
How to make maven "add directory entries" when packaging ?

I have a program that makes use of getClass().getClassLoader().getResource() to obtain an URL to a directory, it works fine when in eclipse , but after jared , it returns null. According to this url : http://www.coderanch.com/t/385935/java/java/getResource-path-fails-Jar The problem resulted because the path itself did not exist ...

java class not found despite providing a jar file

I'm puzzled by the process of running java programs, maybe you can help. I have several .java files in ~/working_dir/org/project/ that have main functions, and I want to package them in a jar to run them. I do: cd ~/working_dir/org/projectname javac -classpath $CLASSPATH *.java cd ~/working_dir/ jar cf myjar.jar org/ And then try to ...

download spring with dependencies

hi there, is there a way to get a spring-with-dependencies.zip for the latest version of spring (3.0x) ? I know that one could get whatever dependencies using maven/ivy but if I were NOT to use either of these tools, AND also without knowing which library versions are compatible, how can I get all the JARs one-shot ? Just like CentOS ...

How to Install mysql with my install.jar?

I am using izpack to create installer for my java application. I have to install mysql before jar installed and also i want to start my jar automatically after installation completed. How can i do any help please.. ...

[Blackberry] How can I debug a .jar library source code imported in my unit testing project?

Hi, I'm working on a Blackberry application (JDE 4.6.1 + Windows machine + Elipse). Currently my workspace involves two main project Unit testing application (called unitT) my application (calle myApp) Basically,I compile the myApp project in a .jar file and I import this as a library in the uniT project (so I can reference it). The ...

Cannot find Main Class in File Compiled With Ant

I compile and run my program in Eclipse and everything works fine, but when I package it with Ant and run it, I get this error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/supercsv/io/ICsvB eanReader Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.supercsv.io.ICsvBeanReader at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Un...

Using third party jars - Factors to consider

What are the factors that I need to consider when I include a third party jar in my application? I have listed a few below. Is there anything else that I am missing? And how does the Memory footprint work? What is the jar size has got to do with the Memory footprint? Memory Footprint Stability API usage Community Support Cost ...

Creating a custom class in the same package defined by a jar file (JMF custom data sources implementation)

I'm trying to extend the JMF implementation for custom data sources in a custom environment. My JMF implementation is packed to a jar file (only class files, all obfuscated). The JMF's package manager uses reflection to instantiate a class. It looks into one of the following packages for the desired class: javax, com.sun, com.ibm. All t...

Is there a maven equivalent of rpm --whatprovides for a jar file?

How do I use maven or another tool to find which dependency of a dependency which provides a particular jar? Sometimes they're three or four dependencies deep. ...

Perl: Read MANIFEST.MF file from Java .jar file

I'm trying to figure out how to read the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file form a java jar file in perl. I'm attempting to use Mail::Header in order to separate the properties in the manifest. This works fine if the manifest file is already extracted from the jar, but I'm trying to figure out how to extract the manifest into memory and then imme...

Avoiding duplicate library .jars when exporting a single .jar in Eclipse

I'm using the Eclipse "Export... Runnable jar file" feature to package up my Clojure+Java application for deployment. This works great, magically including various resources and Clojure source files etc. The one issue I have is that various libraries I have get included multiple times from the "lib" directory dependant projects, e.g. I...

Jar Can't Find Main Method - Connected to main class, but can't access method.

Hey everyone! I've been working on a project in Eclipse and everything's been going smooth except for some Ant issues along the way. My code compiles perfectly and does exactly what I want it to do, but, when it's in a jar, I get the error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: main Main definitely exists in the f...

Unziping a file that contains other Zip Files

Hi Folks, I'm trying to unzip a files that contain other zip files. My attempt is based on the following Java2s code: http://www.java2s.com/Code/Java/File-Input-Output/LoadresourcefromJarfile.htm. My only difficulty is that when an entry is itself a Jar file, I'm not able to unzip it without writing it to a temp file first. Here is wh...

How to read a directory from a jar file in web start

I have been trying to implement Java WebStart but the problem I'm having is that I need to get a directory from a jar file with no luck... I need to read the following directory: jar:http://localhost:8080/nadeploy/lib/NuevaAldeaFonts.jar!/net/perroazul/nafonts/res When I instatiate it as: new File(new URL("jar:http://...nafonts/res"...

Understanding Java applets

Hi, I am trying to understand how applets work. I understand that a class file is bytecode, something that a JVM can understand and execute. When an applet runs on the user's system, the bytecode is transferred to the user system over the network. Now, what happens when there are more than one class files? For example, what if the cl...

JAR files - source code?

First of all, I'm not a Java developer. I don't know much about it. Your help is needed, Java pros! I've received source code for a Java product (actually a customized version of LimeWire) to make further changes. The archive contains a bunch of JAR files. Is it sufficient for developing the application, or those files for distribution ...

Specifying jar file in maven build argument

Hi, We have our project build using maven. We try to run our unit test cases in maven build itself and for doing that we need to add DB2 driver jar in the dependency of all the sub projects. Instead of doing that, we need a solution to specify the absolute path of the jar file as a mvn command line argument to use it in the running of...

Eclipse not using jars from add classpath variable

I added a classpath variable (via eclipse's build path) that points to a cache of jars. While this folder is represented in eclipse's folder view, the contained jars are not recognized for some reason. For example, when I import a class that is present in a jar in the cache (and thus the added classpath variable), eclipse indicates tha...

Using the plus sign (+) in a file path exported to a jar file

Hi, The title might not be entirely clear, but I'll try to explain. I'm trying to access a file with a path like /net/blm50+hmm/synlist/, which works fine when I don't export to a jar file and just run it from within my IDE (eclipse). However, if I try to run it when I have exported it, I get a null pointer exception. It runs without a...

Undefined Methods - J2ME + Nokia S60 Edition 5

Hi, I am trying to maintain/develop a J2ME application on Eclipse that uses the Nokia N97 S60 SDk, edition 5. When I try to build the project (after importing it into the workspace), I get the following error: The method getRGB(int[], int, int, int, int, int, int) is undefined for the type Image. Resource: SVGImplementation.java The...