
Export runnable jar from eclipse while excluding some files but including libraries

I am trying to create a runnable jar from an Eclipse project. If I use the new "export runnable jar", as far as I can see there's no way to exclude specific files. (I have a properties file that I am using for testing but that I don't want included in the production jar because I want the user to provide his own properties file.) On th...

Adding signature to jar file prevents it from being loaded

Hi, I am having the problem that adding a second signature to a .jar file causes trouble in combination with code that only has one of them. Background: We have an application that is signed with an expired certificate. It has a starter that can update itself by downloading new versions of .jar files and placing them in front of the e...

What's the point of signing code, like jars?

What is the point of signing your code like Java's jars when everyone can do it with jarsigner? How does it provide security? ...

How to read manifest file from dependent JAR in Android ?

Hi all! Does anyone know how to read values from MANIFEST.MF from my custom dependent JAR in Android ? I`ve tried many ways but it seems that they do not work for Android environment. ...

How to add start/stop functionality to a Java application for registering as a service

Hello, We are writing an application in Java and it needs to be start/stoppable by another application, like a service/daemon. We package it in a .jar which encapsulates everything it needs to run, and put it in a "working directory" which contains configuration files, variable resources, logs, etc. Is there a good way to be able to st...

java: using external library

Hello, I would like to use an external library (e.g. google's guava) for my java program. I use eclipse IDE, so I downloaded guava's jar (and sourced) and followed http://www.vogella.de/articles/Eclipse/article.html#classpath_jar to add it to eclipse and to the builpath of my project. This works fine: I can run the program from eclipse ...

How do you recompile a jar file?

I took an old jar file and edited it. Now i have a folder that has all the files and I want to recompile them back to a jar file. How do i do this? ...

Do I need to create custom ClassLoaders to support new archives format?

I need to support loading classes from other types of archives(tar.gz,tar.bz2...) and custom types defined by third parties. Do I need to override the 'loadClass' method to achieve that? (Perhaps theres another extension point for doing this? I still want to benefit from all the security checks made by the default class loaders). ...

GWT RPC using classes from jar on client side

My problem is very similar to this only in my case the class comes from a jar. So again: I have a class in a jar on the server side and I would like to use it on the client side. I already added a source to the main.xml but it doesn't work and I can't find any tutorial or example about this. ...

Where can i get j2ee.jar from?

Where does it come from? I expected it to be either a part of my JDK or Eclipse, that expectation proved to be wrong. ...

How to build a jar using maven, ignoring test results ?

Actuality when i run tests they fails but i need to run them to get some .class files which are very important for my jar. By default when test results fails , the jar is not build , could i add a setting in pom.xml which ignore that, so I can build the jar ignoring results from tests ? I read something about "Maven Surefire Plugin" bu...

Clean up after external Java library

I'm using some external, i.e. jar, library in my application which unfortunately does not properly clean up after itself, i.e. the second time I create an object from this library it does not work as expected. I suspect that it is because the library creates some threads which keep running, but I'm not sure. Is there any way to force a ...

how can i read file from jar in java?

I want to read xml file which inside one of the jar included in my class path. I want to know that how can i read any file which is included in jar? ...

C#'s equivalent of jar files?

Java provides the jar file so that all the class files and jar files are merged into one file. Does C# provide equivalent/similar functionality? ...

How can I specify the mainClass in the manifest with minijar-maven-plugin?

I'm using the minijar-maven-plugin to reduce the size of my jar-with-dependencies jar but I need to specify a mainClass like I can do easily with the maven assembly plugin. How can i specify the mainClass in the manifest while still using the minijar plugin? My minijar configuration is the default: <plugin> <artifactId>mini...

Is there a performance difference between using 20 jars and using only one repacking them?

My program uses around 20 jars (for a total size of about 30mb). For now, they are all added to the classpath for the released version, and all jars are deployed with the rest. Would there be a performance impact if I was unpacking them and repacking them into one jar? ...

How do I distribute a JOGL application?

Hi, I've written an application the builds fine on my machine but when I move it to another machine the dependent JOGL libraries cannot be found. Is it possible to create a build that sets up all the required JOGL files so that you can distribute your Java application with the necessary JOGL libraries? If someone could explain this in...

The magic behind the executable jar?

Jar is a convenient way to use java, as every class can be included in one jar. I use antlr as follows, and it calls jar using -jar option. java -jar $ANTLRDIR/antlr-3.2.jar ANTLR_CODE.g And, this is the command that calls clojure. Instead of calling clojure.jar using -jar option. It's in the -cp, and calls some 'function'. java ...

$CLASSPATH and -cp with Java

In this post, I was told that -jar ignores all the -cp and $CLASSPATH. Why is this? Is there any reason for this? I was also told -cp option also ignores the $CLASSPATH. Why is this? Is there any good reason for this? ...

How can I start and stop a jar file using another jar file?

Hello friends, I want to start and stop a jar file using another jar file or java class. I am able to start the jar file using this command: Runtime run=Runtime.getRuntime(); Process process=run.exec("java -jar setvalue.jar"); The process is started and working fine. But I am not getting how I can close that process from other java c...