
give input to a runnable jar file through a file

I have created a jar file using ant. I want the jar file to take input from a external file. How can we achieve this? ...

debate: Is adding third party libraries to a war a good idea?

We have a debate going on . a. The "standard" way of assembling a web app. Create a WAR with all our app artifacts and all other components like hibernate and memcached etc are deployed in the tomcat/shared/lib area. b. Create a humongous war with everything included and nothing in tomcat/shared/lib. Pros for a - It keeps thi...

Different lib directories of JBoss

There is a number of different lib directories JBoss (5.1.0) uses: I can find jboss/lib, jboss/lib/endorsed, jboss/common/lib, jboss/server/default/lib and of course the jboss/server/default/deploy/myapp/WEB-INF/lib (am I missing something ?). From the above, I know that I need to use the last one (WEB-INF/lib) to put any jars my app ne...

Eclipse Jar export script

I have a shared project that I'd like to split up in Eclipse. It's an android shared library which some packages should just be jar files others need to be smaller shared libraries. What is the best way to handle this other than manually creating smaller projects? Also is there a way to create a script to create exported jar files from...

Unable to create File object for a file in Jar

Hi, I am trying to include a number of text files as resources in my runnable .jar-file. The following code should print the contents of one file: URI resourceFile = Driver.class.getResource("/etc/inputfile.txt").toURI(); System.out.println("Opening URI: " + resourceFile.toString()); File infile = new File(resourceFile); Scanner sc = ...

Create Android JarFile object that looks for file inside .apk?

Hi, I was curious if there was an effective way to create a JarFile object (see: http://developer.android.com/reference/java/util/jar/JarFile.html ) that references a jar file imported into the running APK? I'm trying to make a self-updating JAR file that can be imported into projects, so I can release patches and updates for the libra...

NetBeans: Force external class to be statically compiled into JAR?

I have a NetBeans project that relies on one specific Java class in another project. Right now, when NetBeans compiles the project, it only adds a reference to the other Java class, which leads to a NoClassDefFoundError since the external class isn't in the JAR. How can I force NetBeans to compile that external file into the JAR when i...

Can I instruct the jar command to ignore .svn folders ?

My project is synced with svn, While deploying to the client, the .svn folders too get included as a part of the build and the resulting war file size is doubled. is there a way I can specify jar command to ignore .svn folders ? This is how i specify the command : jar cvf ../MyProject.war . ...

Trouble writing file from within a java applet

Hello, I have created simple Java class to test file writes from applets: update appeared public class localfile extends Applet{ public localfile(){ try { File f = new File("testfile.txt"); BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(f,true)); out.write("test"); out.close(); } catch...

ZipFile does not list all entries in a jar

ZipFile (and, by extension, JarFile) silently ignores files with filename encoding other than UTF-8, it seems. ...

How can I read a UTF-8 text file from a jar using the Java method Class.getResourceAsStream()?

I have a UTF-8 file stored inside a java jar file. I am trying to read it using the method getResourceAsStream(), but the input stream reader that is returned by the function uses the default encoding, which is the ANSI one under Windows. How can I read a UTF-8 text file from inside a jar? ...

Java how to display the JTree File model if the application is jar file format.

I had an application with JTree will display the file in certain directory. After i export this application to jar file. The JTree can not read the file from the directory. Any idea? ...

JTree File model doesn't work after export to jar file

I had a jTree file model root set to "file/" all works fine, when the application export to jar file, it can't works. Any idea why does it happen? ...

lambdaj installation

we have downloaded jar files for lambdaj and its dependencies which are again jar files. we do not know how to go about it. we have copied these files in the C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\ext have set the class path in environment variales as: variable: classpath path: C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\ext but we do not know how to go fu...

how to refactor .jar file

hi all i have a .jar files.i want to see the classes and code how it is designed.when i try to open it in netbeans all .class extensions says cannot open.am i missing something??how to see the code behind a .jar file??? help is apperciated. ...

[Blackberry] Convert a .jar file into a .cod file using bb-ant

Hello, I'm working on a Blackberry application (JDE 4.6.1) on a Windows system. I need to convert a .jar file in a .cod file using bb-ant-tools. Does anybody know how to do it? I'm using: <target name="convert"> <rapc import="source.jar" destdir="${path}\bin\" output="source" jdehome="${testing.jde}" generatesourcelist="true">...

Does Eclipse upload 3rd-party GWT libraries to GAE?

One of the tips for lowering your app's cold-start latency is to use/upload as few JARs as possible. I'm wondering what can I do to prevent 3rd-party GWT libraries (like gwtquery.jar etc.) from being uploaded to GAE? (Once the app gets compiled these become useless, so it would be quite unfortunate should they attribute to the latency.) ...

best way to deploy a package

When I finished to write my classes I put them into a package structure and then I jarred all. Now which is the best way to deploy and use my jar? setting classpath; use CLASSPATH variable; using the extension mechanism. ...

[Blackberry dev] Eclipse doesn't generate .cod files from an imported .jar file

Hi, I'm developing a Blackberry application (JDE 4.6.1) and I need to import into my project some code packed in a .jar archive (let's call it YYY). The problem is that no .cod file is generated from that when I build my application (only the main application one is created),so the emulator show a message like: error: YYY module not ...

Java: Add Class to Jar archive at runtime

Hi I want to add some compiled classes (.class files) to directories(packages) in current Jar file at runtime How can I do that? Thanks ...