
Eclipse: specifying classpath in Manifest when creating a runnable jar

Hi All, I am using eclipse to create a runnable jar. During runtime my code looks through the classpath for a config file, which it reads in. However, as a runnable jar it is not finding this config file. I guess the config file will need to exist as a seperate entity on the filesystem somewhere. How do I specify the classpath in the ...

How to create a Maven Artifact, from lonely *.jar files?

Hey, I'm using Eclipse to manage my SVN repository, and I have a few projects that depend on the same Jar files, I would like to create a maven artifact of these Jars (if possible using Eclipse) and commit that artifact into my SVN repository for further use. How can I achieve that? Thanks, Adam. ...

Load image from external jar ,classpath at runtime

hey all , i have an application depends on plugins i have a case when i want to load an image from one of my plugins jar the only way to load the image is ClassFromPLugin.class.getClassLoader().getResource("image.png"); how can i load the image without using the ClassFromPlugin but use current Component class who need that image ...

Ant: Create tar without path information?

Update: I am using Ant 1.8.1 on Windows XP. I am trying to write an Ant master build file for multiple projects. I can successfully create a jar for each project, and I want to package all of these jars into a single tar.gz file. Each jar file is located within the bin subdirectory of its respective project, but this path could be ch...

Is there a way to start a jar file hidden?

I have a .jar file that I would like to run hidden in the background every time I start my computer. I use javaw -jar x.jar to load it but I can't seem to find a way to start it hidden. Is there a way? Thanks in advance. ...

Ant script to modify a jar

Is there a way I can modify a file in a jar using ant script. Like, I have a x.properties in a y.jar. I want to edit this x.properties and put it back into the y.jar using ant script. Is this possible? ...

how to create (or run) .jar file from .scala files?

There's an open source program called CIMCheck (http://wiki.cimtool.org/CIMCheck.html) that is supposed to be a command line utility which is run with command java -jar cimcheck.jar [option...] argument1 argument2 When I downloaded the source code, there was no .jar files at all, only a couple of .scala files and others. So I hav...

Using an EAR file to create new project in JDeveloper

I'm not even sure if I worded the question correctly. I've tried googling, but can't find anything relevant. Basically I need to create a working project folder in JDeveloper from an ear file. The ear file is all I have, and I need to be able to modify code. The ear has a war and the war has numerous jar files. I have no experience ...

In memory jar / class file execution

Hi, I have a jar file (say app.jar) in a certain location available as a file/stream from an http server. The problem is that app.jar is itself a frequently updated jar file being updated regularly at the server. I have another jar file (say load.jar) which is simply downloadable by any user. At runtime, the user runs the load.jar, whic...

How to import a jar in Eclipse?

How to import a jar in Eclipse? ...

how to know which class / package/ methods used by given jar file?

I have a jar file. I want to know which external classes and methods is used by classes inside jar file. Can anyone suggest me any tool? For example import java.util.Vector; class MyJarClass{ public static void main(String args[]){ Vector v = new Vector(); AnotherClass another = new AnotherClass(); v.addEle...

JPA and database in a single jar

Hi all I created an app which uses JPA and MySQL. Now I like to create simple desktop application out of it (eg a simple jar would be best). Two questions: What's the easiest way to get a project including all jars it depends on out of eclipse in a simple jar? Can I use a database like sqlite or derby which requires no installation (e...

How do I build a single bundled JAR with all the needed classes to run a Java application?

I'm going to deploy a Java application with a custom launcher, and I need to have all the classes needed for my app in a single jar file so I don't have to deploy the entire Java SE libraries with it. I was thinking of using some pre-existent ant tasks to create a target that recursively searches all my compiled classes files for its d...

Reliable approach for loading resources in Java / JNLP

I'm writing a Java application that needs to access several resources in a .jar file that is run over JNLP. While the application works fine in my development environment (Eclipse) it doesn't work when executed through JNLP, apparently because it can't find the resource file in the jar. I've checked the resource file and the resources a...

How do I sign my ProGuard'ed Scala stand-alone JARs?

I've built a (command-line) application in Scala that I want to distribute as a standalone JAR. I'm building it with sbt: import sbt._ class Project(info: ProjectInfo) extends DefaultProject(info) with ProguardProject { override def parallelExecution = true override def mainClass: Option[String] = // whatever override def ...

Problem creating an executable jar from scala file.

I'm tryign to export my project as a jar with IntelliJ 9.0. My project compiles and runs with no problem in Intellij, but when I write it to a .jar and open it, it will show an error. My Main class is something like: package Main //Imports object Main{ def main(args: Array[String]) { println("Main: Hello, world!") //do stuf...

Is there a way to have JAR dependencies of a Netbeans project provided to another (dependent) project automatically?

Hi everybody, Assume the following project setup in Netbeans Project A depending on Project B depending on lib/projectBLib.jar In my current setup, I have to tell Project A that it depends on projectBLib.jar, otherwise it is not loaded. I would have expected Netbeans to handle dependency chains for me (as other IDEs do). So am I doing...

What version of javac built my jar?

How can I tell what version of the Java compiler was used to build a jar? I have a jar file, and it could have been built in any one of three JDKs. We need to know exactly which one, so we can certify compatibility. Is the compiler version embedded somewhere in the class files or jar? ...

Load a file that's been bundled within the .jar?

I'm building a project with ant and during the build I'd like to bundle a number of property/config files directly into the .jar to make distribution simpler. I've been successful in adding these files to the .jar, but I'm unable to load them in my program. What is the procedure to open/read a file that's been bundled into a .jar file? ...

How to get a .jar to recognise and use a bundled log4j.xml file?

I'm building a project with ant and during the build I'd like to bundle a log4j.xml file directly into the .jar to make distribution simpler. I've been successful in adding the file to the .jar, but it doesn't seem to be recognised. What do I need to do to ensure the file is recognised and used by log4j? I'm new to Java, so a clear desc...