
Adding and Testing Compatibility of External Jar to Blackberry Project

Hi, I am a newbie at Blackberry development. I have Eclipse 3.5.1 and Blackberry JRE 4.7.0. In my application, I added 2 external jars to my project and a properties file. I do not know for sure whether the jars I am trying to add and the webservices I am calling are compatible with Blackberry. I have to test that too. When I tried run...

Java - Could not find the main class?

I'm having a hard-time with a Java error. I'm getting this when double-clicking on my compiled project Jar file in order to run it: Could not find the main class: testPackage.testFrame. Program will exit. However, my main class is cleary defined in the project properties. Furthermore, everything works fine when I run the project direc...

Creating and Installing JAR files in S60 Devices

I hav written a J2ME application for Bluetooth chatting using L2CAP connections in Eclipse Galileo. The problem is the JAD/JAR file created by selecting Project->J2ME->Create Package, doesnt install on my S60 (Nokia 5233)phone. It says Authorisation Failed!!. And after installing the screen gets stuck when it comes to connections part, t...

Creating and using custom JAR in Android project

I am trying to create and use jar file in an Android project under Eclipse. I have tried various methods without any success. Here are the steps: Create jar file from the source files jar -cf lib.jar *.java Copy jar file to libs folder Right click, Build Path->Add to Build path Now, compiler gives unresolved symbols if I try to use a c...

Applet tag error

Hi, I'm getting a FileNotFound error when I try to include my applet. It tries to include a .class file, while I provide a .jar file. Here's the java console output: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:637) Caused by: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /Users/yvanjanssens/NetBeansProjects/yBlackJack/yBlackJackApplet.class (No such file or...

JavaApplicationStub with SWT causing problems

I created an application in Eclipse that uses SWT for the GUI. I've attempted to deploy the application using the Eclipse deploy, but it seems that when I do that, LSUIElement is not respected, and I can't force the application to disappear from the dock. Nonwhistanding that issue, the application actually deploys ok and is runnable. I...

How to programatically restart a jar ?

I wonder if an executable jar file can restart itself ? For instance after a user made some choice, the program says "Restart the app ?" and user clicks "Yes" then the jar shuts down and restarts itself. Frank ...

problem in creating jar file, eclipse.

Hi, I downloaded the source of some api like wsdl4j and i made changes to it, now i want to use this source as a jar file. But when i export it using eclipse export->jar file option and then add it in the buildpath compiler shows me the errors on the methods that i created in that wsdl4j source... does any body has idea how to tackle th...

Packaging and Deploying Scala Applications

What is the simplest way to package a Scala application for use on a desktop PC? I'm guessing that would be in the form of a jar file. At the moment I'm using SBT to compile and run programs I'd be interested in solutions for machines that have Scala installed (and the library in their classpath), as well as those that only have Java. ...

mac, java 1.5: javax.mail not recognized as a jar file

hello fellow java developers, Having a little issue with creating a java application on a macintosh computer (snow leopard). I've set up my application in eclipse, added all of the appropriate jar files, but for some reason the code is not recognizing some of my variables as valid types. I've imported the libraries via import javax.m...

Creating UTF-8 files in Java from a runnable Jar

I have a little Java project where I've set the properties of the class files to UTF-8 (I use a lot of foreign characters not found on the default CP1252). The goal is to create a text file (in Windows) containing a list of items. When running the class files from Eclipse itself (hitting Ctrl+F11) it creates the file flawlessly and open...

manifest.mf is overwritten by ecplise during jar export

Hello guys, I would like make an executable jar archive with eclipse. So into my project I created file src/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF : Manifest-Version: 1.0 Main-Class: MainClass Class-Path: . But when I export my java eclipse project eclipse warn me with following message: "JAR export finished with warnings. See details for additional...

Why it is impossible to delete entries from jar file?

It is possible to add new entries to jar file using jar tool. It is possible to modify some entries in jar file using jar tool. But it is impossible to delete some entries from jar file. Why? ...

Android Dictionary

Is there a dictionary API for Android. I am mainly looking for simple features like: -- Given a word, look up its meaning -- Look up all words that begin with "cat" Thanks Chris ...

Resolve error while loading 'dexed' JAR on Android

Hi, I'm trying to make a bundle for Felix on Android which may take photos regularly. All the code compiles well and it can be resolved by Felix, but when I try to start it, I get an exception (java.lang.VerifyError) and this trace in logcat : I/dalvikvm( 738): Failed resolving Lbarcode/android/CameraHandler; interface 1 'Landroid/har...

How to change JAR icon on mac?

Hi, I have a JAR file on my mac called Test.jar, and the file works perfectly fine when I click on it. All it does is it just opens a small window, and displays "Test", so it's a simple application (I am new to Java programming). My question is how do I change the icon of the jar file to a different icon of my choice? I have yet to figu...

Java command-line problems with .jar libraries.

Hi -- I have a single .java (driver.java) file I'm trying to compile and run from the command-line. It uses the external library called EXT.jar, whose structure is just a folder called EXT with a few dozen classes within it. So I run: javac -cp EXT.jar driver.java This compiles the class just fine. then when I run: java -cp EXT.jar...

How do I rebuild hibernate3.jar from the 3.5.2 distribution?

I made some changes to the hibernate source and need to rebuild hibernate3.jar. I tried "mvn deploy" but I get a 401 (trying to upload to the jboss repository, which I don't want to do). I followed the instructions here: http://community.jboss.org/wiki/HibernateRelease35wMaven . I'm basically unpacking hibernate-3.5.2.GA.tar.gz, enter...

too long line in manifest file while trying to create jar

I am getting a too long line error while trying to build a jar. the long line in the manifest file is the Class-Path line as the application uses a lot of third-party libraries. needless to say, I am using Windows :-( and Eclipse Java 1.6 I tried Class-Path: lib or Class-Path: lib/ but they did not work. ...

How to write to an XML file inside a jar file?

Hi Java programmers. I badly need your help. I have a JavaFX/Java ME application. I'm trying to modify an XML file inside my project's folder (soon to be packaged jar file). The path of the file I want to write: /parseExample/service1.xml Sadly, my application is a JavaFx/JavaME so it doesn't contain the library java.util.jar. So I c...