
Where to put external archives to configure running in Eclipse?

As a Java/Eclipse noob coming from a Visual Studio .NET background, I'm trying to understand how to set up my run/debug environment in the Eclipse IDE so I can start stepping through code. I have built my application with separate src and bin hierarchies for each library project, and each project has its own jar. For example, in a Windo...

jar to python module

I am using an API which provides a Java version but not a Python version. I can switch to Java as right now I am only prototyping. but is there a quick way to convert the functionality of API packaged in a jar to a python module? ...

Packaging reference documentation with jar file

We are porting our .NET library to a java equivalent and is now looking at how to distribute this port. Packaging the classes into a jar-file seems like best practice and we would then ship this jar file in a zip along with some license terms. But what about the documentation? In .NET land it seems like best practice to distribute the x...

Java - copy Jar Folder

Hey Java - Developers Actually I am confronted with a Problem. I've got a ".apk-File" in one Package of my Application. apk is a kind of a jar File (apk = Android Package). I now want to copy this jar-file out of my Programm onto any other Location at the PC. Normally I would do this by using: FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream...

How to include text files with Executable Jar

Hi guys rookie Java question. I have a Java project and I want to include a text file with the executable jar. Right now the text file is in the default package. InputFlatFile currentFile = new InputFlatFile("src/theFile.txt"); I grab the file with that line as you can see using src. However this doesn't work with the executable j...

Question regarding Manifest in Java jar file

Hi All, Is is mandatory to have classpath inside a Manifest file inside the java jar file? can we do work without having the classpath inside it? The reason why I am asking this is because I have a jar file for a server application. When I tried to connect many connections with Server, Server went down and the error was "Too many open ...

my .jar file won't do anything.

I created a program that more or less holds an array of strings as an object and randomly prints one. so basicaly class Fun { string[] namestrings = new string[#] constructor() { fill with some strings} public static void main (String[]arg) { create instance of class ...

Get location from where the Java code is executed

I have a swing Java application that preserves a lot of data (you can think of a game and its saves for example). Those data are stored in files rather then in database. I would like to keep this files near installation files(.jar file) of my application.Some users(like me) are used to delete default application folder of OS when it com...

How to build your non-gui Java program into a console program.

I dont know how to describe it well, but i will try. Ok, i want to be able to build my java program so that when it opens, it will look and work exactly as it does in the console. So it reads the Scanner class and prints normally, and does everything it would do if it was in the console. Ive looked around for this and havent found anyt...

Java: Easy way to get method stub out of class files within a JAR file? Reflection?

Hi, I'm searching for a way to get a list of method stubs of all classes within a jar file. I'm not sure where to start... May I use Reflection or Javassist or some other tools of which I've not heard yet!? At least it may be possible to unpack the jar, decompile the class files and scan with a line parser for methods, but I think that ...

Getting .jar file onto a mobile phone error

Hello, I am trying to get a .jar file onto my mobile device. I have written a j2me application and I want to get it onto my phone. I have developed it in eclipse galileo and I export my project folder to a jar. When I try to download the jar file from the internet onto my phone I get an "incorrect description" error. Does anyone know ...

Open a file in a running java jar.

If I have a jar file that is running, what is the best way for it to handle the opening of launched files to it - is there any cross platform way of doing this or would I have to make it a native application via something like JSmooth first (would like to avoid as much as possible)? Say the jar file is running and is associated with tex...

Importing external .jar file to Android project

I've read various answers to similar questions on StackOverflow, so I apologise if I'm repeating another question, but I can't seem to get this to work. I have a standard java project in which I've written code to parse some BBC Radio XML data from the internet. The project is called BBCSchedules and the class I'm interested in is calle...

Eclipse hangs when rebuilding after the addition of an external JAR file.

I'm fairly new to Eclipse so if this is something simple I apologize, however when I attempt to add an external JAR file to my build path (specifically the "rt.jar" file which contains certain tools that I require) and then rebuild my project, Eclipse will hang at the end of the Build process. It'll get to 100% then just hang there usin...

what happen if I delete the xx.jar file after I started to execute the xx.jar

I have a server program running a java binary code (xx.jar file) While it is running I erranously delete the xx.jar file. The program continues to run. But I am not sure if the results will be correct, and I am not sure if the program will fail? When I delete the xx.jar file, the program was in a method for a long time and still it is ...

How can I tell NetBeans to use the latest available version of a JAR for a library?

I have a Netbeans project with a library defined which includes several JARs. These JARs are versioned like lib\blah\com.blah.wibble.jar_0.6.1.201004161543 . These are nightly builds from another project so that version changes often. I know I can point NetBeans at the specific JARs with the version name, but this means that every time ...

Checking for corrupt war file after mvn install

Is there a maven command that will verify that a WAR file is valid and not corrupt? Or is there some other program or technique to validate zip files? I'm on Ubuntu 9.10, so a linux solution is preferred. On occasion, I end up with a corrupt WAR file after doing mvn clean and mvn install on my project. If I extract the WAR file to my h...

Maven and version of jar in final artifact

I'm a beginner with maven 2 and I have a problem with the version of a jar in my project. I have the following dependency declared in my pom.xml: <dependency> <groupId>commons-logging</groupId> <artifactId>commons-logging</artifactId> <version>1.1.1</version> </dependency> But when I build my war, I get version 1.0.3 of that ar...

The same class file in multiple .jar files. How bad is this?

I have a library that writes data in either a text or binary format. It has the following three components: common data structures text writer (depends on 1) binary writer (depends on 1) The obvious way to distribute this is as 3 .jar files, so that users can include only what they need. However, the "common data structures" compon...

create jar file with images and database

Hi I am using NetBeans IDE and I have my images (what I am using in my project) in a folder named Images. When I am building jar it doesn't take that images. The code I am using to set image is, buttonObj.setIcon(new ImageIcon("\Images\a.jpg") any help please. ...