
Finding out the licenses of jar libraries

I use Maven to build my web app projects, when I add some dependent library to the pom file, it again adds some more dependent jars to the project recursively. Is there a way to find out or restrict that only jars having a certain type of license - say Apache License, BSD etc should be included. Or is there a way to find out that a jar f...

Problem with HBase in classpath

Hello, I'm having problem with using external jars in my file. I always get Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/hadoop/hbase/HBaseConfiguration at this line: Configuration config = HBaseConfiguration.create(); And this file is on the classpath, I'm setting options when running jar: java -jar hbase.jar -c...

Why does Java Web Start say a signed jar file is unsigned?

Java Web Start (JWS) says that it can't launch my application because the jar file is unsigned: Error: Unsigned application requesting unrestricted access to system Unsigned resource: .../dynaccn.jar But the jar file is signed: $ jarsigner -keystore ... dynaccn.jar idv $ jar tf dynaccn.jar META-INF/MANIFEST.MF META-INF/IDV.SF ...

Java execute jar which depends on other jar from command line

Hi, I have an application that uses an external jar. I used eclipse and it works fine. I export as jar from eclipse, having created a Manifest file that has as Class-Path: ./cab.v1.jar I place both jars in the same directory. I run in command line: java -jar myApp.jar and get java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError for the classes in the cab.v1...

how to run or install a *.jar file in windows?

i have downloaded jbpm-installer-3.2.7.jar but i don't know how to install or run the file. if i double click it it is opening in winrar application. i tried installing through command prompt, but i got some errors as follows C:\Documents and Settings\ccuser\Desktop\manoj>java -jar jbpm-installer-3.2.7.jar Exception in thread "main"...

Command Prompt - jar files

This is how I currently compile my code: jar cvf client.jar tileGen.class tileGen$GamePanel.class Player.class Well let's say I have a folder called \line_tile| and i want to put in that jar file all of the png files... like this. \line_tile*.png maybe? So in the Jar file it would be my tileGen, tileGen$GamePnale, and player classes t...

how to create empty jar file that references other jars in classpath

HI, I have a large number of jars that my j2ee app depends on, so I want to create a single jar file with manifest attribute referencing those jar files in classpath. Then I will place this file in glassfish lib dir so that jars mentioned become in classpath for application. the only problem is I dont know how to create this single ja...

UPS developer API missing ja

Hello, I am looking for what jar library to import into my software. I am using ups's Shipping_Pkg_Gnd.zip for a spring board to provide shipping label generation. However they did not provide a .jar library in any of sample code that they provide. Does anyone know where to get this library. Here are the imports that will not work beca...

JSF2 pages into a JAR

Hello, is it possible to put JSF2 pages into a JAR to use it from other web applications? If yes, is it necessary some extra configuration? Thank you! ...

Java Read bmp files?

Hi, I'm working on a map editor for a simple map builder. My idea was to paint walls in the map as black pixels, everything else (white colour) is free space in a room. Any .jar to read bmp files ? So as to avoid the header, etc? update Im reading about Image4j Thanks in adavance. ...

Importing Class from External Jar, Android

Hi, I created a new library and added the jars from web harvester to do a bit of web scraping in my android project. in my main activity I import classes that I need. but starting the project on my phone I get a 08-23 08:28:09.763: ERROR/dalvikvm(2123): Could not find class 'org.webharvest.definition.ScraperConfiguration', referenced ...

Java Runtime.exec running java problem

Hi, I have a simple server application, which I would like to run in the background. The following line works for me: Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd /c start java -jar ..\\server\\server.jar -Dlog4j.configuration=file:src\\test\\resources\\log4j.properties -filename src\\test\\resources\\server.properties"); But it displays the cmd wi...

How to run an eclipse workbench action

Hi I am developing an eclipse plugin. I have declared an action set with one action, but when the action is invoked it isn't doing what it should. Here is the class for the action. package instantmessengerplugin; import java.io.IOException; import org.eclipse.jface.action.Action; import org.eclipse.jface.action.IAction; import org....

Unable to open specific JAR file in Java Code

I'm not able to open my JAR file using the following code. Though, I'm able to open other JAR files. try { Desktop.getDesktop().open(new File("myPlugin.jar")); } catch(Exception exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); } } I don't know if I'm exporting the JAR file incorrectly ...

Change file in jar

Hi people, so, i have a jar file and in this jar there is another config.js file, and in this file i want to write. I have a Resource class of this file (org.springframework.core.io.Resource), so i can get a full URL or getFile() from this Resource. URL look's like this: jar:file:/Users/admin/.m2/repository/code/1.1-SNAPSHOT/code-1.1-S...

How can I use use endorsed jars for one part of application and classpath jars for another?

In a environment the following jars have been endorsed because a particular module for SingleSignOn uses these versions of jars: - • xercesImpl-2.9.1.jar • serializer-2.9.1.jar • xml-apis-2.9.1.jar • xalan-2.7.1.jar • resolver-2.9.1.jar These endorsed jars are creating a problem as now these jars are used for parsing and not the corre...

How to remove a line from a manifest file inside a jar, from the command line?

Hi, i need to remove a line from the MANIFEST.MF inside a jar, I tried extracting it and generating a new manifest and using jar umf to put it inside again, but it not worked and the line is still inside the jar. I do not want to rebuild the jar and neither do it manually using 7-zip, there are many files that I need to remove the exact ...

Should I bundle source and class files in the same JAR?

Separate Jars When creating JAR files, I've always kept the source separate and offered it as an optional extra. eg: Foo.jar Foo-source.jar It seems to be the obvious way to do things and is very common. Advantages being: Keeps binary jar small Source may not be open / public Faster for classloader? (I've no idea, just guessing) ...

Including scala-library.jar in Maven generated package

I'd like to use Maven to include all the dependencies needed to run any Scala programs I write. I imagine this would mean at least scala-library.jar as well as any libraries I may use. I don't mind where these dependencies are stored (inside the generated JAR or outside), I'm just looking for a solution that sets up stuff like the manif...

Error while signing jar

Hi, I am trying to sign the jar, but I am getting this exception- [exec] jarsigner: Certificate chain not found for: pvktmp:e40b0b30-dcc9-4aef-8450-15c2437a4959. pvktmp:e40b0b30-dcc9-4aef-8450-15c2437a4959 must reference a valid KeyStore key entry containing a private key and corresponding public key certificate chain...