIs for blackberry implementation

Hi friends, I am trying to implement the blackberry application which will help the user to update his status through application. Its like user will enter the username, password and status it will update his status on twitter. I have seen Twitter API docs but didnt understood how to start. It has many things like application registra...

Add code/jars to a google app engine application after initial deployment

I am playing around with google app engine and I'm thinking about starting an open source project that does something similar to Zikula (formerly known as postnuke) or more or less portal servers. So I'd like to have a kernel that provides certain services like page management, user management, ... and "modules" (or portlets in case of t...

differentiate same class name in two diffent jar files

I am developing blackberry application using BlackBerry JDE 5.0.X , in which i am using JSONOrg to parse json response now JSONOrg has few .java file which is using java.lang.Class from rt.jar file. so now the problem is BlackBerry JDE also has its version of java.lang.Class in net_rim_api.jar (which is a dependent jar file for BlackBe...

jar dependencies in android- no class definition found exception

I resolved this issue myself. It turns out that the activation framework requires some libraries that aren't native to android, myjava.awt.datatransfer, org.apache.harmony.awt.*, and org.apache.harmony.misc. Once i added those libraries everything worked fine. I'm trying to use the gdata java client library on android and have ...

Is there something like bsdiff/Courgette for jar files?

Google uses bsdiff and Courgette for patching binary files like the Chrome distribution. Do any similar tools exist for patching jar files? I am updating jar files remotely over a bandwidth-limited connection and would like to minimize the amount of data sent. I do have some control over the client machine to some extent (i.e. I can run...

How to reference a .dll from a .jar file

I have an application which uses methods in a .jar which calls a .dll. This works fine for me on my machine (when the app is unpackaged or run as a .jar itself) but when the application.jar is run on another machine, with the external .dll on the system path, it cannot run the dll file. Does the .dll have to be located anywhere special?...

How do you invoke a python script inside a jar file using python ?

I'm working on an application that intersperses a bunch of jython and java code. Due to the nature of the program (using wsadmin) we are really restricted to Python 2.1 We currently have a jar containing both java source and .py modules. The code is currently invoked using java, but I'd like to remove this in favor of migrating as muc...

reading xml file inside a jar-package

Here's my structure: com/mycompany/ValueReader.class com/mycompany/resources/values.xml I can read the file in my Eclipse project, but when I export it to a .jar it can never find the values.xml. I tried using ValueReader.class.getResource() and ValueReader.class.getResourceAsStream() but it doesn't work. What's the problem here? H...

AndroidManifest from Jars

Is it possible to have an AndroidManifest.xml and or resource files in a Jar file and import that into a executable Android project? My goal is to provide styles, resources, and services from a jar library that can be accessed from a main android project for my common tools. ...

How to reduce apk bloat through library usage?

Hi all, I added google-collect-1.0.jar to my Android project and it made a 50K .apk into a 250k .apk (both Release). This was all through using a single method Lists.newArrayList() Is there any way to reduce the overhead? ...

Ant: project dependencies in a flat project layout with ivy

Hello, I have two (Eclipse-) projects. Project A depends on project B, but the projects aren't nested i.e. project A is not a subproject of project B. Apache Ivy is responsible for the dependency management. When I run the compile task in Project A, is there any way to trigger the compile task (in project B) automatically (for example ...

Jar Store - prevent from copying

We are going to create Jar Store the way like App Store works, but for Java Developers. Everyone will able to submit and sell custom .jar library which solves some little problem, but solves it very good to save other developer's work time. The only undecided question is how to prevent .jar copying or publishing bought .jar to the Net....

Java applet loading images from external jars

I have a jar on a server, and users should be able to develop extensions for it. Therefore the jars main class should be extended and some resources should be added to a second user created jar which will be loaded from another server or locally. Now I have problems accessing the resources (images) from the user loaded jars. Heres is the...

Gradle: Make a 3rd party jar available to local gradle repository

Hi, currently, I'm testing Gradle as an alternative to Maven. In my projects, there are some 3rd party jars, which aren't available in any (Maven) repositories. My problem is now, how could I manage it to install these jars into my local .gradle repository. (If it's possible, I don't want to use the local Maven repository, because Gradl...

Including Android Activities (and their layouts) in JAR files.

I'm trying to write a library that can be shared as a JAR file. This library will include an Activity and I'd like to include the layout in the JAR. Since it doesn't seem possible to include resource files in a JAR and I don't want the end-users to have to include these files themselves I was thinking it would be a nice hack to include t...

How to call java from C++

I need to run this line from my c++ program: java -jar test.jar text1 text2 the java app will give a float value and give it to the c++ program. How can I do this? I never call a java stuff before from my ms visual studio C++ file. ...

Java WebApp: Loading resource from .jar located in WEB-INF

There are a lot of similar questions, but, probably, mine is a little bit different: What is the right way to load resource from inside of .jar file located in WEB-INF/lib folder (if I know the jar file name and the name of the class it resource belongs to), while Web Application is running? Should I use getServletContext().getResourceA...

Expose jar resources over web

I have a web-service (with Spring-WS). I have a jar with several schemas (schema1.xsd, schema2.xsd and schema3.xsd) which I include in my web service. Is there a way to expose the schemas from the jar through a servlet somehow in my web-service wep app? My Spring MessageDispatcherServlet is mapped to /ws/ I would like my schemas to b...

How can I create a .jar file?

In the tutorial I found out that jar files can be created in the following way: jar cf jar-file input-file(s) However, it was not clear what are the input-file(s). Is that .java files or .class files? From the examples on the same page I can assume that should be .class files. But now it is not clear which .class files should I put t...

Why it's failed to load main-class manifest attribute from jar-file?

I have created a jar file in this way jar cf jar-file input-files. Now I try to run it. This does not work: jre -cp app.jar MainClass (jre command is not found). This java -jar main.jar also does not work (Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from main.jar). I also found out that To run an application packaged as a JAR fi...